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External learning Shell Mabrouk Incident | | 2025/03/20 |
2024 Second Alert LTI#05 Finger Injury | | 2025/03/17 |
2024 LTI#11Finger Injury LOF | | 2025/03/17 |
2024 LTI#17 Leg Injury LOF | | 2025/03/17 |
2024 LTI#19 Released energy Finger injury LOF | | 2025/03/17 |
2024LTI#21 Pinch Point Finger Injury | | 2025/03/17 |
2024 Second Alert LTI#18 Trap Between | | 2025/03/17 |
2024 second Alert LTI#23 Released energy | | 2025/03/17 |
Air emission (Introduction) video | | 2025/03/09 |
2025 First Alert LTI#03 Crane Operator fell from crane boom and suffered injuries | | 2025/03/09 |
2025 First Alert LTI#01 Driver suffered back injury | | 2025/01/27 |
2024 First Alert LTI#26 Floorman fractured foot | | 2024/12/30 |
2024 First Alert LTI#25 Driver Low Back Injury | | 2024/12/11 |
2024 Second Alert HiPo#05 MWD Engineer Fire & Explosion | | 2024/11/19 |
2024 Second Alert HiPo#04 HV Driver MVI | | 2024/11/19 |
2024 Second Alert LTI#08 Driver MVI | | 2024/11/19 |
2024 Second Alert 3rd Part Fatality MVI | | 2024/11/12 |
2024 First Alert LTI#22 Rigger Shoulder Injury Manual Handling | | 2024/11/10 |
2024 First Alert LTI#23 HV Cable Pulling - Leg Injury | | 2024/11/07 |
2024 Awareness Alert LTI#20 Fatality #02 Driver MVI | | 2024/11/06 |
2024 LTI#19 Carpenter suffered fingers injuries while using cordless drill machine | | 2024/10/13 |
2024 LTI#18 Driver suffered fractured foot when tipper tire hit him during inspection process | | 2024/10/10 |
2024 LTI#15 Roustabout fell from frac tank and suffered injury | | 2024/10/08 |
2024 Action Alert- Fatality (Non PDO) inner tyre tybe burst 13th August Fahud. | | 2024/08/26 |
2024 LTI#11 Fingers crush injury 10th August Lekwair | | 2024/08/14 |
LTI#10 - HAL Service - Fractured Hand- 18.07.2024 -Lekhwair | | 2024/07/25 |
LTI#09 - HAL Service - Fractured Hand- 05.07.2024 -Qurn Alam | | 2024/07/24 |
Line of Fire Part 2 | | 2024/07/18 |
Line of Fire Part 3 | | 2024/07/18 |
IHTIMAM Safety Behaviours | | 2024/07/18 |
Line of Fire Part1 | | 2024/07/16 |
2024 Second Alert Awareness alert LTI#06 Fatality#01 Prime Mover Help fatal Injury | | 2024/05/20 |
2024 First Alert LTI#08 Left leg fractured MVI | | 2024/05/15 |
2024 2nd alert LTI#01 Civil helper fall Injured Arm | | 2024/05/13 |
2024 First Alert LTI#07 Finger cut while cleaning fish | | 2024/05/12 |
2024 2nd alert LTI#02&03 head on collision | | 2024/04/29 |
2024 First Alert Awareness alert LTI#06 Fatality#01 Prime Mover Help fatal Injury | | 2024/04/18 |
Safety Stand Down April 2024 | | 2024/04/01 |
2023 2nd Alert Hipo#15 Dropped the landing joint. | | 2024/02/27 |
2023 2nd Alert Hipo#11 Convoy load hit the flowline during rig-32 move . | | 2024/02/26 |
2023 2nd Alert Hipo#08 While a TO forklift was reversing and came into contact with three chemical drums. | | 2024/02/26 |
2023 2nd Alert Hipo#28 Beam Pump unit collapsed. | | 2024/02/26 |
2023 2nd Alert Vehicle fire incident. | | 2024/02/26 |
Q3 Deep dive outcome on Hands & Fingers | | 2024/02/26 |
2023 2nd Alert Hipo#32 Vehicle collecting waste/hooked loader rolled over | | 2024/02/22 |
2023 2nd Alert Hipo#06 The BOP disconnect of 2”3/8 NU coupling from TBG and fall down. | | 2024/02/22 |
2023 2nd Alert Hipo#34 Crane tipped over. | | 2024/02/21 |
2023 2nd Alert Hipo#47 ESP sheave drop due to failure in utility hydraulic Winch. | | 2024/02/21 |
2023 2nd Alert Hipo#13 BOP twisted while it was suspended on the crane. | | 2024/02/21 |
2023 2nd Alert Hipo#03 Fire extinguisher Horn was unsecured while pressure release. | | 2024/02/21 |
2023 2nd Alert Hipo#41 Bus caught fire. | | 2024/02/21 |
2023 2nd Alert Hipo#14 Crane fell over during the process of transferring a submersible pump from cutting pit to water pit. | | 2024/02/20 |
2023 2nd Alert Hipo#19 While raising the Mast, the Mast began to topple over and fell to the ground. | | 2024/02/20 |
2023 2nd Alert Hipo#20 Truck roll-over while moving load skid from Barik to Saih Rawl. | | 2024/02/20 |
2023 2nd Alert Hipo#12 Acoustic panel dropped from 12.5m to the ground in MAF. | | 2024/02/19 |
2023 2nd Alert Hipo#01 Driver lost control over vehicle and rolled over. | | 2024/02/19 |
2023 2nd Alert Hipo#04 The shade frame of Accumulator unit got unbolted and dropped to the side of the road. | | 2024/02/19 |
2023 2nd Alert Hipo#16 vacuum tanker collided with tipper. | | 2024/02/19 |
2023 2nd Alert Hipo#10 Truck collided with 3rd Party bus. | | 2024/02/19 |
2023 2nd Alert Hipo#18 5th wheel failure and tanker detached. | | 2024/02/19 |
2022 2nd Alert Hipo#05 Uncontrolled descend of travelling block. | | 2024/02/15 |
2022 2nd Alert Hipo#08 Drill pipe slid out from pipe cat basket opening and dropped | | 2024/02/15 |
2022 2nd Alert Hipo#13 Derrickman slipped and fell into cellar pit | | 2024/02/15 |
2022 2nd Alert Hipo#14 Dropped MDW tool | | 2024/02/15 |
2022 2nd Alert Hipo#19 Chiksan loop got entangled on TDS monorail causing to snap and dropped . | | 2024/02/15 |
2022 2nd Alert Hipo#25 Tanker carrying OBM rolled over. | | 2024/02/15 |
2022 2nd Alert Hipo#52 Pig material stuck inside the flowline and while checking the stuck up pig suddenly released. | | 2024/02/15 |
2022 2nd Alert Hipo#37 Crane lost balance and toppled over | | 2024/02/15 |
2022 2nd Alert Hipo#34 SOS CT Ejected out of injector head | | 2024/02/15 |
2022 2nd Alert Hipo#33 CT reel parted downhole and came out from IH | | 2024/02/15 |
2022 2nd Alert Hipo#31 Insert Bushing released with stored energy | | 2024/02/15 |
2022 2nd Alert Hipo#26 Traveling block dropped while rig move | | 2024/02/15 |
2022 2nd Alert Hipo#25A Acid Tanker rolled over with 10m3 of acid | | 2024/02/15 |
2022 2nd Alert Hipo#21 Driver lost control over vehicle and hit the streetlight | | 2024/02/15 |
2022 2nd Alert Hipo#20 PAC pipe slipped out of elevator and dropped | | 2024/02/15 |
2022 2nd Alert HiPo#03 Wheel loader hit 33kv OHL stay wire. | | 2024/02/14 |
2022 2nd Alert HiPo#03 Wheel loader hit 33kv OHL stay wire. | | 2024/02/14 |
2022 2nd Alert HiPo#29 Man lost canter stuck in the sand. | | 2024/02/14 |
2022 2nd Alert Hipo#12 Tipper hitted by Land cruiser from back at Junction. | | 2024/02/14 |
2022 2nd Alert Hipo#15 Driver lost control over vehicle and tilted over outside the road. | | 2024/02/14 |
2022 2nd Alert Hipo#22 During loading the drilling spool on lowbed trailer, the vehicle struck by the drilling spool and dropped on ground. | | 2024/02/14 |
2022 2nd Alert Hipo#23 Excavation of hard soil near by the HV cable, accidently hit on the live cable and got damage. | | 2024/02/14 |
2022 2nd Alert Hipo#32 Mast fell down from 88 degree and stopped at 40 degree causing crack of hoist mast. | | 2024/02/14 |
2022 2nd Alert Hipo#39 Pickup collided with the rear of a cement mixer truck. | | 2024/02/14 |
2022 2nd Alert Hipo#42 Fall Arrestor Structure Frame Pin Drop. | | 2024/02/14 |
2022 2nd Alert Hipo#43 Water tanker got disconnected from prime mover and rollover. | | 2024/02/14 |
2024 Firs Alert LTI#5 Electrician suffered multiple fractured fingers druing function test of power catwalk. | | 2024/02/01 |
2024 Firs Alert LTI#4 Fractured forearm while cleaning OBM cutting unit. | | 2024/01/30 |
2024 First Alert LTI#02&3 Pickup and Crane MVI Collision | | 2024/01/23 |
2024 First Alert LTI#01 Mason Arm Injury | | 2024/01/09 |
2023 First Alert LTI#22 Supervisor Hand Injury during Pump Maintenance | | 2023/12/24 |
2023 First Alert LTI#21 Mechanical Supervisor hand & finger | | 2023/11/26 |
2022 2nd Alert LTI#22 Electrician suffered burn injury from electrical flashover | | 2023/11/14 |
2022 2nd Alert FAT#1 crew bus collided with water tanker resulted in one fatal injury and 2 LTIs- fracture arm and leg dislocation. | | 2023/11/14 |
2022 2nd Alert MVI 3rd Party Fatality | | 2023/11/14 |
2022 2nd Alert FAT#2&3 Ejection of tubing hanger with its running tool resulted in 2 fatalities. | | 2023/11/14 |
2022 2nd Alert LTI09 While lifting the pump manually, it slipped and crushed plumber's finger.. | | 2023/11/08 |
2022 2nd Alert LTI10 pipe rolled off from the supporting frame and hit the Grinder right shinbone causing a fracture. | | 2023/11/08 |
2022 2nd Alert LTI11carpenter lost balance and fell into the foundation pit, his body hit a shuttering rebar resulted in injury | | 2023/11/08 |
2022 2nd Alert LTI12 &13 Explosion of lithium battery pack inside the MWD probe | | 2023/11/08 |
2022 2nd Alert LTI#14 Catering staff was descending from the freezer truck, he lost balance, slipped and fell on ground landing on hand and causing fracture. | | 2023/11/08 |
2022 2nd Alert LTI15 rigger was unbolting the stiffened bolt to release the pipe flange, the pipe hit his leg causing fracture. | | 2023/11/08 |
2023 First Alert LTI#20- Floorman back & hip injuries | | 2023/11/06 |
2023 First Alert LTI#19 Hand fracture released energy Qarn alalm | | 2023/11/01 |
2023 First alert LTI#18 Roustabout finger injury | | 2023/10/09 |
2023 First Alert LTI#17 Hand and Finger | | 2023/09/27 |
Mr. Musleh Learning from Incidents (2023 Q2) | | 2023/08/30 |
2023 First Alert LTI#16 Mechanic suffered finger injury | | 2023/08/24 |
2023 First Alert LTI#15 Chemical Burn | | 2023/08/14 |
2023 First alert LTI#14 GRE Technician Slip, Trip & Fall | | 2023/07/11 |
2023 First alert LTI#13 assistant Driller Hand & finger | | 2023/07/05 |
2023 First Alert LTI#12 Fractured Finger | | 2023/06/22 |
2023 First Alert LTI#11 Crushed Finger | | 2023/06/13 |
2023 First Alert LTI#10 Fractured Leg | | 2023/06/06 |
Safety Stand Down May 2023 | | 2023/06/01 |
2023 First Alert LTI#08 Fractured Leg | | 2023/05/31 |
2023 First Alert LTI#09 Fractured Finger | | 2023/05/31 |
2023 First Alert LTI#07 Fractured Finger | | 2023/05/29 |
2023 First Alert LTI#06 Fractured Wrist | | 2023/05/28 |
2023 First Alert LTI#05 Fractured leg | | 2023/05/23 |
2023 First Alert LTI#04 Amputated Finger | | 2023/05/22 |
2023 First Alert LTI#03 Fractured Foot | | 2023/05/21 |
2023 Q1 Mr. Musleh news | | 2023/05/17 |
2023 Awareness Alert HiPo#10 MVI | | 2023/03/22 |
2023 First alert LTI#02 wrist fractured. | | 2023/03/20 |
PDO safety stand down February 2023 | | 2023/02/20 |
2022 Q4 Mr. Musleh Newsletter | | 2023/02/20 |
2023 LTI#01 Field Operator suffered burn injury.. | | 2023/02/16 |
2022 1st Alert LTI43 Floorman fell and suffered fractured wrist a hump at graded road | | 2022/12/05 |
2022 1st Alert LTI41 Driver lost control over vehicle and rolled over | | 2022/11/16 |
2022 1st Alert LTI40 Assistant Mechanic suffer fracture of femur bone while bus crossed a hump at graded road | | 2022/11/07 |
2022 2nd Alert LTI01 Pipe fitter lost balance and fell into trench | | 2022/10/30 |
2022 2nd Alert LTI02 Welder fell on unbalanced handrail and hit his jaw | | 2022/10/30 |
2022 2nd Alert LTI03 floorman hand got caught between BOP winch beam and flow line | | 2022/10/30 |
2022 2nd Alert LTI04 Rear spring of the low bed trailer ramps got released and hit the floorman | | 2022/10/30 |
2022 2nd Alert LTI05 walkway platform flipped down on ground | | 2022/10/30 |
2022 2nd Alert LTI06 Roustabout lost balance while descending stairs and fell | | 2022/10/30 |
2022 2nd Alert LTI07 ACME coupling slipped trapping the derrick man fingers between the couple and shooting nipple | | 2022/10/30 |
2022 1st Alert LTI39 Mechanical Technician got hit by a bolt | | 2022/10/19 |
2022 1st Alert LTI#38 Rigger was engaged in a lifting activity of a single cubical panel, it tilted between the lifting belts and fell | | 2022/10/17 |
2022 1st Alert LTI37 trailer winch sling got released and hit the operators foot | | 2022/10/13 |
2022 1st Alert LTI36 outrigger of catwalk dropped and touched roustabout foot and caused fracture | | 2022/10/06 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo56 elevator lock opened & the joint slipped from the elevator and fell on to the v-door catwalk | | 2022/09/28 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo56A water mixing pump exploded caused part of pump's housing parted and ejected away | | 2022/09/28 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo57 driver suffered tyre blowout, lost control of his vehicle and tipped over | | 2022/09/28 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo58 Driver lost control on vehicle | | 2022/09/28 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo62 Empty tanker vehicle suffered major breakdown due to mechanical failure on its rear axel suspension. | | 2022/09/28 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo65A Vacuum tanker failed to follow the road diversion drove straight into the damaged portion | | 2022/09/28 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo02 during POOH activity the tool string fell on rig floor | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert Hipo03 3 Ton canter hit a trailer overtaking from left side | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo04 Sucker rod clamp fell and landed on a roustabout shoulder | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo05 Driver failed to contact journey manager and lost | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo06 Camp caught fire | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo08 CT-reel swivel get parted and fall on the ground with the pump iron connected to it | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo11 JCB rolled into workers | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo12 Bail slip during lifting, hit V door gate caused to drop to the round | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo14 Floorman got hit by power tong | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo#14A 12 tones Generator fell during crane lifting | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo15 LTHE Trailer hit another trailer while maneuvering. | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo18 Xmas tree fell from the trailer | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo19 Electrician partially fell into shale shaker settling tank | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo20 Crew Canter has rolled over onto its side | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo22 Dropped fall arrestor | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo23 PCP Drive head slipped fell to the ground from a trailler while transport to the wellsite | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo24 Trouble shooter while driving lost control of vehicle and rolled over | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo25 Crane toppled over | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo26 Continuous rod from safety clamp released from the clamp hitting the Driller on the face | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo26A Tubing got released from the basket (pipe cat basket) and dropped | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo27 Tubing slipped from the elevator and dropped through V-door and rested on ground nearby catwalk | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo27A empty water Jack Knifed on a graded road | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo29 Loader tip over | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo30 Floorman got hit by power tong | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo#31 Vacuum tanker rolled down after chocks removal | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo32 MVI vehicle hit camel | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo32A Hoist passed under OHL powerline with out kicker Board and rout survey available | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo33 Release of the BHA from the BH elevator | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo34 Winch line partted under tension and leading to dropped objects | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo36 Mid identification and cutting the wrong pipeline | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo37 MVI vehicle hit camel | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo39 Tipper working close the overhead line and led to Birba station trip | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo40 Elevator opened and drill pipe dropped near catwalk | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo41 Crane boom came in contact with overhead power line | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo42 Elevator opened, leading to drop 50kg assembly nearly hitting the Floorman | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo43A Surface tool got disconnected from Quantum Packer and dropped | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo44 Kelly hose, tubing dropped | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo45 Electrical flash | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo46 Mast collapse due to raising cylinder failure | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo48 Uncontrolled Descend of Traveling block | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo49 Heavy vehicle (prime mover and trailer) hit a camel | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo50 DP stand lifted using BX elevator and stand slipped out of elevator & fell | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo51 3 Ton canter rollover while controlling the vehicle to avoid camel hit | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo52 Permit holder noticed a damage of the OHL | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo53 King pin sheared, chain secured the crane snapped and crane rolled off the trailer during the rig move | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo54 Driver overtake in the wrong side and led to hit another vehicle and rusulted to a rollover | | 2022/09/27 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo55 Koomey unit dropped during lifting | | 2022/09/27 |
2022 1st Alert LTI35 Hiab rear door dislodged and fell on driver left forearm | | 2022/09/21 |
2022 Fat04 LTI32 Awareness Alert Jackhammer operator trapped under lump of soil | | 2022/09/20 |
2022 1st Alert LTI34 Welder right hand thumb got crushed between the drive belt and the guard cover of pipe cutting machine | | 2022/09/19 |
2022 1st Alert LTI#33 Banksman right hand thumb trapped between the fork and sleeper base | | 2022/09/08 |
2022 1st Alert LTI 31 Mason attempting to operate soil roller compactor, lost control and his hand hi the frame causing fracture | | 2022/09/01 |
2022 1st Alert LTI 30 Rigger fell from trailer, got hit by steel barrier and resulted in fractured leg | | 2022/08/24 |
2021 2nd Alert HiPo#01 mast fall onto the headrest | | 2022/08/21 |
2021 2nd Alert LTI20 FAT01 Trailer suffered tyre blow out causing the vehicle to swerve and roll over resulting in fatal injury to the driver | | 2022/08/10 |
2021 2nd Alert LTI21 Electrician hammering the wooden base to dislodge the VFD panel, the panel lost balance and toppled over the electrician causing injury | | 2022/08/10 |
2021 2nd Alert LTI22 FAT02 vehicle overtaking a dust cloud and had head on collision with another tanker resulting in fatal injury to vehicle driver | | 2022/08/10 |
2021 2nd Alert LTI23 Drill pipe fell from the tilted out rigger of the catwalk pipe rack, rolled over and hit the NTPs' left leg | | 2022/08/10 |
2021 2nd Alert LTI24 Pipe fitter suffered fractured finger while hammering a spanner | | 2022/08/10 |
2021 2nd Alert LTI25 Banksman pulled the lever of the backhoe bucket, the bucket releaes and dropped over operators leg causing fracture | | 2022/08/10 |
2021 2nd Alert LTI26 Grinder attempted to drill a hole in a hydrotesting blind using portable drilling machine and suffered fracture | | 2022/08/10 |
2021 2nd Alert LTI27 & 28 FAT 03 & 04 pickup collided with the rear of a stationary Hiab at a graded road and resulted in fatal injury to the passengers | | 2022/08/10 |
2021 2nd Alert LTI29 FAT05 canter driver came in contact with camel on road, his vehicle went off road and jumped over windrow resulting in fatal injury to the driver | | 2022/08/10 |
2021 2nd Alert LTI30 Diver kept hand in line of fire and suffered fracture of right hand finger | | 2022/08/10 |
2021 2nd Alert LTI32 Sewage tanker collided with a 3rd party vehicle entered its lane and resulted to fracture arm of the 3rd party vehicle driver | | 2022/08/10 |
2021 2nd Alert LTI33 Jackhammer operator hit by a stone which got dislodged from the sidewall of the trench during manual excavation resulting in fractured leg | | 2022/08/10 |
2021 2nd Alert LTI34 Roustabout was assisting in pulling the shaft from cable spooler, the shaft got detached from the reel and fell on his right foot causing fracture. | | 2022/08/10 |
2021 2nd Alert LTI35 Helper hand got trapped between hook and chassis while winching the wire rope into winch drum | | 2022/08/10 |
2021 2nd Alert LTI36 Asst Mechanic was attempting to align the mud agitator gear box, it jerked causing injury to the mechanic | | 2022/08/10 |
2021 2nd Alert LTI37 Helper moving into barricaded area to relocate the drain hose, his leg got tripped and lost balance resulting in injury | | 2022/08/10 |
2021 2nd Alert LTI38 While the Pipe fabricator was attempting to carry out a fitment work using a grinding machine, it moved due to the jerk and fell down resulting in cut injury | | 2022/08/10 |
2021 2nd Alert LTI01 Helper lost balance and fell from truck bed | | 2022/08/09 |
2021 2nd Alert LTI02 Tipper standby wheel fell on drivers leg and caused injury | | 2022/08/09 |
2021 2nd Alert LTI03 Floormanfinger got pinched between elevator handle and power tong cylinder | | 2022/08/09 |
2021 2nd Alert LTI04 employee slipped on floor and fractured left wrist | | 2022/08/09 |
2021 2nd Alert LTI05 Helper finger got pinched between 2 pipes while attempting to align the pipe and resulted in finger injury | | 2022/08/09 |
2021 2nd Alert LTI06 Wrench pipe slipped off hitting the derrickman hand and the drillers back | | 2022/08/09 |
2021 2nd Alert LTI07 Helper struck between 2 loads and suffer multiple fracture | | 2022/08/09 |
2021 2nd Alert LTI08 Granite tile fell on supervisor foot during ablution and caused injury | | 2022/08/09 |
2021 2nd Alert LTI09 3rd party Forklift slipped off the side of trailer ramp and landed on ground, operator jumped and suffered injury | | 2022/08/09 |
2021 2nd Alert LTI10 Scaffolder finger crushed between beam clamps | | 2022/08/09 |
2021 2nd Alert LTI11 Mud engineer mixed biocide with pre existing caustic soda, the reaction caused splash of the chemical and suffered multiple burn injuries | | 2022/08/09 |
2021 2nd Alert LTI12 Pipe Spinner fell from 20cm height on a Mechanic foot causing fracture | | 2022/08/09 |
2021 2nd Alert LTI13 employee missed the final stair while descending slipped and twisted foot | | 2022/08/09 |
2021 2nd Alert LTI14 Floorman placed hand between elevator and Heavy duty drill pipe and suffer finger injury | | 2022/08/09 |
2021 2nd Alert LTI 15 & 16 Bucket truck lost stability and tilted, leading linemen standing inside to fell and suffer injury | | 2022/08/09 |
2021 2nd Alert LTI17 Crane came in contact with tipper at T junction and resulted in injury to the Rigger | | 2022/08/09 |
2021 2nd Alert LTI18 while the pipe fitter was attempting to move the pipes to a wooden skid, it slipped and fell hitting his pelvis | | 2022/08/09 |
2021 2nd Alert LTI19 Floorman standing at air winch area fell from 8 meter height after removing floorplates and suffered pelvic fracture | | 2022/08/09 |
2021 2nd Alert NAD04 Operator found unconscious on the floor | | 2022/08/04 |
2021 2nd Alert NAD05 Helper tested Covid positive and passed away | | 2022/08/04 |
2021 2nd Alert NAD06 Laundry Man suffer Covid and passed away | | 2022/08/04 |
2021 2nd Alert NAD07 Site Manager quarantined as tested covid positive and found unresponsive in his room | | 2022/08/04 |
2021 2nd Alert NAD08 Mud Engineer tested Covid positive admitted in hospital and later passed away | | 2022/08/04 |
2021 2nd Alert NAD09 Forklift Operator tested Covid positive hospitalized and later passed away | | 2022/08/04 |
2021 2nd Alert NAD10 Lab Technician suffered Covid hospitalized and passed away | | 2022/08/04 |
2021 2nd Alert NAD11 Site Manager tested Covid positive hospitalized and later passed away | | 2022/08/04 |
2021 2nd Alert NAD12 Roller Operator found unresponsive in his room and passed away | | 2022/08/04 |
2021 2nd Alert NAD13 Civil Foreman suffer Covid hospitalized and passed away | | 2022/08/04 |
2021 2nd Alert NAD14 Blaster found unresponsive inside his room and passed away | | 2022/08/04 |
2021 2nd Alert NAD15 Carpenter vomited and collapsed out of his room and passed away | | 2022/08/04 |
2021 2nd Alert NAD 16 Permit Applicant tested Covid positive hospitalized and later passed away | | 2022/08/04 |
2021 2nd Alert NAD17 Civil inspector suffered chest pain transferred to hospital and died on the way | | 2022/08/04 |
2021 2nd Alert NAD18 Wells Supervisor found unresponsive in room and passed away | | 2022/08/04 |
2021 2nd Alert NAD19 Heavy vehicle driver complained of chest pain and transferred to hospital passed away on the way | | 2022/08/04 |
2021 2nd Alert NAD20 Electric Foreman collapsed in washroom and passed away | | 2022/08/04 |
2021 2nd Alert NAD21 Heavy vehicle Driver Suffered chest pain collapsed in clinic and passed away | | 2022/08/04 |
2021 2nd Alert NAD01 camp boss found unresponsive in room | | 2022/08/03 |
2021 2nd Alert NAD02 Office boy felt unwell and collapsed in his bathroom | | 2022/08/03 |
2021 2nd Alert NAD3 Technician collapsed in the car upon arrival to work | | 2022/08/03 |
2022 Fat 02 & 03 Initial Awareness Alert | | 2022/07/26 |
2022 First Alert LTI29 Wellhead Engineer Fractured Jaw | | 2022/07/18 |
2022 First Alert LTI#28- Assistant Operator foot injury | | 2022/07/14 |
2022 First Alert LTI#25- Permit holder Finger injuries | | 2022/07/04 |
2022 First Alert LTI#24 Driver suffered Finer Injuries | | 2022/06/28 |
2022 First Alert LTI 23 Technician fell injured his elbow | | 2022/06/26 |
2022 First Alert LTI 22 Electrician suffered burn injury | | 2022/06/23 |
2022 First alert LTI 20 Grinder got hit by pipeline | | 2022/06/19 |
2022 First Alert LTI 21 Driver suffered back injury | | 2022/06/19 |
2022 Awareness Alert LTI 17 MVI Fatality | | 2022/06/06 |
2022 First Alert LTI 18 & 19 MVI incident Fractured arm and dislocated leg | | 2022/05/17 |
2022 First alert LTI 14 Catering staff lost balance and fell fracturing his wristce and fell | | 2022/05/09 |
2022 First Alert LTI 15 Rigger hit by pipe and causing fracture | | 2022/05/09 |
2022 First Alert LTI 16 Technician performing hydraulic torqueing activity suffer fractured finger | | 2022/05/09 |
2022 First Alert LTI 11 Carpenter Punctured wound | | 2022/04/27 |
2022 First Alert LTI 12 & 13 MWD Engineers hand burn and fractured finger | | 2022/04/27 |
2022 First alert LTI10 Pipe Grinder Fractured Leg | | 2022/04/11 |
2022 First alert LTI09 Plumber fixing sewage tank pump suffer fractured fingers | | 2022/04/05 |
2022 First Alert LTI07 Derrickman fractured finger | | 2022/03/29 |
2022 First Alert LTI08 Scaffold Charge Hand Amputated Finger | | 2022/03/29 |
2022 First Alert LTI#06 Roustabout slipped from stairs fractured leg | | 2022/03/21 |
2022 1st Alert LTI#05 Fractured ankle | | 2022/03/14 |
2022 First Alert LTI#04 Floorman Lifting ramp Fractured hip | | 2022/02/23 |
Q3_ 2021 All Incidents 2nd Alerts (Q3 LFI booklet) | | 2022/01/26 |
2022 First Alert LTI#02 Welder hammering handrail and fell resulting in Fractured Jaw | | 2022/01/26 |
2022 First Alert LTI#03 Floorman Fractured Thumb. | | 2022/01/26 |
2022 First Alert LTI#01 Fitter Fractured ankle | | 2022/01/09 |
2021 First Alert LTI#38 Fabricator Right-Hand Middle Finger | | 2021/12/21 |
2021 First Alert LTI#36 A.Mechanic Hand injury | | 2021/12/20 |
2021 First Alert LTI#37 Helpar arm wrist fracture | | 2021/12/20 |
2021 First Alert LTI#35 Helper Fractured Finger | | 2021/12/08 |
2021 First Alert LTI#34 Roustabout fractured Foot | | 2021/12/07 |
2021 First Alert LTI#33 Jack Hammer Operator Fractured Leg | | 2021/12/02 |
2021 First Alert LTI#32 Sewage tanker Driver knee laceration | | 2021/12/01 |
2021 First Alert LTI#31 Plaster Machine Operator fractured leg | | 2021/11/23 |
2021 First Alert LTI#29 Driver hit camel head injury | | 2021/11/14 |
2021 First Alert LTI#30 Diver Fractured finger | | 2021/11/14 |
2021 First Alert LTI#26 Grinder Fractured hand | | 2021/11/09 |
2021 First Alert LTI#25 JCB bucket fell on Operator Fractured Foot | | 2021/11/08 |
2021 First Alert LTI#24 Pipe fitter hammering fractured thumb | | 2021/11/01 |
2021 First Alert LTI#23 Night Tool Pusher fracture leg | | 2021/10/18 |
2021 First Alert LTI#21 Electrician panel fell on leg Fractured Leg | | 2021/09/28 |
2021 First Alert LTI#19 Floorman Fall from height Fractured hip | | 2021/08/26 |
2021 First Alert LTI#18 Fitter Fractured pelvis | | 2021/08/12 |
2021 First Alert LTI#17 Rigger vehicle collision Fractured leg | | 2021/07/25 |
2021 Initial Awareness Alert LTI#16&17 Multiple fracture | | 2021/07/12 |
2021 First Alert LTI#13 Room Boy Fractured Ankle | | 2021/06/13 |
2nd Alert 2021 LTI#1 (S,T&F) Helper lost balance & jump from the truck, landed on his right hand resulted to wrist injury | | 2021/06/10 |
2021 First Alert LTI#12 Mechanic PDO Fracture | | 2021/06/02 |
2021 First Alert LTI#11 Mud Tester Burn | | 2021/05/31 |
2021 First Alert LTI#10 Scaffolder Fractured Finger | | 2021/05/19 |
2021 First Alert LTI#09 FLT Operator Fractured foot | | 2021/04/12 |
HSE Newsletter March 2021 | | 2021/03/31 |
2020 2nd Alert HiPo#63 (Drops) DP slipped & dropped from the elevator | | 2021/03/23 |
2021 First Alert LTI#08 | | 2021/03/21 |
2021 First Alert LTI#07 | | 2021/03/21 |
2020 2nd Alert HiPo#54 (OHL) Civil crew while doing Backfilling activities for electrical and instrument cable trench with a Backhoe loader | | 2021/03/16 |
2020 2nd Alert LTI#24 (Hands & Fingers) Fishing enginer trap his left 4th finger | | 2021/03/16 |
2020 2nd Alert HiPo#52 (Fire & explosion) Fire suppression activation | | 2021/03/10 |
2020 2nd Alert HiPo#55 (OHL) knocked over a kicker board pole | | 2021/03/10 |
2020 2nd Alert HiPo#59 (MVI) OTO truck collide with 3rd Party water tanker | | 2021/03/10 |
2020 2nd Alert HiPo#60 (DROPs)Travelling rig block fall on floor | | 2021/03/10 |
2020 2nd Alert HiPo#61 (S,T&F) Rostabout fell from height while hammering to remove the shade in shale shaker | | 2021/03/10 |
2020 2nd Alert HiPo#62 (OHL) damages to an electrical pole and the conductor, production wells power supply interruption | | 2021/03/10 |
2020 2nd Alert HiPo#64 (DROPs) Fish slips dies fall down from rotary table into grating cellar then into cellar | | 2021/03/10 |
2020 2nd Alert LTI#23 (S,T&F) Derrickman suffered fracture foot while descending from hoist floor stair | | 2021/03/10 |
2020 2nd Alert Hipo#68 (Fire & explosion) Welding in reserve tank without following the process | | 2021/03/10 |
2020 2nd Alert Hipo#77 (Drops) Dropped Coil tubing | | 2021/03/10 |
2020 2nd Alert HVL#18 (Drops) Sucker Rod elevator got slip and drop in the SR tong | | 2021/03/10 |
2020 2nd Alert HVL#19 (Drops) During lay down dp , the dp JT fall down through V-door | | 2021/03/10 |
2021 First Alert LTI#06 | | 2021/02/16 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#66 (Released Energy) trapped pressure come out oil with brine splash to floor man and SlB member | | 2021/02/11 |
2020 2nd alert HiP# 67 (Drops) Uncontrolled descent of Travelling block | | 2021/02/11 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#71 (Drops) While securing upper gyro sheave to monkey board, it dropped to rig floor | | 2021/02/11 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#72 (Fire & Explosion) Fire inside a temple | | 2021/02/11 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#73 (Drops) Dropped chemical bag | | 2021/02/11 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#74 (Drops) Lower Tie back for torque tube broken and dropped to rig floor | | 2021/02/11 |
2020 2nd alert LTI 25 (Drops) While lifting the lubricator the test pipe kept on the catwalk dropped on the Tech foot | | 2021/02/11 |
2020 2nd alert LTI#27 (Released energy) Fractured jaw and Head trauma | | 2021/02/11 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#75 (MVI) Driver entered the road without paying attention and got hit by a truck | | 2021/02/11 |
2021 First Alert LTI#05 | | 2021/02/04 |
2021 First Alert LTI#04 | | 2021/02/01 |
2021 First Alert LTI#03 | | 2021/01/21 |
2021 First Alert LTI#02 | | 2021/01/13 |
2021 First Alert LTI#01 | | 2021/01/06 |
LFI -Awareness Alert -LTI#30-Fatality#4 | | 2021/01/06 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#63 (Drops) DP slipped & dropped from the elevator | | 2020/12/30 |
2020 2nd alert LTI 20 (MVI) Driver suffered back pain due to vehicle jumped over sand dune | | 2020/12/29 |
First Alert LTI #34 | | 2020/12/28 |
2020 2nd alert LTI#22 (Finger) Floorman had crushed finger injury while installing BOP flange into xmas tree | | 2020/12/28 |
2020 2nd alert LTI#23 (ST&F) Derrickman suffered fracture foot while descending from hoist floor stair | | 2020/12/28 |
2020 2nd alert LTI#26 (Hands&Fingers) Right hand middle & ring fingers caught between the pipe and the support. | | 2020/12/28 |
First Alert LTI#33 | | 2020/12/23 |
First Alert LTI#32 | | 2020/12/22 |
First Alert LTI#31 | | 2020/12/20 |
2020 2nd alert LTI#02 (Released Energy, Fatality) wall collapsed on mason | | 2020/12/14 |
Mr. Musleh News Q1 & Q2 2020 Version No. 22 | | 2020/12/06 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#56 (RO MVI) Tipper Rolledover | | 2020/11/19 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#60 (Drops) Travelling rig block fell on floor | | 2020/11/19 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#57 (Released Energy) Travelling Block hit the HWDP top causing the monkey board to hit Derrickman | | 2020/11/09 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#61 (S,T&F) Rostabout fell from height while hammering to remove the shade in shale shaker | | 2020/11/09 |
2020 2nd alert HVL#01 (OHL) NRPS Instrument cable cut by JCB | | 2020/11/09 |
2020 2nd alert HVL#02 (Drops) STV hit by TDS | | 2020/11/09 |
2020 2nd alert HVL#03 (Released Energy) Tow rope parted | | 2020/11/09 |
2020 2nd alert HVL#04 (Fire & Explosion) Fire in RAH Huwaifa villa | | 2020/11/09 |
2020 2nd alert HVL#06 (Released Energy) Uncontrolled rotation of power swivel | | 2020/11/09 |
2020 2nd alert HVL#05 (MVI) Tanker trailler dettached | | 2020/11/09 |
2020 2nd alert HVL#07 (MVI) Rig struck the ground | | 2020/11/09 |
2020 2nd alert HVL#09 (MVI) Lost man after tanker got stuck | | 2020/11/09 |
2020 2nd alert HVL 10 (MVI) Near miss vehicle stucked in sand | | 2020/11/09 |
2020 2nd alert HVL#11 (Released Energy)TDS bails over extended hitting the 2nd section horizontal middle cross beam on the mast | | 2020/11/09 |
2020 2nd alert HVL#12 (MVI) vehicle wheel fire | | 2020/11/09 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#44 PTW violation road crossing over the buried Main Oil Line | | 2020/11/08 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#45 (RO MVI) driver lost control resulting in a rollover on live flowline | | 2020/11/08 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#46 (Released Energy) disengaged brake lead the DP to slip from V-Door to Catwalk | | 2020/11/08 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#47 (Drops) over pull of SJE resulted in Swivel and slings got deformed | | 2020/11/08 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#48 (Released Energy) Trapped pressure released from perforation gun hit FM on his face | | 2020/11/08 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#49 Technician wrongly cut a live cable | | 2020/11/08 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#50 (RO MVI) pick-up hit by a third party private vehicle | | 2020/11/08 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#51 (Drops) DP & FOSV disengaged out of power swivel connection and dropped through the V-door | | 2020/11/08 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#53 (Drops) Washpipe wrench fell from stability board to the rig floor | | 2020/11/08 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#40 (Drops) Turnbuckle dropped hitting Floorman on his left foot | | 2020/11/04 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#43 (Drops) circulating head | | 2020/11/04 |
2020 2nd alert HVL#08 (Drops) chain from overhead crane | | 2020/11/04 |
2020 2nd alert LTI#06 (S,T&F) Rigger twisted his ankle while stepping down | | 2020/11/04 |
2020 2nd alert LTI#07 (Drops) Break disc dropped on Mechanic left hand crushing his finger | | 2020/11/04 |
2020 2nd alert LTI#08 (S,T&F) AD slipped and fell on the beam fracturing his rib | | 2020/11/04 |
2020 2nd alert LTI#09 (S,T&F) While climbing a 3t truck the Mason lost control fractured wrist | | 2020/11/04 |
2020 2nd alert LTI#10 (Finger) Rigger right hand index finger trapped between the hose reel | | 2020/11/04 |
2020 2nd alert LTI#11 (Drops) Scaffold rest shelter fell on technician right leg | | 2020/11/04 |
2020 2nd alert LTI#12 (S,T&F) Technician's leg was trapped between pipes | | 2020/11/04 |
2020 2nd alert LTI#14 (Released Energy) FM got Injury on his right thigh while removing Tong dies | | 2020/11/04 |
2020 2nd alert LTI#15 (Released Energy) The flow line swung and hit the RA in his hand and fell down | | 2020/11/04 |
2020 2nd alert LTI#16 (Released Energy) Carpenter using grinder suffered groin area injury | | 2020/11/04 |
2020 2nd alert LTI#18 (S,T&F) Carpenter Lost balance and suffered leg injury | | 2020/11/04 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#25 (MVI) side collision | | 2020/11/03 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#26 (RO MVI) Tipper | | 2020/11/03 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#26a (Fire) at Bahja | | 2020/11/03 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#27 (Drops) wireline cut | | 2020/11/03 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#27a (Drops) uncontrolled descent of traveling block | | 2020/11/03 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#28 (Drops) load | | 2020/11/03 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#29 (Drops) Slick line tool dropped from lubricator | | 2020/11/03 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#30 (Drops) liner hanger running tool | | 2020/11/03 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#31 (Fire) at a vehicle | | 2020/11/03 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#32 (MVI) Rear end collision | | 2020/11/03 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#33 (Drops) uncontrolled descent of travelling block | | 2020/11/03 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#34 (Released Energy) FM installing tong counter weight when struck | | 2020/11/03 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#35 (Drops) conncetion failure during pull test | | 2020/11/03 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#36 (Drops) TDS body has caught and opened this spelter causing the tong to drop | | 2020/11/03 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#38 (Drops) Rig BOP fell down on ground during BOP assembling task | | 2020/11/03 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#39 (Drops) Joint released from elevator | | 2020/11/03 |
2020 1st Alert LTI#29 Crushed Toe | | 2020/11/02 |
2020 2nd alert LTI#01 (Finger) got caught in SR rotating tong | | 2020/11/02 |
2020 2nd alert LTI#03 (Finger) got caught between pipe and elevator | | 2020/11/02 |
2020 2nd alert LTI#04 (Fall from height) from scaffolding | | 2020/11/02 |
2020 2nd alert LTI#05 (MVI) Forman struck his head on the roof of a bus | | 2020/11/02 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#07 (Released Energy) Cutting wrong flowline | | 2020/11/01 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#08 (RO MVI) Tanker rolled over | | 2020/11/01 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#09 (Released Energy) safety clamp falled and hit FM | | 2020/11/01 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#10 (MVI) Water tanker hit wireline unit | | 2020/11/01 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#11 (Released Energy) Travelling block hit monkey board | | 2020/11/01 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#12 (Drops) Catwalk skid dropped from trailer | | 2020/11/01 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#13 (OHL) Excavation next to LV flowline | | 2020/11/01 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#14 (Released Energy) Welding at live well head | | 2020/11/01 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#15 (Released Energy) Roustabout got hit by winsh | | 2020/11/01 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#16 (Drops) Drill line parted and dropped from 30m | | 2020/11/01 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#18 (Drops) landing joint | | 2020/11/01 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#20 (Drops) Drill collar | | 2020/11/01 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#22 (NM Drops) Travelling block brake fails | | 2020/11/01 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#23 (NM Released Energy) JCP rolled back | | 2020/11/01 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#01 (Drops) safety valve joint sheared | | 2020/10/28 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#02 (Released energy) Tow line snapped | | 2020/10/28 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#03 (Drops) compressor from flat bed trailer | | 2020/10/28 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#04 (MVI) hit camel | | 2020/10/28 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#05 (Drops) Hoist fall down from low-bed | | 2020/10/28 |
2020 2nd alert HiPo#06 (Released Energy) string moved up with power tong | | 2020/10/28 |
2020 1st Alert LTI#28 Multiple Burns | | 2020/10/27 |
LFI Extenral Leanring | | 2020/10/26 |
LFI Awerness Alert Leanring from Incident | | 2020/10/21 |
2020 1st Alert LTI#27 head injury | | 2020/10/19 |
2020 1st Alert LTI#26 finger injury | | 2020/10/08 |
2020 1st Alert LTI#25 Slickline Assistance foot injury | | 2020/10/06 |
2020 1st Alert LTI#24 finger injury | | 2020/10/04 |
2020 First Alert LTI#23 Derrickman suffered Leg injury while descending hoist floor stairs | | 2020/09/23 |
LTI#22 Floorman suffered finger injury while installing SR BOP | | 2020/09/20 |
LTI#20 Back injury while travelling | | 2020/09/17 |
HSE Newsletter No 91 : Resilience during COVID-19 | | 2020/09/16 |
LTI#19 MVI RO resulted to fire & multiple burn injuries to the Driver | | 2020/09/01 |
LTI#18 Carpenter suffered leg injury while descending from scaffolding ladder | | 2020/08/31 |
LTI#17 Derrickman injury his finger while latching elevator | | 2020/08/30 |
LTI#16 Carpenter injury while using grinder | | 2020/08/26 |
HSE Newsletter No 90 : Towards Effective Contractors HSE Management | | 2020/08/12 |
2020 First Alert LTI#15 RA fell injuring his wrist | | 2020/07/20 |
2020 First Alert LTI#14 FM suffered thigh injury | | 2020/07/19 |
LTI#13 Shaleem Face Injury | | 2020/07/13 |
Mr Musleh Q3 Q4 2019 | | 2020/07/11 |
2020 First Alert LTI#12 Technician suffered ankle injury | | 2020/07/07 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#84 Drops | | 2020/07/02 |
Second Alert HVL#8 Drops | | 2020/06/30 |
2020 First Alert LTI#11 Civil Technician suffered leg injury | | 2020/06/16 |
2020 First Alert LTI#10 Assistance Technician suffered finger injury | | 2020/05/20 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#63 MVI RO | | 2020/05/18 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#65 Dropped load | | 2020/05/18 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#66 Dropped chain link | | 2020/05/18 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#68 Dropped Skid during camp move | | 2020/05/18 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#69 MVI RO | | 2020/05/18 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#70 MVI RO | | 2020/05/18 |
Second Alert HiPo#71 3rd PArty Fatality | | 2020/05/18 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#72 MVI Camel strike | | 2020/05/18 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#73 MVI RO | | 2020/05/18 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#74 Dropped lifting sub | | 2020/05/18 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#75 Worksite hazard | | 2020/05/18 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#76 MVI RO | | 2020/05/18 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#77 MVI RO | | 2020/05/18 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#78 MVI RO | | 2020/05/18 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#79 Drops | | 2020/05/18 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#80 MVI RO | | 2020/05/18 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#81 MVI RO | | 2020/05/18 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#82 MVI | | 2020/05/18 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#83 Released energy | | 2020/05/18 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#83a MVI RO | | 2020/05/18 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#85 MVI RO | | 2020/05/18 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#87 MVI RO | | 2020/05/18 |
2019 Second Alert LTI#15 Leg injury | | 2020/05/18 |
2019 Second Alert LTI#16 HAnds & Fingers | | 2020/05/18 |
2019 Second Alert LTI#17 Ankle injury | | 2020/05/18 |
2019 Second Alert LTI#18 Fall from Height | | 2020/05/18 |
2019 Second Alert LTI#19 & 20 Ftality | | 2020/05/18 |
2019 Second Alert LTI#21 Hands & fingers | | 2020/05/18 |
2020 First Alert LTI#08 AD fell from height | | 2020/05/12 |
2020 First Alert LTI#09 Mason fell while climbing 3t truck | | 2020/05/12 |
2020 First Alert LTI#07 Mechanic suffered Finger injury | | 2020/04/28 |
2020 First Alert LTI#06 Twisted ankle | | 2020/04/26 |
2019 Second Alert NWR#02 Fatality Commuting | | 2020/04/19 |
2019 Second Alert NWR#03 Fatality Commuting | | 2020/04/19 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#57 MVI RO | | 2020/04/12 |
2019 Second Alert LTI#13 Eye injury from burned tyre debris | | 2020/04/12 |
Second Alert LTI#02 Fatality | | 2020/04/08 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#28 Dropped truss | | 2020/04/08 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#31 Dropped guard pole during lifting | | 2020/04/08 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#46 Dropped drill pipe from power catwalk | | 2020/04/08 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#48 Helper standing above truck while offloading | | 2020/04/08 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#50 Oilfield truck contacted OHL | | 2020/04/08 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#51 Rig mast entangled OHL during rig move | | 2020/04/08 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#52 Vibrator contacted OHL | | 2020/04/08 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#53 Collision during rig move | | 2020/04/08 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#58 Dropped working platform | | 2020/04/08 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#59 MVI RO | | 2020/04/08 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#60 Dropped TDS dolly liner | | 2020/04/08 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#61 Dropped Vdoor, pad eye failed | | 2020/04/08 |
2019 Second Alert LTI#07 finger trapped btwn pipe support & wooden battern | | 2020/04/08 |
2019 Second Alert LTI#08 Hand injury while moving jack hammer | | 2020/04/08 |
2019 Second Alert LTI#09 Fell from wireline truck | | 2020/04/08 |
2019 Second Alert LTI#10 Fatality MVI Rolled over | | 2020/04/08 |
2019 Second Alert LTI#11 Banksman fell from trailer | | 2020/04/08 |
2019 Second Alert LTI#12 Roustabout Fell wile descending stairs | | 2020/04/08 |
2019 Second Alert LTI#14 Pipe line Engineer slipped & fell on wet floor | | 2020/04/08 |
2019 Second Alert LTI#15 Dropped fence post, leg injury | | 2020/04/08 |
2019 Second Alert LTI#16 Floorman suffer finger injury while working on IBOP | | 2020/04/08 |
2019 Second Alert LTI#17 Crane Operator's leg got struck by pipe | | 2020/04/08 |
2019 Second Alert LTI#18 Floorman fell from height | | 2020/04/08 |
LTI#05 First Alert OSCO | | 2020/04/08 |
2020 Safety Alert HiPO# 7 cutting a Live flowline | | 2020/02/26 |
HSE Newsletter : Mr. Musleh Q2 2019 | | 2020/02/11 |
Second Alert LTI#19 & 20 | | 2020/02/09 |
first Alert LTI#04 Fractured Ankle | | 2020/02/09 |
2020 First Alert LTI#03 FES Finger crushed btw Elevator & Drill Pipe | | 2020/02/02 |
2019 Second Alert LTI#5A eye Injury | | 2020/01/23 |
2019 Second Alert LTI#6 Foot injury; dropped tubing | | 2020/01/23 |
2020 First Alert LTI#02 Oman Shapoorji struck by, Telehandler | | 2020/01/21 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#20 Dropped TDS Mast Dolly | | 2020/01/21 |
2019 PS Alert HiPo Gas leak through SOV | | 2020/01/16 |
2020 First Alert LTI#01 BaOmar Finger injury, SR Tong | | 2020/01/05 |
2019 First Alert LTI#21 Finger injury, Hilty breaker | | 2020/01/02 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#41 Water tanker RO | | 2019/12/18 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#42 Tipper RO | | 2019/12/18 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#43 Dropped Drill Pipe | | 2019/12/18 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#44 Shovel RO | | 2019/12/18 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#45 Touch Overhead line | | 2019/12/18 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#47 Driving in sand dunes & unauthorised route | | 2019/12/18 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#49 RO diesel tanker | | 2019/12/18 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#54 Crane tipped over | | 2019/12/18 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#55 Dropped floor handrail | | 2019/12/18 |
2019 Second Alert HVL#03 Fire on HGV | | 2019/12/18 |
HSE Newsletter : H2S Training | | 2019/12/17 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#38 JCB tilted over | | 2019/12/17 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#39 RO emergency vehicle | | 2019/12/17 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#40 MVI between Land cruser and 3rd Party truck | | 2019/12/17 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#21 Fall from height | | 2019/12/16 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#22 Dropped Drill pipe | | 2019/12/16 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#23 Forklift Boom dropped | | 2019/12/16 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#24 MVI during Rig move | | 2019/12/16 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#25 telehandler rolled over | | 2019/12/16 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#26 MVI RO commuting | | 2019/12/16 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#27 Dropped drill pipe | | 2019/12/16 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#28 Dropped truss | | 2019/12/16 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#30 MVI RO water tanker | | 2019/12/16 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#32 Dropped mouse hole | | 2019/12/16 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#33 parted chain sling Dropped | | 2019/12/16 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#34 trapped btw iron roughneck and DP | | 2019/12/16 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#35 RO Sewage Tanker | | 2019/12/16 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#36 Rig contact goal post | | 2019/12/16 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#37 RO prime mover with trailer | | 2019/12/16 |
2019 Safety Alert LTI#19 Mast collapse | | 2019/12/12 |
Mr. Musleh News Q1 2019 | | 2019/11/11 |
2019 First Alert LTI#17 | | 2019/11/11 |
2019 First Alert LTI#18 fall from height | | 2019/11/11 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#05 MVI hit camels | | 2019/11/05 |
2016 Second Alert LTI#40 DROPs | | 2019/11/03 |
2016 Second Alert LTI#41 Lifting | | 2019/11/03 |
2016 Second Alert LTI#39 MVI | | 2019/11/03 |
2016 Second Alert LTI#43 MVI | | 2019/11/03 |
2017 Second Alert HiPo#20 MVI RO crude tanker | | 2019/11/03 |
2017 Second Alert HiPo#19 MVI RO | | 2019/11/03 |
2016 Second Alert LTI#37 Fell in the cellar | | 2019/11/03 |
2017 Second Alert LTI#41 Fell from ladder | | 2019/11/03 |
2017 Second Alert LTI#44 twisted leg | | 2019/11/03 |
2016 Second Alert LTI#35 Finger injury | | 2019/11/03 |
2016 Second Alert LTI#38 Finger injury | | 2019/11/03 |
2017 Second Alert LTI#43 Finger injury | | 2019/11/03 |
2017 Second Alert LTI#45 Finger injury | | 2019/11/03 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#02 Fire | | 2019/10/26 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#09 MVI | | 2019/10/26 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#10 Worksite MVI | | 2019/10/26 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#11 MVI RO | | 2019/10/26 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#13 Fire | | 2019/10/26 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#14 MVI RO | | 2019/10/26 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#16 DROPs | | 2019/10/26 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#15 DROPs | | 2019/10/26 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#17 DROPs | | 2019/10/26 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#18 DROPs | | 2019/10/26 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#19 MVI RO | | 2019/10/26 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#50 OH | | 2019/10/26 |
2019 Second Alert LTI#03 Hands & Fingers | | 2019/10/26 |
2019 Second Alert LTI#02 slip;trip&Fall | | 2019/10/26 |
2019 Second Alert LTI#13 Fire, debris into eye | | 2019/10/26 |
2019 Second Alert LTI#10 Fatality MVI Rolled over | | 2019/10/24 |
2019 First Alert LTI#16 Hands & Fingers | | 2019/10/24 |
First Alert LTI#15 | | 2019/10/14 |
HSe NewsLetter : Acidic drain cleaners (Nitric- HNO3 and Sulphuric-H2SO4 acids | | 2019/10/10 |
First Alert LTI#14 | | 2019/10/06 |
H2S for public | | 2019/10/02 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#01 Lifting | | 2019/09/25 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#03 DROPS | | 2019/09/25 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#04 MVI | | 2019/09/25 |
2019 Second Alert LTI#01 Struck by | | 2019/09/25 |
2019 Second Alert LTI#02 Man over board | | 2019/09/25 |
2019 Second Alert LTI#04 hit object | | 2019/09/25 |
2019 Second Alert LTI#05 MVI | | 2019/09/25 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#06 Barge | | 2019/09/25 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#07 PTW | | 2019/09/25 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#08 Tipper rolled over | | 2019/09/25 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#12 bent pipe | | 2019/09/25 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#24 MVI Hoist Move | | 2019/09/25 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#42 MVI tipper rolled over | | 2019/09/25 |
2019 Second Alert NWR01 Commuting Fatality | | 2019/09/25 |
2019 First Alert HiPo#54 Lifting | | 2019/09/18 |
2019 First Alert LTI#13 | | 2019/09/04 |
2019 First Alert LTI#12 | | 2019/09/03 |
2019 First Alert LTI#11 | | 2019/08/18 |
Safe Driving During Eid Holidays 2019 | | 2019/08/07 |
HSE NewsLetter Mr. Musleh No 19 | | 2019/08/07 |
PDO - Prevention of Rollover | | 2019/07/30 |
First Alert LTI#09 | | 2019/07/14 |
2019 First Alert LTI#08 | | 2019/07/11 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#31 Lifting | | 2019/07/11 |
2019 First Alert LTI#07 | | 2019/07/10 |
2019 PDO Second Alert Commuting#02 | | 2019/07/03 |
2019 first Alert LTI#06 | | 2019/07/02 |
Bed Bugs | | 2019/06/13 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#30 Mast Fall | | 2019/06/02 |
2019 first Alert LTI#05a | | 2019/05/28 |
2019 Second Alert HiPo#12 Bent Pipe | | 2019/05/26 |
2018 Second Alert SA031_LTI31 | | 2019/05/18 |
2018 Second Alert SA32_LTI32 | | 2019/05/18 |
New H2S Website | | 2019/05/14 |
2019 PDO Second Alert Commuting#01 | | 2019/05/07 |
2108 Second Alert - SA048_ HiPo48 | | 2019/04/28 |
2018 Second Alert - SA024_LTI24 | | 2019/04/17 |
2018 Second Alert - SA025_LTI25 | | 2019/04/17 |
2018 Second Alert - SA026_LTI26 | | 2019/04/17 |
2018 Second Alert - SA027_LTI27 | | 2019/04/17 |
2018 Second Alert - SA028_LTI28 | | 2019/04/17 |
2018 Second Alert - SA029_LTI29 | | 2019/04/17 |
2018 Second Alert - SA030_LTI30 | | 2019/04/17 |
2018 Second Alert - SA034_HVL05 | | 2019/04/10 |
2018 Second Alert - SA039_HiPo39 | | 2019/04/10 |
2018 Second Alert - SA040_HiPo40 | | 2019/04/10 |
2018 Second Alert - SA041_HiPo41 | | 2019/04/10 |
2018 Second Alert - SA042_HiPo42 | | 2019/04/10 |
2018 Second Alert - SA043_HiPo43 | | 2019/04/10 |
2018 Second Alert - SA044_HiPo44 | | 2019/04/10 |
2018 Second Alert - SA045_HiPo45 | | 2019/04/10 |
2018 Second Alert - SA046_HiPo46 | | 2019/04/10 |
2018 Second Alert - SA047_HiPo47 | | 2019/04/10 |
Mr.Musleh Q3 2018 | | 2019/04/09 |
2019 PDO First Alert LTI05 | | 2019/04/02 |
2019 PDO First Alert Commuting#01 | | 2019/03/27 |
2018 Second Alert - SA016_LTI16 | | 2019/03/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA017_LTI17 | | 2019/03/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA018_LTI18 | | 2019/03/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA019_LTI19 | | 2019/03/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA020_LTI20 | | 2019/03/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA021_LTI21 | | 2019/03/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA022_LTI22 | | 2019/03/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA023_LTI23 | | 2019/03/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA026a_HiPo26a | | 2019/03/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA027_HiPo27 | | 2019/03/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA028_HiPo28 | | 2019/03/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA029_HiPo29 | | 2019/03/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA030_HiPo30 | | 2019/03/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA031_HiPo31 | | 2019/03/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA032_HiPo32 | | 2019/03/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA033_HiPo33 | | 2019/03/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA035_HiPo35 | | 2019/03/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA036_HiPo36 | | 2019/03/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA037_HiPo37 | | 2019/03/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA038_HiPo38 | | 2019/03/26 |
PDO First Alert #04 | | 2019/03/13 |
PDO First Alert #03 | | 2019/02/21 |
simplifications of the HSE Management systems awereness training | | 2019/02/18 |
PDO First Alert #02 | | 2019/02/18 |
Behavior modification for Obesity Management | | 2019/02/12 |
PDO First Alert #01 | | 2019/02/04 |
Simplified Environmental Booklet | | 2019/01/17 |
Simplified environmental requirements | | 2019/01/13 |
Aedes Aegypti Mosquitoes and Dengue fever | | 2018/12/30 |
PDO First Alert #32 | | 2018/12/26 |
PDO First Alert #31 | | 2018/12/24 |
PDO First Alert #30 | | 2018/12/20 |
HSE Newsletter Issue 73: Mr. Mulsleh Learning from Incidents Q2 2018 | | 2018/12/09 |
PDO First Alert #28 | | 2018/12/02 |
PDO First Alert #29 | | 2018/12/02 |
PDO First Alert # 27 | | 2018/11/27 |
2018 Second Alert - SA013_HiPo13 | | 2018/11/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA014_HiPo14 | | 2018/11/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA015_HiPo15 | | 2018/11/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA016_HiPo16 | | 2018/11/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA017_HiPo17 | | 2018/11/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA018_HiPo18 | | 2018/11/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA019_HiPo19 | | 2018/11/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA020_HiPo20 | | 2018/11/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA021_HiPo21 | | 2018/11/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA022_HiPo22 | | 2018/11/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA023_HiPo23 | | 2018/11/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA024_HiPo24 | | 2018/11/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA026_HiPo26 | | 2018/11/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA009_LTI09 | | 2018/11/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA010_LTI10 | | 2018/11/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA011_LTI11 | | 2018/11/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA012_LTI12 | | 2018/11/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA013_LTI13 | | 2018/11/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA014_LTI14 | | 2018/11/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA015_LTI15 | | 2018/11/26 |
HSE Newsletter Issue 73: Carbon monoxide (CO) | | 2018/11/14 |
PDO First Alert #26 | | 2018/10/29 |
HSE Newsletter Issue 72: Contractors Capability (Banding) | | 2018/10/21 |
PDO First Alert #24 | | 2018/10/18 |
PDO First Alert #25 | | 2018/10/18 |
Q1 2017 Corporate HSE Plan Update | | 2018/09/24 |
Q3 2017 Corporate HSE Plan Update | | 2018/09/24 |
Q3 2017 LTI Incident Analysis Report | | 2018/09/24 |
Q4 2017 Corporate HSE Plan Update | | 2018/09/24 |
Q1 2018 Corporate HSE Plan Update | | 2018/09/24 |
Q1 2018 LTI Incidents Analysis Study | | 2018/09/24 |
Q2 2018 Corporate HSE Plan Update | | 2018/09/24 |
Q2 2018 LTI Incidents Analysis Study | | 2018/09/24 |
PDO First Alert #23 | | 2018/09/16 |
HSE Newsletter Issue 71: Mr Musleh’s LFI Q1-2018 | | 2018/09/09 |
2018 Second Alert - SA048_HiPo#17 | | 2018/08/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA001_LTI01 | | 2018/08/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA001_LTI02 | | 2018/08/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA001_LTI03 | | 2018/08/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA001_LTI04 | | 2018/08/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA001_LTI05 | | 2018/08/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA001_LTI07 | | 2018/08/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA001_LTI08 | | 2018/08/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA001_HiPo01 | | 2018/08/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA001_HVL01 | | 2018/08/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA002_HiPo02 | | 2018/08/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA002_HVL02 | | 2018/08/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA003_HiPo03 | | 2018/08/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA003_HVL03 | | 2018/08/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA004_HiPo04 | | 2018/08/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA005_HiPo05 | | 2018/08/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA006_HiPo06 | | 2018/08/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA007_HiPo07 | | 2018/08/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA008_HiPo08 | | 2018/08/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA008a_HiPo08a | | 2018/08/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA009_HiPo09 | | 2018/08/26 |
2018 Second Alert - SA0010_HiPo10 | | 2018/08/26 |
Stay Safe During Eid - Aug 2018 | | 2018/08/16 |
Work Stoppage - Equipment and Intervention | | 2018/08/08 |
HSE Newsletter Issue 70: Fatigue Sleepiness | | 2018/08/05 |
PDO First Alert #20 | | 2018/07/24 |
PDO First Alert #21 | | 2018/07/24 |
PDO First Alert #19 | | 2018/07/16 |
PDO First Alert #18 | | 2018/07/12 |
PDO First Alert #17 | | 2018/07/09 |
PDO First Alert#16 | | 2018/07/05 |
PDO First Alert#15 | | 2018/06/28 |
First Alert#14 | | 2018/06/19 |
Safe Driving During Eid Holidays 2018 | | 2018/06/11 |
HSE Newsletter Issue 52 Mr.Musleh’s LFI Q3-2016 | | 2018/06/06 |
HSE Newsletter Issue 56 Mr Musleh’s LFI Q4-2016 | | 2018/06/06 |
HSE Newsletter Issue 63: Mr Musleh’s LFI Q2-2017 | | 2018/06/06 |
HSE Newsletter Issue 67: Mr Musleh’s LFI Q3-2017 | | 2018/06/06 |
HSE Newsletter Issue 69: Mr Musleh’s LFI Q4-2017 | | 2018/06/06 |
HSE Newsletter Issue 68: WHM | | 2018/05/24 |
PDO First Alert#13 | | 2018/05/22 |
PDO First Alert#12 | | 2018/05/17 |
2018 Second Alert - SA037_LTI#37 | | 2018/05/13 |
2018 Second Alert - SA053_LTI#44 | | 2018/05/13 |
2018 Second Alert - SA051_HiPo#20 | | 2018/05/13 |
2018 Second Alert - SA051_HiPo#21 | | 2018/05/13 |
2018 Second Alert - SA050_HiPo#19 | | 2018/05/13 |
2018 Second Alert - SA049_HiPo#18 | | 2018/05/13 |
2018 Second Alert - SA047_HiPo#16 | | 2018/05/13 |
2018 Second Alert - SA046_LTI#46 | | 2018/05/13 |
2018 Second Alert - SA045_LTI#45 | | 2018/05/13 |
2018 Second Alert - SA043_LTI#43 | | 2018/05/13 |
2018 Second Alert - SA042_LTI#42 | | 2018/05/13 |
2018 Second Alert - SA041_LTI#41 | | 2018/05/13 |
2018 Second Alert - SA040_LTI#40 | | 2018/05/13 |
2018 Second Alert - SA039_LTI#39 | | 2018/05/13 |
2018 Second Alert - SA038_LTI#38 | | 2018/05/13 |
2018 Second Alert - SA054_OHL | | 2018/05/13 |
2018 Second Alert - Lifting Alert | | 2018/05/13 |
PDO First Alert #11 | | 2018/04/30 |
Safety Alert No#01-2018 - Lifting Equipment Fatal Incident | | 2018/04/25 |
PDO First Alert#09 | | 2018/04/05 |
PDO First Alert #08 | | 2018/03/26 |
PDO First Alrt #07 | | 2018/03/22 |
PDO First Alert #06 | | 2018/03/20 |
HSE Newsletter - Issue 66: Colorectal Cancer | | 2018/03/04 |
2017 Second Alert - SA027_LTI#24.pptx | | 2018/03/04 |
2017 Second Alert - SA028_LTI#25.pptx | | 2018/03/04 |
2017 Second Alert - SA029_HiPo#11.pptx | | 2018/03/04 |
2017 Second Alert - SA030_LTI#26.pptx | | 2018/03/04 |
2017 Second Alert - SA031_LTI#27.pptx | | 2018/03/04 |
2017 Second Alert - SA032_LTI#28.pptx | | 2018/03/04 |
2017 Second Alert - SA033_HiPo#13.pptx | | 2018/03/04 |
2017 Second Alert - SA034_LTI#29.pptx | | 2018/03/04 |
2017 Second Alert - SA035_LTI#30.pptx | | 2018/03/04 |
2017 Second Alert - SA036_LTI#32.pptx | | 2018/03/04 |
2017 Second Alert - SA037_HiPo#14.pptx | | 2018/03/04 |
2017 Second Alert - SA038_LTI#33.pptx | | 2018/03/04 |
2017 Second Alert - SA039_LTI#34.pptx | | 2018/03/04 |
2017 Second Alert - SA040_LTI#35.pptx | | 2018/03/04 |
2017 Second Alert - SA041_LTI#36.pptx | | 2018/03/04 |
2017 Second Alert - SA042_LTI#31.pptx | | 2018/03/04 |
Q4 2017 LTI Incidents Analysis Study | | 2018/02/26 |
Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter Issue-40 | | 2018/02/23 |
Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter Issue-41 | | 2018/02/23 |
Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter Issue-42 | | 2018/02/23 |
HSE Newsletter - Issue 65: Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) & New Filter Hoods | | 2018/02/23 |
PDO First Alert #05 | | 2018/02/22 |
Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter Issue-39 | | 2018/02/19 |
PDO First Alert #04 | | 2018/02/15 |
PDO First Alert #03 | | 2018/02/15 |
PDO First Alert #02 | | 2018/02/11 |
PDO First Alert 01 | | 2018/02/06 |
PDO First Alert 46 | | 2018/01/18 |
#Istidama Environmental Video: Go Green | | 2018/01/17 |
PDO First Alert 45 | | 2018/01/03 |
Safety Alert: RAH Lesson Learned 2017 | | 2017/12/28 |
PDO First Alert 44 | | 2017/12/19 |
HSE Newsletter - Issue 60: Journey Management Control Centre | | 2017/12/13 |
HSE Newsletter - Issue 64 IHTIMAM Behavioural Based Safety | | 2017/12/13 |
LTI#43 | | 2017/12/10 |
The Silent Killer | | 2017/11/29 |
PDO First Alert 42 | | 2017/11/26 |
PDO First Alert 41 | | 2017/11/09 |
Q3 2016 LTI Incident Analysis | | 2017/11/08 |
Environment Alert - Camels Falling in Open Pits | | 2017/10/30 |
2017 Second Alert - LTI#09 | | 2017/10/26 |
2017 Second Alert - LTI#10 | | 2017/10/26 |
2017 Second Alert - LTI#11 | | 2017/10/26 |
2017 Second Alert - LTI#12 | | 2017/10/26 |
2017 Second Alert - LTI#14 | | 2017/10/26 |
2017 Second Alert - LTI#14a | | 2017/10/26 |
2017 Second Alert - LTI#15 | | 2017/10/26 |
2017 Second Alert - LTI#16 | | 2017/10/26 |
2017 Second Alert - LTI#17 | | 2017/10/26 |
2017 Second Alert - LTI#18 | | 2017/10/26 |
2017 Second Alert - LTI#19 | | 2017/10/26 |
2017 Second Alert - LTI#20 | | 2017/10/26 |
2017 Second Alert - LTI#21 | | 2017/10/26 |
2017 Second Alert - LTI#22 | | 2017/10/26 |
2017 Second Alert - HiPoI#08 | | 2017/10/26 |
2017 Second Alert - HiPoI#09 | | 2017/10/26 |
2017 Second Alert - HiPoI#10 | | 2017/10/26 |
2017 Second Alert - LTII#23 | | 2017/10/26 |
Safety Alert - Lifting Equipment | | 2017/10/17 |
Requirement for Lifting Equipment Controller | | 2017/10/17 |
HSE Newsletter - Issue 62: Thyroid Medical Problems | | 2017/10/11 |
Safety Alert - Eurogrit Product Contaminated With Asbestos | | 2017/10/11 |
HSE Newsletter Issue 59: Stretch Exercises At Your Work Place | | 2017/10/10 |
HSE Newsletter Issue 61: Mr. Musleh’s LFI Q1-2017 | | 2017/10/10 |
PDO First Alert 40 | | 2017/10/05 |
PDO First Alert 39 | | 2017/10/04 |
PDO First Alert 38 | | 2017/10/03 |
PDO First Alert 19 | | 2017/10/02 |
PDO First Alert 21 | | 2017/10/02 |
PDO First Alert 20 | | 2017/10/02 |
PDO First Alert 22 | | 2017/10/02 |
PDO First Alert 23 | | 2017/10/02 |
PDO First Alert 24 | | 2017/10/02 |
PDO First Alert 27 | | 2017/10/02 |
PDO First Alert 30 | | 2017/10/02 |
PDO First Alert 32 | | 2017/10/02 |
PDO First Alert 33 | | 2017/10/02 |
PDO First Alert 34 | | 2017/10/02 |
PDO First Alert 37 | | 2017/10/02 |
PDO First Alert 36 | | 2017/09/26 |
2017 Second Alert - HiPo#7 | | 2017/09/14 |
2017 Second Alert - HiPo#6 | | 2017/09/10 |
2017 Second Alert - MIRC | | 2017/09/08 |
2017 Second Alert - LTI#01 | | 2017/09/07 |
2017 Second Alert - LTI#02 | | 2017/09/07 |
2017 Second Alert - LTI#04 | | 2017/09/07 |
2017 Second Alert - LTI#05 | | 2017/09/07 |
2017 Second Alert - LTI#06 | | 2017/09/07 |
2017 Second Alert - LTI#07 | | 2017/09/07 |
2017 Second Alert - LTI#08 | | 2017/09/07 |
2017 Second Alert - HiPo#1 | | 2017/09/07 |
2017 Second Alert - HiPo#2 | | 2017/09/07 |
2017 Second Alert - HiPo#4 | | 2017/09/07 |
2017 Second Alert - HiPo#5 | | 2017/09/07 |
PDO First Alert 31 | | 2017/08/24 |
Q2 2017 LTI Incidents Analysis Study | | 2017/08/20 |
PDO First Alert 28 | | 2017/08/15 |
PDO First Alert 26 | | 2017/08/07 |
PDO First Alert 25 | | 2017/08/02 |
PDO First Alert 10 | | 2017/06/15 |
PDO First Alert 11 | | 2017/06/15 |
PDO First Alert 12 | | 2017/06/15 |
PDO First Alert 15 | | 2017/06/15 |
PDO First Alert 16 | | 2017/06/15 |
Safety Day 2017 Poster | | 2017/06/14 |
Summer Tips 2017 | | 2017/06/14 |
HSE Newsletter Issue 55: Hazard Hunt 3 - Let the Hunt Begin | | 2017/06/12 |
HSE Newsletter Issue 58: Hazard Hunt 4 - Hazards and Risk | | 2017/06/12 |
PDO First Alert 18 | | 2017/06/12 |
PDO First Alert 17 | | 2017/05/30 |
HSE Newsletter Issue 53 - Hazard Hunt - Learn the Top9 | | 2017/05/18 |
HSE Newsletter - Issue 57 Coronary Heart Disease & Heart Attack | | 2017/05/18 |
PDO First Alert 14a | | 2017/05/15 |
Safety Alert - Storage of Oxygen Cylinders | | 2017/05/04 |
Safety Alert - Over Head Lines (OHL) and Kicker Boards | | 2017/05/04 |
PDO First Alert 14 | | 2017/05/04 |
Q1 2017 LTI Incidents Analysis Study | | 2017/04/24 |
PDO First Alert 09 | | 2017/04/06 |
2016 Second Alert - LTI#29 LTI Nimr | | 2017/04/06 |
2016 Second Alert - LTI#31 LTI foot injury | | 2017/04/06 |
2016 Second Alert - LTI#32 LTI Broken wrists | | 2017/04/06 |
2016 Second Alert - LTI#33 LTI | | 2017/04/06 |
2016 Second Alert - LTI#34 LTI Finger Injury | | 2017/04/06 |
2016 Second Alert - LTI#35 LTI | | 2017/04/06 |
2016 Second Alert - LTI#36 LTI | | 2017/04/06 |
2016 Second Alert - LTI#37 LTI | | 2017/04/06 |
2016 Second Alert - LTI#38 LTI Finger Injury | | 2017/04/06 |
2016 Second Alert - LTI#39 LTI MVI | | 2017/04/06 |
2016 Second Alert - LTI#40 LTI Nimr | | 2017/04/06 |
2016 Second Alert - LTI#41 LTI | | 2017/04/06 |
2016 Second Alert - LTI#42 AIPS & LTI | | 2017/04/06 |
2016 Second Alert - LTI#43 MVI LTI | | 2017/04/06 |
Safety Alert 01/2017-PPE Standards Hazard | | 2017/04/02 |
Safety Alert 03/2017-BOSCH Important safety information | | 2017/04/02 |
PDO First Alert 08 | | 2017/03/27 |
PDO First Alert 07 | | 2017/03/22 |
HSE Newsletter Issue 54 - Psychological First Aid | | 2017/03/05 |
HSE Newsletter Issue 51 - HAZARD HUNT | | 2017/02/22 |
Q4 Corporate Message 2016 | | 2017/02/22 |
Q4 2016 LTI Incidents Analysis Study | | 2017/02/22 |
Safety Alert: Uncertified Lifting Equipment | | 2017/02/13 |
Safety Alert: Inadequate PPE | | 2017/02/13 |
PDO First Alert 06 | | 2017/02/02 |
2017 Corporate HSE Business Plan | | 2017/01/26 |
PDO First Alert 04 | | 2017/01/22 |
PDO First Alert 05 | | 2017/01/22 |
PDO First Alert 03 | | 2017/01/19 |
PDO First Alert 02 | | 2017/01/18 |
PDO First Alert 01 | | 2017/01/15 |
Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 37 Protecting the Environment | | 2017/01/10 |
Work Stoppage: Motor Vehicle Incidents | | 2016/12/26 |
PDO First Alert 36 | | 2016/12/21 |
Safety Bulletin: LFI Domestic Gas Regulator Safety | | 2016/12/21 |
PDO First Alert 43 | | 2016/12/20 |
PDO First Alert 41 | | 2016/12/05 |
PDO First Alert 40 | | 2016/11/30 |
Repeat Incidents Engagement Pack | | 2016/11/20 |
PDO First Alert 39 | | 2016/11/17 |
PDO First Alert 38 | | 2016/11/14 |
Q2 2016 LTI Incident Analysis | | 2016/11/07 |
Q3 2016 Corporate HSE Plan Update | | 2016/11/07 |
HSE Newsletter Issue 50 - Back Pain Management At Work | | 2016/11/02 |
Child safety inside vehicles: How to escape from a locked car | | 2016/10/31 |
PDO First Alert 37 | | 2016/10/31 |
HSE Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter Issue-36 | | 2016/10/19 |
HSE Newsletter Issue 48 - Epilepsy | | 2016/10/19 |
HSE Newsletter Issue 49 - HSE Lean | | 2016/10/19 |
MSE Staff Quarterly Meeting Presentations Oct 2016 | | 2016/10/19 |
Mr. Musleh’s News 09 | | 2016/10/11 |
2016 Second Alert - LTI Rig 87 | | 2016/10/09 |
2016 Second Alert- Bandar Al Khairan | | 2016/10/09 |
2016 Second Alert - LTI Rig 97 | | 2016/10/09 |
2016 Second Alert - LTI Fahud | | 2016/10/09 |
2016 Second Alert - LTI Nimr | | 2016/10/09 |
2016 Second Alert - MVI Fatality | | 2016/10/09 |
2016 Second Alert - LTI Qarn Alam | | 2016/10/09 |
2016 Second Alert - LTI Harweel | | 2016/10/09 |
2016 Second Alert - LTI Amal | | 2016/10/09 |
2016 Second Alert - LTI Qarn Alam | | 2016/10/09 |
2016 Second Alert - MVI Fatality | | 2016/10/09 |
PDO First Alert 35 | | 2016/10/05 |
PDO First Alert 26 | | 2016/10/04 |
PDO First Alert 28 | | 2016/10/04 |
PDO First Alert 27 | | 2016/10/04 |
PDO First Alert 34 | | 2016/10/04 |
PDO First Alert 32 | | 2016/10/02 |
PDO First Alert 33 | | 2016/10/02 |
PDO Contractor HSE Managers Forum September 2016 | | 2016/09/28 |
PDO First Alert 31 | | 2016/09/26 |
PDO First Alert 30 | | 2016/09/26 |
PDO First Alert 29 | | 2016/09/20 |
HSE Newsletter Issue 47 - Working At Height | | 2016/09/04 |
PDO First Alert 24 | | 2016/08/29 |
PDO First Alert 23 | | 2016/08/23 |
PDO First Alert 22a | | 2016/08/22 |
PDO First Alert 21a | | 2016/08/09 |
PDO First Alert 22 | | 2016/08/03 |
PDO First Alert 20 | | 2016/07/26 |
PDO First Alert 18 | | 2016/07/11 |
Mr. Musleh’s News 08 | | 2016/07/04 |
2016 Second Alert - LTI#01 LTI Bahja | | 2016/06/30 |
2016 Second Alert - LTI#02 LTI Rig 60 | | 2016/06/30 |
2016 Second Alert - LTI#03 LTI Rig 82 | | 2016/06/30 |
2016 Second Alert - LTI#04 LTI Saih Rawl | | 2016/06/30 |
2016 Second Alert - LTI#05 LTI Fahud | | 2016/06/30 |
2016 Second Alert - LTI#06 LTI Rig 87 | | 2016/06/30 |
The Eid Al Fitr Package | | 2016/06/30 |
HSE Newsletter Issue 46 - Ergonomics | | 2016/06/27 |
PDO First Alert 17 | | 2016/06/26 |
FATIGUE Management | | 2016/06/23 |
FATIGUE Management - Circular | | 2016/06/23 |
PDO First Alert 16 | | 2016/06/23 |
PDO First Alert 15 | | 2016/06/14 |
HSE Newsletter - Issue 45 - 500 million KM without work related fatality | | 2016/06/09 |
HSE Newsletter - Issue 44 - Fever in children | | 2016/05/29 |
Ramadan 1437 Advice | | 2016/05/25 |
Heat Stress - Understanding & Prevention | | 2016/05/23 |
PDO First Alert 13 | | 2016/05/11 |
PDO First Alert 14 | | 2016/05/10 |
STOP, change is coming FAQ | | 2016/05/08 |
PDO First Alert 11 | | 2016/05/08 |
CARBON MONOXIDE Poisoning - Videos | | 2016/05/04 |
CARBON MONOXIDE Presentation | | 2016/05/04 |
2016 First Alert 10 | | 2016/05/04 |
2016 First Alert 09 | | 2016/04/27 |
Q1 2016 LTI Incident Analysis | | 2016/04/21 |
Q1 2016 Corporate HSE Plan Update | | 2016/04/21 |
2016 First Alert 07 | | 2016/04/10 |
2016 First Alert 08 | | 2016/04/10 |
HSE Monthly Newsletter - Issue-43 | | 2016/04/06 |
Approved Training Provider List 2016 | | 2016/04/03 |
2016 - Lateral Learning LL47_NAD#12 | | 2016/04/03 |
2016 - Lateral Learning LL59_LTI#50_fracturedforearm | | 2016/04/03 |
PDO Contract HSE Managers Forum March 2016 | | 2016/04/03 |
Mr. Musleh’s News 07 | | 2016/04/03 |
HSE Alerts | | 2016/04/01 |
PDO MD Message - 2016 Safety Day 'Respect' | | 2016/04/01 |
2016 - Lateral Learning LL48_LTI#39-MVI | | 2016/03/24 |
2016 - Lateral Learning LL49_LTI#40-fracturedfinger | | 2016/03/24 |
2016 - Lateral Learning LL50_LTI#41-legtwist | | 2016/03/24 |
2016 - Lateral Learning LL53_LTI#44-fracturedfinger | | 2016/03/24 |
2016 - Lateral Learning LL56_LTI#47-fatalcrush | | 2016/03/24 |
2016 - Lateral Learning LL57_LTI#48-fracturedfinger | | 2016/03/24 |
2016 - Lateral Learning LL58_LTI#49-fracturedfinger | | 2016/03/24 |
2016 - Lateral Learning LL60_LTI#51_MVI | | 2016/03/24 |
2016 First Alert 06 | | 2016/03/21 |
2016 First Alert 02 | | 2016/03/14 |
2016 First Alert 03 | | 2016/03/14 |
2016 First Alert 04 | | 2016/03/14 |
2016 First Alert 05 | | 2016/03/14 |
Avoiding repairs work stoppage | | 2016/03/06 |
2016 First Alert 01 | | 2016/02/29 |
Shaleem Bus Incident Learning | | 2016/02/15 |
2015 - Lateral Learning LL51 - LTI#42 - Fractured Thumb | | 2016/01/28 |
2015 - Lateral Learning LL52 - LTI#43 - Finger Injury | | 2016/01/28 |
2015 - Lateral Learning LL54 - LTI#45 - Amputated Thumb | | 2016/01/28 |
2015 - Lateral Learning LL55 - LTI#46 - Multiple Fractures | | 2016/01/28 |
Q4 2015 Corporate HSE Plan Update | | 2016/01/27 |
Q4 2015 LTI Incident Analysis | | 2016/01/18 |
2016 CORPORATE HSE BUSINESS PLAN | | 2016/01/18 |
ADCO - Learning From Incident | | 2016/01/11 |
Mr. Musleh’s News 06 | | 2016/01/05 |
First Alert 51 | | 2016/01/05 |
First Alert 50 | | 2016/01/04 |
Know to Read Your Tyre Pocket Guide | | 2015/12/28 |
HSE Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter Issue-38 | | 2015/12/28 |
Commuting Fatality#05 | | 2015/12/22 |
First Alert 49 | | 2015/12/22 |
2015 - Lateral Learning LL39 - LTI#31 - Crushed Fingers | | 2015/12/13 |
2015 - Lateral Learning LL46 - LTI#32 - Amputated Fingers | | 2015/12/13 |
2015 - Lateral Learning LL45 - LTI#38 - Chemical Burns | | 2015/12/13 |
2015 - Lateral Learning LL40 - LTI#33 - Fractured Finger | | 2015/12/13 |
2015 - Lateral Learning LL41 - LTI#34 - Fractured Finger | | 2015/12/13 |
2015 - Lateral Learning LL42 - LTI#35 - Fractured Finger | | 2015/12/13 |
2015 - Lateral Learning LL43 - LTI#36 - Fractured Finger | | 2015/12/13 |
2015 - Lateral Learning LL44 - LTI#37 - Chemical Burns | | 2015/12/13 |
First Alert 47 | | 2015/12/10 |
Launch of Near Miss Reporting | | 2015/12/10 |
First Alert 48 | | 2015/12/10 |
New Penalties For Not Reporting HSE Incidents | | 2015/12/09 |
The new Supervisory Leadership Programme has launched | | 2015/12/07 |
First Alert 46 | | 2015/11/17 |
First Alert 45 | | 2015/11/15 |
Fatality Resulted As A Consequence Of Reversing Vehicle | | 2015/11/09 |
First Alert 44 | | 2015/11/05 |
HSE Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter Issue-35 | | 2015/11/04 |
First Alert 43 | | 2015/10/29 |
First Alert 42 | | 2015/10/26 |
Q3 2015 LTI Incident Analysis | | 2015/10/22 |
Q3 2015 Corporate HSE Plan Update | | 2015/10/22 |
First Alert 41 | | 2015/10/22 |
HSE Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter Issue-34 | | 2015/10/20 |
First Alert 40 | | 2015/10/18 |
HSE Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter Issue-33 | | 2015/10/11 |
First Alert 39 | | 2015/10/06 |
Mr. Musleh’s News 05 | | 2015/10/06 |
2015 - Lateral Learning LL37 - LTI#29 - crushed finger | | 2015/09/30 |
2015 - Lateral Learning LL38 - LTI#24 - Electrical burns | | 2015/09/30 |
2015 - Lateral Learning LL36 - LTI#26 - multiple injureis | | 2015/09/30 |
2015 - Lateral Learning LL32 - LTI#28- Amputated fingers | | 2015/09/29 |
2015 - Lateral Learning LL33 - LTI#30 - Amputated finger | | 2015/09/29 |
2015 - Lateral Learning LL34 - LTI#22 - Broken arm | | 2015/09/29 |
2015 - Lateral Learning LL35 - LTI#23 - Fractured arm | | 2015/09/29 |
2015 - LL01 - LTI#01-knee fracture | | 2015/09/27 |
2015 LL02 - NAD#01 | | 2015/09/27 |
2015 LL03-AI-PSM#01Tier1-PDO-MAF tank | | 2015/09/27 |
2015 - LL04-LTI#02-Finger fracture | | 2015/09/27 |
2015 - LL05-LTI#04-wrist fracture | | 2015/09/27 |
2015 - LL06-LTI#05-foot fracture | | 2015/09/27 |
2015 - LL07-LTI#06-finger fracture | | 2015/09/27 |
2015 - LL08-LTI#03-Fall from height-fracture wrist | | 2015/09/27 |
2015 - LL09-LTI#07-fractured finger | | 2015/09/27 |
First Alert 38 | | 2015/09/21 |
First Alert 37 | | 2015/09/20 |
Commuting Fatality#04 | | 2015/09/16 |
Recyclable medicine bag | | 2015/09/16 |
HSE Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter Issue-32 | | 2015/09/16 |
Driving During Eid Celebrations | | 2015/09/14 |
2015 - Lateral Learning #25 - LTI#25 - fractured finger | | 2015/09/10 |
2015 - Lateral Learning #29 - LTI#27 - fractured foot | | 2015/09/10 |
HSE Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter Issue-31 | | 2015/09/02 |
First Alert 36 | | 2015/09/01 |
First Alert 35 | | 2015/08/31 |
Road Safety Alert | | 2015/08/27 |
First Alert 34 | | 2015/08/26 |
HSE Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter Issue-30 | | 2015/08/23 |
First Alert 30 | | 2015/08/17 |
First Alert 33 | | 2015/08/17 |
First Alert 31 | | 2015/08/13 |
First Alert 32 | | 2015/08/13 |
Q2 2015 LTI Incident Analysis | | 2015/08/06 |
Don’t be the Next – Rig85 incident | | 2015/08/05 |
2015 - Lateral Learning #24 - LTI#19 - fractured finger | | 2015/08/03 |
2015 - Lateral Learning #26 - LTI#20 - fractured hand | | 2015/08/03 |
2015 - Lateral Learning #27 - LTI#21 - injured knee | | 2015/08/03 |
HSE Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter Issue-29 | | 2015/08/03 |
Mr. Musleh’s News 04 | | 2015/08/03 |
Prohibiting Future HSE Course Discounting | | 2015/07/15 |
EID - Road Safety Package (Arabic & English) | | 2015/07/14 |
HSE Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter Issue-28 | | 2015/07/05 |
Mr. Musleh’s News 03 | | 2015/07/02 |
First Alert 29 | | 2015/07/01 |
2015 - Lateral Learning #15 - LTI#12 - Fractured finger injury | | 2015/07/01 |
MSEM's Ramadan Video Message | | 2015/06/30 |
2015 - Lateral Learning #17-HIPO#1 Manbasket incident | | 2015/06/30 |
2015 - Lateral Learning #18 - LTI#13- slips | | 2015/06/30 |
2015 - Lateral Learning #19 - LTI#16 - chain binder eye injury | | 2015/06/30 |
2015 - Lateral Learning #20 - LTI#18 - drilling elevator finger injury | | 2015/06/30 |
2015 - Lateral Learning #21 - LTI#15 - barrier post finger injury | | 2015/06/30 |
2015 - Lateral Learning #22 - LTI#14 - kerb stone shin injury | | 2015/06/30 |
First Alert 27 | | 2015/06/25 |
First Alert 28 | | 2015/06/25 |
First Alert 26 | | 2015/06/23 |
First Alert 25 | | 2015/06/22 |
Safety Alert - Loose Clothing hazard | | 2015/06/21 |
First Alert 24 | | 2015/06/18 |
Ramadan Poster 2015 | | 2015/06/17 |
HSE Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter Issue-27 | | 2015/06/17 |
Be Safe and Healthy in Ramadan | | 2015/06/17 |
First Alert 23 | | 2015/06/16 |
First Alert 22 | | 2015/06/14 |
Mr. Musleh’s News 02 | | 2015/06/09 |
2015 - LL11-LTI#08-Fractured pelvis | | 2015/06/07 |
2015 - LL12-LTI#09-Head injury - Fatal | | 2015/06/07 |
2015 - LL13-LTI#10-Fractured toes | | 2015/06/07 |
2015 - LL14-LTI#11-Fractured wrist | | 2015/06/07 |
2015 - LL16-AIPS#2-Tier1 - Musalam Leak | | 2015/06/07 |
First Alert 21 | | 2015/06/03 |
First Alert 20 | | 2015/06/01 |
HSE Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter Issue-26 | | 2015/06/01 |
HSE Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 25 | | 2015/05/20 |
Q1 2015 LTI Incident Analysis | | 2015/05/13 |
Q1 2015 Corporate HSE Plan Update | | 2015/05/13 |
First Alert 19 | | 2015/05/12 |
Mr. Musleh’s News 01 | | 2015/05/04 |
HSE Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 24 | | 2015/05/04 |
First Alert 17 | | 2015/04/23 |
First Alert 18 | | 2015/04/23 |
First Alert 13 | | 2015/04/20 |
First Alert 16 | | 2015/04/20 |
First Alert 12 | | 2015/04/16 |
HSE Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 23 | | 2015/04/16 |
First Alert 14 | | 2015/04/15 |
First Alert 15 | | 2015/04/15 |
First Alert 11 | | 2015/04/05 |
Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 22 | | 2015/04/02 |
Work Stoppage April 2015 | | 2015/03/31 |
LL43-LTI#32-Toe fracture | | 2015/03/26 |
LL44-LTI#33-burns | | 2015/03/26 |
LL45-LTI#34-wrist fracture | | 2015/03/26 |
LL46-LTI#35-finger fracture | | 2015/03/26 |
LL48-LTI#37-Leg fracture | | 2015/03/26 |
LL49-LTI#43-Thumb amputation | | 2015/03/26 |
LL50-LTI#47-fingers fracture | | 2015/03/26 |
LL52-LTI#45-finger fracture | | 2015/03/26 |
LL53-LTI#49-elbow fracture | | 2015/03/26 |
LL54-LTI#50-leg fracture | | 2015/03/26 |
LL55-LTI#51-wrist fracture | | 2015/03/26 |
LL56-LTI#52-leg fracture | | 2015/03/26 |
LL57-LTI#53-leg fracture | | 2015/03/26 |
LL58-LTI#54-wrist & shoulder fracture | | 2015/03/26 |
LL59-LTI#56-finger fracture | | 2015/03/26 |
LL60-LTI#55-finger cut | | 2015/03/26 |
LL61-LTI#57-Thumb cut | | 2015/03/26 |
LL62-LTI#58-Finger fracture | | 2015/03/26 |
LL21-LTI#16-Leg fracture | | 2015/03/26 |
LL22-NAD#04 | | 2015/03/26 |
LL23-LTI#22-Fingers amputation | | 2015/03/26 |
LL24-LTI#20-rib fracture | | 2015/03/26 |
LL25-NAD#05 | | 2015/03/26 |
LL36-LTI#24-elbow fracture | | 2015/03/26 |
LL37-LTI#23-wrist&arm fracture | | 2015/03/26 |
LL26-NAD#03 | | 2015/03/26 |
LL27-LTI#07-foot fracture | | 2015/03/26 |
LL28-AI PS <I#14-Eyes burns | | 2015/03/26 |
LL29-LTI#38-littel finger fracture | | 2015/03/26 |
LL30-LTI#26--Deep cut | | 2015/03/26 |
LL31-LTI#16-Leg fracture | | 2015/03/26 |
LL32-LTI#21-broken left leg | | 2015/03/26 |
LL33-AI PS Gas Leak-L-755 Well Test #8 | | 2015/03/26 |
LL38-LTI#-Intaj-Equipment Damage | | 2015/03/26 |
LL39-LTI#40-Fracture toe | | 2015/03/26 |
LL40-LTI#41-Finger amputation | | 2015/03/26 |
LL41-LTI#28-Wrist fracture | | 2015/03/26 |
LL42-LTI#27-finger fracture | | 2015/03/26 |
LL34-NAD#01 | | 2015/03/26 |
LL35-NAD#02 | | 2015/03/26 |
First Alert 08 | | 2015/03/24 |
First Alert 10 | | 2015/03/19 |
Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 21 | | 2015/03/17 |
Escape Hood | | 2015/03/15 |
First Alert 09 | | 2015/03/12 |
Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 20 | | 2015/03/05 |
First Alert 07 | | 2015/03/03 |
Safe Driving Road Show Calendar | | 2015/02/25 |
First Alert 06 | | 2015/02/24 |
Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 19 | | 2015/02/16 |
First Alert-01 | | 2015/02/12 |
First Alert-02 | | 2015/02/10 |
First Alert-03 | | 2015/02/10 |
First Alert-04 | | 2015/02/10 |
First Alert-05 | | 2015/02/09 |
Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 18 | | 2015/02/04 |
Meet Mr Musleh | | 2015/02/03 |
2014 Q4 Corporate HSE Plan Update | | 2015/02/02 |
Q4 2014 LTI Incident Analysis | | 2015/02/02 |
2015 Corporate HSE Plan | | 2015/01/22 |
Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 17 | | 2015/01/18 |
Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 16 | | 2015/01/05 |
Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 15 | | 2014/12/16 |
Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 14 | | 2014/12/02 |
2014 Q3 Corporate HSE Plan Update | | 2014/11/20 |
Q3 2014 LTI Incident Analysis | | 2014/11/20 |
Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 13 | | 2014/11/18 |
Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 12 | | 2014/11/03 |
Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 11 | | 2014/10/22 |
Eid package | | 2014/10/02 |
Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 10 | | 2014/09/30 |
Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 9 | | 2014/09/18 |
Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 8 | | 2014/09/04 |
Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 7 | | 2014/08/21 |
Road Safety Consequence Matrix | | 2014/08/20 |
2014 Q2 Corporate HSE Plan Update | | 2014/08/12 |
Q2 2014 LTI Incident Analysis | | 2014/08/12 |
Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 6 | | 2014/08/05 |
Road Safety during Eid Holidays - 2014 | | 2014/07/22 |
Safety Alert - Lifting and off loading | | 2014/07/17 |
Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 5 | | 2014/07/17 |
LL11 - NAD # 6 - sideboom | | 2014/07/15 |
LL12 - NAD#8 - Lung problem | | 2014/07/15 |
LL13 - LTI#17- fractured wrist | | 2014/07/15 |
LL14 - LTI#18 fractured wrist | | 2014/07/15 |
LL15 - LTI#09 - multiple fracture | | 2014/07/15 |
LL16 - MVI Fatality 3rd Party | | 2014/07/15 |
LL17 - LTI#12 - Fractured forearm | | 2014/07/15 |
LL18 - LTI#13 - MVI collision poor visibility | | 2014/07/15 |
LL19 - LTI#15 - MVI collision (dust cloud) | | 2014/07/15 |
LL20 - LTI#19 - Fractured ankle (slips) | | 2014/07/15 |
Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 4 | | 2014/07/07 |
Ramadan Mubarak 2014 | | 2014/06/29 |
Deepdive video - AIPS | | 2014/06/25 |
Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 3 | | 2014/06/19 |
FLOWERS (Fuel, License, Oil, water, Electrics , Rubber, Safety Equipments) | | 2014/06/15 |
Driving while fatigued | | 2014/06/15 |
Regular Vehicle Maintenance | | 2014/06/15 |
Road Safety in Summer | | 2014/06/15 |
Stay Safe in Summer | | 2014/06/12 |
Tell A Friend Campaign on Road Safety Launches its New Films | | 2014/06/09 |
Bi-Weekly HSE Newsletter - Issue 2 | | 2014/06/08 |
LL07-LTI#6 - Rib Fracture | | 2014/06/05 |
LL08 - LTI#08 - Fractured foot | | 2014/06/05 |
LL09 - LTI#10 - Fractured foot | | 2014/06/05 |
LL10 - LTI#11- Fractured finger | | 2014/06/05 |
LL06 PDO staff Commuting incident | | 2014/06/04 |
LL01-LTI#1- Fractured Hand | | 2014/05/20 |
LL02-LTI#2- Deep laceration leg | | 2014/05/20 |
LL03-LTI#3 - Lacerated hand | | 2014/05/20 |
LL04-LTI#4 - MVI Fatality | | 2014/05/20 |
LL05-LTI#5 - Dislocated shoulder | | 2014/05/20 |
Electronic HSE Newsletter No. 1 | | 2014/05/12 |
Q1 2014 LTI Incident Analysis | | 2014/05/09 |
2014 Q1 Corporate HSE Update | | 2014/05/01 |
NAD - Statistics & Causes | | 2014/03/20 |
2014 Safety Day | | 2014/03/19 |
Workplace Safety - Working at Heights | | 2014/03/05 |
Q4 2013 LTI Incident Analysis | | 2014/02/20 |
Shelters at worksites | | 2014/02/13 |
2014 Safety Work Stoppage | | 2014/02/12 |
Best Ever Safety Performance | | 2014/02/10 |
PDO Golden Rules | | 2014/01/23 |
2014 Corporate HSE Plan | | 2014/01/15 |
PDO Incident Management will be in production on 10th December. | | 2013/11/27 |
Corporate HSE Q2 Update | | 2013/10/30 |
Corporate HSE Q3 Update | | 2013/10/30 |
Q3 2013 LTI Incident Analysis | | 2013/10/30 |
HSE Learning No 104 UnAuthorised Driving | | 2013/10/25 |
Tipper truck loses power on jebal, overturns and crushes flowlines. LL # 22 | | 2013/09/11 |
Portacabin Fire due to electrical short circuit. LL # 21 | | 2013/09/10 |
Q2 2013 LTI Incident Analysis | | 2013/09/10 |
Commuting Fatality NWR - LL # 12 | | 2013/09/09 |
Fall from unsecured ladder LTI # 23 | | 2013/09/05 |
Fractured Elbow - LTI # 12 | | 2013/08/29 |
Fractured Finger - LTI # 13 | | 2013/08/27 |
Fractured Finger - LTI # 18 | | 2013/08/27 |
Ensure proper housekeeping | | 2013/08/26 |
Always use handrails while working on heights. | | 2013/08/26 |
Intervene when safety rules are broken | | 2013/08/26 |
Hands off, watch out for pinch points | | 2013/08/26 |
Immediately Cover any hole after usage before proceeding to another task | | 2013/08/26 |
Fatal - Struck by lightning- HSE Learning No. 16/2013 | | 2013/08/26 |
Falling Jib Fatality - 22.05.13 | | 2013/08/26 |
Food Hygiene - Food Poisoning Qarn Alam | | 2013/08/26 |
Foot injury LTI # 10 | | 2013/08/26 |
Fractured foot LTI # 11 | | 2013/08/26 |
Back Injury - LTI # 15 | | 2013/08/26 |
Driver dies from heart attack whilst driving - NAD #02 | | 2013/08/26 |
Commuting Fatality NWR - LL # 10 | | 2013/08/26 |
Commuting Fatality NWR - LL # 11 | | 2013/08/26 |
Ramadhan and Driving 2013 | | 2013/07/10 |
RTA - hit high voltage pole - HSE Learning No. 18/2013 | | 2013/07/08 |
Lightning kills – follow the advice and stay alive | | 2013/05/17 |
Safety Day – 19 June 2013 | | 2013/05/06 |
Corporate HSE Q1 Newsletter | | 2013/05/02 |
Defensive Driving Booklet | | 2013/05/01 |
Second UN Global Road Safety Week – 6-12 May | | 2013/04/24 |
PDO HSE Policy 2006 (old) | | 2013/04/14 |
Revised HSE policy 2009 (old) | | 2013/04/14 |
Revised HSE Policy 2011 (new) | | 2013/04/14 |
Incident Investigations Tripod Beta Training Course arranged- book now | | 2013/04/02 |
Beware Of Slippery Work Area | | 2013/03/26 |
Hazards are everywhere! Stay focused when on Site | | 2013/03/26 |
Treat Third party drivers with extreme caution | | 2013/03/26 |
Equipment audit check lists | | 2013/03/11 |
Lifting updates - New Letters | | 2013/03/11 |
Audit check list for lifting equipment and – operations | | 2013/03/11 |
Load Restrain Campaign | | 2013/02/05 |
Training and Certification for Lifting and Hoisting operations personnel | | 2013/01/01 |
Updated PDO HSE document PR1418 & GU612 | | 2012/12/19 |
PDO shines at the Traffic Safety Expo 2012 | | 2012/10/23 |
Important and Urgent Action Required - Mobile Crane Operations | | 2012/10/08 |
PDO Contractor Crane Health check | | 2012/10/06 |
New HSE Training Provider, Knowledge Grid replacing NTI | | 2012/10/03 |
Lateral Learning: Fatal Crane Incident at Amin (Nimr) Steam | | 2012/10/02 |
Check for Chronic disease and apply Control measures | | 2012/09/29 |
Use your DD techniques, double check both directions before you cross | | 2012/08/14 |
EID - Road Safety Alert | | 2012/08/14 |
Always ensure hand rails are in place before using steps | | 2012/07/31 |
Properly secure high pressure lines and stay clear of them | | 2012/07/31 |
Never operate plant without the presence signal of Banksman | | 2012/07/31 |
Struggling to do a job? STOP!! THINK & work a safe solution | | 2012/07/31 |
Only hold the Tongs by the designated handle | | 2012/07/31 |
Lifiting operations are hazardous, always follow the lifting protocols | | 2012/07/29 |
Use portable ladders correctly secured | | 2012/07/29 |
Avoid night driving where possible | | 2012/07/29 |
Do not get involved in any job, if not part of the Toolbox Talk | | 2012/07/29 |
Always watch out for Pinch Points | | 2012/07/29 |
Report any difficulties in completing task due to poor design | | 2012/07/29 |
Dont drink and drive and always wear your seat belt | | 2012/07/29 |
Ramadan Fatigue - Tired? Take a Break | | 2012/07/11 |
No Texting While Driving | | 2012/07/11 |
Check your Vehicle Regularly | | 2012/07/11 |
Prevent Fatigue and Drowsiness while Driving | | 2012/06/27 |
UWD Golden Saif and Salim Awards 2012 | | 2012/06/18 |
Safety Day 2012 - Well Engg team, Focus on High Potentials | | 2012/06/10 |
Revised - In-Vehicle Monitoring Systems (IVMS) Approval Process | | 2012/06/05 |
Safety Day 2012 - 6th June | | 2012/06/05 |
Fatal Incident Learning: Driving in Sand Storm | | 2012/05/01 |
Fatal Incident Learning: Reversing Vehicle | | 2012/04/30 |
Reinstated - BSmart IVMS supplier | | 2012/04/08 |
PR-1171 Part 1 Version 5 (Managing HSE in Contracts) | | 2012/04/08 |
GU-140 (C-09 HSE Requirements in Contracts) | | 2012/04/08 |
HSE Training Changes - Clarification Workshops | | 2012/04/04 |
Follow company instructions , never use private vehicles to commute to interior | | 2012/03/24 |
Contractor HSE Managers workshop | | 2012/01/31 |
New HSE Training Documents Published | | 2012/01/24 |
First aid training specifications change / New DD courses | | 2012/01/24 |
Removal of IVMS Approved Supplier | | 2012/01/18 |
Always slow down before roundabouts | | 2012/01/14 |
Use the right tool for the job | | 2012/01/14 |
Check if your wheel bearings are safe | | 2012/01/14 |
Revised HSE Management System (CP-122) | | 2011/12/24 |
Safe Journey Management Refresher Courses | | 2011/12/21 |
Make effective use of Toolbox Risk Identification Card(TRIC) | | 2011/12/20 |
Comply to defensive driving techniques | | 2011/12/20 |
Commute by bus, its safer | | 2011/12/20 |
DD Training for Automatic Permit Holders | | 2011/12/05 |
Revised Lifting Standards PR-1708, PR-1709, SP-1251 and removal of CP-189 | | 2011/11/22 |
Driving Blind - Fog is a blind killer | | 2011/11/12 |
Incident Prevention Through Learning from Incidents | | 2011/11/12 |
IVMS Questions & Answers | | 2011/10/30 |
Ensure safeguards for avoiding blockage and early detection of vibration | | 2011/10/29 |
PDO Driving Advice - Ambulance RTA | | 2011/10/12 |
Fatal Public Bus Incident | | 2011/10/11 |
Dont Let this happen to You!! | | 2011/08/16 |
Always use Intrinsically safe hammer | | 2011/08/13 |
Pyrophoric Sludge Contamination | | 2011/08/13 |
Revised Defensive Driving Training Schedule for Ramadan | | 2011/08/02 |
Fatigue during Ramadhan /Summer 2011 | | 2011/07/12 |
Establish assurance mechanism for compliance to HACCP (Codex) and Hygiene standards | | 2011/07/10 |
Safety Day 2011 - Do the right thing. Reinforce Life Saving Rules | | 2011/07/03 |
Ensure resources are in place and job to be done in safe manner | | 2011/06/28 |
Dont overspeed and Always follow Journey Management | | 2011/06/28 |
Always use provided Shade to rest | | 2011/06/28 |
Anchor points to be correctly positioned and guy lines tensioned as per OEM recommendations | | 2011/05/08 |
Always follow recommended time frame to inspect equipment | | 2011/05/08 |
Always be alert for trip hazards around the work-place | | 2011/05/07 |
Keep hands away from door frames and always use the door handle | | 2011/05/07 |
Use PDO approved transportation | | 2011/05/04 |
Always pay attention to footing, while working at height | | 2011/05/04 |
Hazard identification using TRIC is a must for all activities | | 2011/05/04 |
Use portable ladders only when they are physically secured | | 2011/05/04 |
Use handrails on stairs and ascend/descend one step at a time | | 2011/05/04 |
Acquire manager approval before deviating from standard procedure | | 2011/05/04 |
Engage the parking brake fully when parking a vehicle | | 2011/05/04 |
Always wear seatbelts, dont overspeed | | 2011/04/20 |
Occupation Health Road Show 2011 | | 2011/04/13 |
Be alert of speeding vehicles and keep safe distance from the road | | 2011/03/29 |
Only use the appropriate ladder or steps to reach a height | | 2011/03/22 |
Keep your hands away from pinch points | | 2011/03/22 |
Pedestrians to avoid short-cuts, Drivers to always be on the look out for pedestrians | | 2011/03/19 |
PDO driving permits | | 2011/03/09 |
Never Drive into a Dust Cloud! | | 2011/03/08 |
Avoid driving in poor visibility and always wear Seat Belts | | 2011/03/08 |
Adhere to the signposted speed limits | | 2011/03/07 |
IVMS Supervisor and Focal Point training | | 2011/03/06 |
Driver Fatality/Rollover/Spill | | 2011/02/21 |
Road Safety and You Calendar Poster | | 2011/02/15 |
Introducing and Developing Facilitation Techniques | | 2011/02/15 |
Dealing with Hazards and Risks | | 2011/02/13 |
How To Conduct Hazard Hunt in Worksite | | 2011/02/13 |
Change to interior DD course times | | 2011/02/13 |
FIM System inaccessible | | 2011/02/09 |
Look for the green tag before accessing a scaffold | | 2011/02/09 |
Ensure all grooves / ditches are covered or filled | | 2011/02/09 |
Always watch out for the pinch points | | 2011/02/09 |
Supervisors should be role model for crew for HSE at work | | 2011/02/09 |
IVMS Circular- Distribution of final IVMS green keys | | 2011/02/07 |
Rollover Jan 2011 | | 2011/02/07 |
Always use correct tools for the job | | 2011/02/01 |
Resting underneath Vehicles and Articulated Plants | | 2011/02/01 |
Worker Fatally crushed between parts of Trailer | | 2011/01/25 |
IVMS installation success | | 2011/01/25 |
Keep work place tidy, avoid working on slippery surfaces | | 2011/01/25 |
Use Winches instead of Hands and Fingers | | 2011/01/25 |
Never insert finger through the key hole of the protector | | 2011/01/25 |
Always follow speed limit | | 2011/01/19 |
Do not cross pipelines and always use proper walkways | | 2011/01/19 |
Do not walk on pipes and always follow Life Saving Rules | | 2011/01/19 |
Ensure strict adherence to procedures when working around live pipelines | | 2011/01/19 |
Volvo FM Series Truck Fires Due To Loose Engine Insulation | | 2011/01/18 |
Use appropriate PPE as per the work area hazards | | 2011/01/12 |
Always apply Safe Handling and Stepping Techniques | | 2011/01/12 |
Know your workplace hazards | | 2011/01/12 |
PDO to improve (NOC) management process | | 2011/01/12 |
Keep away from potential pinch point. | | 2011/01/08 |
Be aware of the Safe work method for the activity | | 2011/01/08 |
Avoid manual shifting of heavy materials | | 2011/01/08 |
Fatigued? Take rest if feeling tired while driving | | 2011/01/08 |
H2S Training and Insight Browser | | 2011/01/04 |
IVMS training for management | | 2011/01/04 |
PDO Annual Wellness Walk on 20th December 2010 | | 2010/12/19 |
Never Drop any object from height, drift them on pipe racks | | 2010/12/15 |
Isolate & Discharge the energy source on powered tools prior to repairs | | 2010/12/15 |
Always wear your seatbelt | | 2010/12/15 |
Always Secure Seat and Fire Extinguisher Locking Pin in Place | | 2010/12/15 |
Slow down and steer smoothly to avoid a roll over! | | 2010/12/06 |
40th National Holiday - Road Safety Alert | | 2010/12/05 |
PDO Annual Wellness Walk - Date changed to 20th December | | 2010/12/05 |
PDO Annual Wellness Walk - 21st December 2010 | | 2010/12/01 |
Always cover floor openings or barricade to prevent falls | | 2010/11/29 |
Never place hands inside operating machinery, always use an Inspection Kit | | 2010/11/28 |
Isolate batteries before attempting to handle | | 2010/11/24 |
Important Road Safety Notice - Traffic Restrictions in Muscat | | 2010/11/24 |
IVMS Circular -"What date do you need to provide your vehicle?" | | 2010/11/24 |
United Nations focuses on Road Safety at the highest level | | 2010/11/20 |
New Road Safety 3D animation to use in teaching about driving whilst fatigued | | 2010/11/13 |
EID - Road Safety Alert (Arabic & English) | | 2010/11/10 |
New Monthly Road Safety Learning material | | 2010/10/26 |
IVMS : Last chance to get your IVMS key | | 2010/10/26 |
Info for IVMS contract from FMSi to PDO contractors | | 2010/10/20 |
ROAD SAFETY FORUM MAF | | 2010/10/16 |
Road Safety Performance to be congratulated | | 2010/10/06 |
In-Vehicle Monitoring Systems (IVMS) Contract | | 2010/10/06 |
Defensive Driving Circular - Private Light Driving Licenses Evidence | | 2010/10/04 |
EID - Road Safety | | 2010/09/08 |
In Vehicle Monitoring Systems (IVMS) Info Road Show | | 2010/09/08 |
Private Light license announcement in Arabic | | 2010/09/08 |
Fatigue Management Pamphlet | | 2010/09/07 |
Meter Insulating Gasket Failure | | 2010/09/05 |
Adhere to Electrical Safety Rules when working on overhead lines. | | 2010/09/05 |
Awareness of pressure build due to thermal expansion | | 2010/09/05 |
Private commuting for Eid Celebrations | | 2010/09/04 |
License extensions for "Private Light" Driving Licenses | | 2010/08/28 |
BOP/Valve Safety | | 2010/08/25 |
Use Outriggers when lifting load using a Crane | | 2010/08/25 |
Check vehicle is in neutral gear and clear of obstructions and people before starting | | 2010/08/25 |
Clearance between Fall Arrestor and Drill Line | | 2010/08/25 |
Dont work on open gratings and pits without barricading | | 2010/08/25 |
Proper implementation of Management of Change Procedure | | 2010/08/25 |
Ensure proper footing while acending or descending a vehicle | | 2010/08/25 |
Driving home for Eid Celebration | | 2010/08/24 |
Defensive Driving Circular - Driving Training and "Private Light" Driving Licenses | | 2010/08/23 |
Tips on a Healthy Life Style during Ramadhan | | 2010/08/09 |
Ramadhan Road Safety Controls | | 2010/08/03 |
SP2000 Road Safety Verification Audit 2010 | | 2010/08/03 |
Maintain Safe distance from moving machinery | | 2010/07/06 |
Electrical Hazard | | 2010/06/29 |
Use of Wheel Chokes on Parked Heavy Plant | | 2010/06/29 |
Ramadhan Driving - Why be Concerned? | | 2010/06/27 |
Safety Day 2010 Article - Ramadhan and Fatigue Management | | 2010/06/15 |
Safety Day 2010 Article - Work Factors Causing Fatigue | | 2010/06/14 |
Safety Day 2010 Article - Body Clock Factors Causing Fatigue | | 2010/06/13 |
Safety Day 2010 Article - What is Fatigue ? | | 2010/06/12 |
Safety Day 2010 Article - What is Heat Stress ? | | 2010/06/12 |
Safety Day 2010 - Do the right thing in Managing Fatigue | | 2010/06/06 |
Toolbox Risk Identification Card (TRIC) | | 2010/05/31 |
Toolbox Risk Identification Card (TRIC) Poster | | 2010/05/31 |
Hands and Fingers Safety | | 2010/05/30 |
Hazard Awareness Workshops (HAWs) Framework | | 2010/05/30 |
Unprotected Wood Saw | | 2010/05/24 |
Revised SP 1259 (Safety Training Observation Programme (STOP)) version 3 | | 2010/05/09 |
Pedestrian Safety at Night | | 2010/05/03 |
Hazards when working near Heavy Machinery | | 2010/05/03 |
Be Safe - Do not use GSM or texting while driving | | 2010/04/28 |
Ingestion of Hazardous Material | | 2010/04/28 |
Confined Space Fatality | | 2010/04/27 |
FIM Online Training Notification | | 2010/03/27 |
Road Safety Forum MAF- 22nd March 2010 | | 2010/03/13 |
Fire Incident at Marmul PDO Camp | | 2010/03/09 |
DD04 Tanker Courses - TATI | | 2010/02/21 |
HRA training in Bahja | | 2010/02/21 |
Wear Your Seat Belt | | 2010/02/16 |
Important Notice - Road Closure Muttrah area | | 2010/02/13 |
Save with DDC06 Recertification | | 2010/02/01 |
Occupational Health Road Show | | 2010/01/26 |
HSE Must-Wins Video - Road Safety | | 2010/01/18 |
HSE Must-Wins Video - Worksite Hazards | | 2010/01/17 |
HSE Must-Wins Video - NORM and Oily Waste | | 2010/01/16 |
HSE Must-Wins Video - Process Safety | | 2010/01/13 |
HSE Must-Wins Video - Contractor Management | | 2010/01/12 |
HSE Must-Wins Video - Corporate HSE Manager | | 2010/01/11 |
HM speech on Road Traffic Accidents 2009 | | 2010/01/11 |
Controlling health risks at work | | 2010/01/06 |
Dangers of Wadis | | 2009/12/15 |
A New Year Road Safety message | | 2009/12/15 |
Driving in Fog | | 2009/12/08 |
Heavy Lift Crane Foundation faliure | | 2009/11/24 |
Scaffolding Injury | | 2009/11/24 |
Fall Of Material During Lifting | | 2009/11/24 |
Vehicle Theft from Al Sarooj Car Wash Facility near BG Oman Office | | 2009/11/24 |
Loose Items in Vehicle Passenger Compartments | | 2009/11/24 |
Worker Struck by Dropped Object | | 2009/11/21 |
Hazards of working with Rotating Equipment | | 2009/11/21 |
Operating Cranes near Overhead Power Cables | | 2009/11/21 |
Defensive Driving Training in automatic cars | | 2009/11/18 |
EID - Road Safety Alert | | 2009/11/17 |
Tea Water Boiler Incident | | 2009/11/17 |
PDO Investigation Guidance for Life-Saving Rule violation | | 2009/11/16 |
Driving in Fog | | 2009/11/16 |
Qurum-Darsait Highway Junction | | 2009/11/15 |
PDO Updates IVMS Web Page for PDO and Contractors | | 2009/11/14 |
D&I Road Safety Presentation | | 2009/10/28 |
PDO Wellness Walk - 24th November 2009 | | 2009/10/28 |
STS Drive to Survive Campaign 2009 | | 2009/10/27 |
Validity of PDO Driving Permits | | 2009/10/27 |
Defensive Driving Training - Pre-Course Eyesight Testing | | 2009/10/24 |
Pipe Fatality | | 2009/10/24 |
SP 1157 version 7.0 HSE Training Specification now on Live-link | | 2009/10/21 |
H2S can kill so treat it with extreme CAUTION | | 2009/10/21 |
Presentation with beamer led to serious eye damage | | 2009/10/12 |
Major Changes To Mandated HSE Training | | 2009/10/05 |
EID - Road Safety Alert | | 2009/09/12 |
HSE Challenges for H2S Projects | | 2009/09/07 |
Safety Alert - Client update fatality on Rig 151: 24 August 2009 | | 2009/08/31 |
Amended HSE Documents | | 2009/08/26 |
New SP2000 Road Safety Standard launched | | 2009/08/22 |
Safety Alert - Loose Items in Vehicle Passenger Compartments | | 2009/08/18 |
Certified Defensive Driving Training Institutes | | 2009/08/16 |
New Initiative - Driving Forum for MAF employees | | 2009/08/16 |
Defensive Driving Training and Ramadan | | 2009/08/16 |
Ramadhan Presentation | | 2009/08/10 |
PR-1418 Update to include LSR Notification | | 2009/07/22 |
Advisory Note : Road Safety Enforcement | | 2009/05/19 |
New Arrangements - Issuing PDO HSE Passports | | 2009/05/11 |
LSR launch video | | 2009/05/11 |
Launch of Life-Saving Rules Cascade | | 2009/05/11 |
Back to basics at junctions | | 2009/05/05 |
BACK TO BASIC - SIGNS | | 2009/05/05 |
Revised Procedure - PR-1418-Incident Notification, Analysis, Reporting and Follow-Up | | 2009/04/06 |
New Defensive Driving Courses effective 3rd April 2009 | | 2009/03/28 |
Tires - Blow outs | | 2009/03/18 |
Brisk Walking | | 2009/03/08 |
Raising Awareness: In-Car Safety, Always use your Seatbelts | | 2009/03/01 |
The 60 seconds driver - Seatbelts | | 2009/03/01 |
Posters for Driving Forums 2009 | | 2009/02/14 |
Do not Drink and drive, or face Consequences | | 2009/02/14 |
Always wear your Seatbelts | | 2009/02/14 |
Revised Environmental Specifications and Guidelines | | 2009/02/04 |
Battery Safety | | 2008/12/22 |
Electrical - Tube Light Safety Alert | | 2008/12/06 |
Insight Browser - Launched today | | 2008/11/24 |
Dropped Object Consequence Calculator | | 2008/11/16 |
ROP Law Reminder - Traffic violations | | 2008/11/01 |
What is Process Safety? | | 2008/08/30 |
Tire Safety - The 60 second Driver | | 2008/07/05 |
4 MINUTES OFFICE EXERCISE | | 2008/06/28 |
DO NOT MIX OXYGEN AND OIL | | 2008/06/18 |
SNAKEBITE: Prevention and First Aid | | 2008/06/18 |
Heat Stress - Protect Yourself | | 2008/06/18 |
Whiplash Injury Safety Moment | | 2008/06/18 |
Worksafe Cards - "Its a Work Safe day TODAY" | | 2008/06/04 |
SEIC - Office Hazards | | 2008/06/04 |
SEIC - Ban Chinese Trucks | | 2008/06/04 |
EPE - Pedestrian knocked over by fork lift truck | | 2008/06/04 |
SPDC - Fire Incident in Condensate Export Pump at Cawthorne Channel Gas Plant | | 2008/06/04 |
Insalah Gas (BP, StatoilHydro) - Chassis failures Toyota Land Cruisers | | 2008/06/04 |
Awareness alert on tanker blind spots | | 2008/05/17 |
Safety Alert - Pedestrian safety at night | | 2008/05/14 |
Galfar RTA Multiple Fatalities Incident | | 2008/05/10 |
Birba H2S incident | | 2008/05/06 |
Safety Poster - Unsafe Acts and Unsafe Conditions | | 2008/04/15 |
Safety Poster - Employer, Supervisor and Worker Responsibilities | | 2008/04/15 |
Safety Video - Essa"s Story | | 2008/03/25 |
Temporary Pipe work - Hanging by a thread | | 2008/03/25 |
Safety Alert - Separation of top from filter Incident | | 2008/03/12 |
Tyre Safety Campaign | | 2008/03/10 |
Road Safety Video - Good Drivers Just Drive | | 2008/03/05 |
Wear Your Seatbelt | | 2008/03/05 |
Road Worthiness - Assurance Scheme | | 2008/03/05 |
Road Safety - Speed Kills | | 2008/03/05 |
Road Consequence Matrix | | 2008/03/05 |
Avoid Falling and Tripping | | 2008/03/05 |
LTI Learning Pack 2007 - Fall | | 2008/03/02 |
LTI Learning Pack 2007 - Handling Tools & Equipment | | 2008/03/02 |
LTI Learning Pack 2007 - Machine Guarding | | 2008/03/02 |
LTI Learning Pack 2007 - Manual Material Handling | | 2008/03/02 |
LTI Learning Pack 2007 - RTAs | | 2008/03/02 |
LTI Learning Pack 2007 - Slips | | 2008/03/02 |
Goal Zero Poster | | 2008/02/24 |
Truck Rollover with dummies Vol-2 (inside) | | 2008/02/11 |
Rollover due to Overspeeding | | 2008/02/11 |
Fatal Driving | | 2008/02/11 |
Seatbelts - Crash Test Dummies | | 2008/02/11 |
No Seatbelts No Excuse | | 2008/02/11 |
Seatbelts - Killed by rear passenger | | 2008/02/11 |
Rollovers and Seatbelts | | 2008/02/11 |
Pressure test - Tank Liftoff | | 2007/10/01 |
Awareness alert - Flexible Hose Failure | | 2007/09/19 |
Hazards of Temporary Confined Spaces | | 2007/09/17 |
Unloading Skid Leads To A Fall And Lost Time Incident | | 2007/09/03 |
2006 Rollovers | | 2007/08/08 |
Belt up or suffer the Pain | | 2007/08/07 |
Keeping the Dream Alive | | 2007/08/06 |
Video presented at CEO HSE Conference July 2007 | | 2007/08/06 |
Snake Bite | | 2007/06/24 |
Cementing Unit Incident | | 2007/06/24 |
Incident during rigging up mud tank | | 2007/06/24 |
Save a Life Drive Safely | | 2007/06/10 |
Swiss Cheese Poster | | 2007/05/29 |
PDO Safety Days 2007 | | 2007/05/29 |
Pressure Testing Incident | | 2007/02/24 |
Stopped along the Road | | 2007/02/24 |
Changing a flat tyre | | 2007/02/24 |
Office HSE Checklist | | 2007/02/21 |
I Chose to Look the Other Way -Poem | | 2007/01/22 |
PDO House Rules | | 2007/01/22 |
One-to-One Discussion on Shadow of a Doubt Intervention video | | 2006/12/31 |
Electrical Fatality | | 2006/12/23 |
Golden Rules & House Rules | | 2006/12/10 |
I Chose to Look the Other Way | | 2006/12/10 |
Shadow of a Doubt | | 2006/12/10 |
Safety Alert based on Fatality on 17th October | | 2006/12/06 |
Avoidance of danger from overhead electric power lines | | 2006/11/26 |
Cable insulation damage due to welding slack | | 2006/11/26 |
QATARGAS II Project Fatality - Dropped Blast Door Transom Panel | | 2006/11/26 |
HSE Learning from Fatal Coating Plant Accident | | 2006/11/25 |
A tale of three pigs (pigging incidents) | | 2006/10/16 |
Utility Hose Rupture Fatal Injury | | 2006/10/16 |
Gas Bottle Explosion | | 2006/09/09 |
Castrol Drive Safely | | 2006/08/07 |
Static Electricity | | 2006/08/01 |
Exploration Lateral Learning - Geologist died in UAE desert | | 2006/07/30 |
Grinder Safety | | 2006/07/18 |
Exploration Lateral Learning - Fall | | 2006/07/17 |
Knee Injury (LTI 23 of 2006) | | 2006/06/25 |
Fatality at HHI Fabrication Yard, Korea | | 2006/06/06 |
Tyre Safety (based on PDO RTA Fatality on 2/May/2006) | | 2006/05/27 |
Paper Shredder Safety | | 2006/05/27 |
Drive Safely | | 2006/05/07 |
Compressed Gas Cylinders | | 2006/04/30 |
Competency Vs Complacency | | 2006/04/30 |
Competency Vs Complacency | | 2006/04/30 |
Employees eyes saved by Safety Glasses! | | 2006/04/16 |
Child falls into a swimming pool during company outing | | 2006/02/26 |
Doesn"t Your Child Deserve Safe Ride? | | 2006/01/25 |
Doesn"t Your Child Deserve Safe Ride? | | 2006/01/25 |
Casualty Handling of Victims with Back (spinal) Injuries | | 2006/01/01 |
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) | | 2005/12/12 |
Water is essential for Life | | 2005/12/12 |
Safety Matters - Even in an Office | | 2005/12/12 |
Horseplay Is No Joke | | 2005/12/12 |
Hand Safety | | 2005/12/12 |
Slips and Falls | | 2005/12/12 |
Crash Course: Simple Tips that could help save lives | | 2005/11/29 |
Fire Alarms: Safety Reminder | | 2005/11/29 |
Grinder Safety | | 2005/11/26 |
Pipeline Pigging Incident | | 2005/11/09 |
Introduction to First Aid | | 2005/10/26 |
SHI Cable Installer Fall from Scaffolding (28-Sep-05) | | 2005/10/22 |
Fatality from a fall from the platform access ladder (04-Oct-05) | | 2005/10/22 |
Trenches and Excavations | | 2005/10/15 |
Loose Lifting Equipment | | 2005/10/15 |
Excavation and Trench Protection | | 2005/10/12 |
Sustainable Development Awareness Session | | 2005/10/09 |
Five Steps to Risk Assessment | | 2005/10/09 |
Waste Management | | 2005/10/09 |
Waste Management in PDO | | 2005/10/09 |
Tires | | 2005/10/09 |
Responses to the Ozone Depletion | | 2005/10/09 |
Safety in Ramadan | | 2005/10/09 |
Deadly Distractions | | 2005/10/09 |
Seat Belts | | 2005/10/09 |
CPSC Guide to Safe Work on Slips, Trips and Falls | | 2005/09/28 |
Falling | | 2005/09/21 |
Noise and Manual lifting package | | 2005/09/19 |
Safety?... My Responsibility | | 2005/09/18 |
Fatality: Fall Through Grating | | 2005/08/27 |
Domestic Lighter Explodes in Sunlight | | 2005/08/14 |
Protecting Your Eyes | | 2005/08/01 |
Onshore Pipelines, Spread 1C | | 2005/07/30 |
Office Ergonomics | | 2005/07/26 |
Where is my Bull Dozer? | | 2005/07/20 |
Bleeder Plug Release Under Pressure w/ Injury | | 2005/07/20 |
Incident at a shipyard in Malaysia | | 2005/07/06 |
Food Hygiene | | 2005/06/29 |
Land Farming | | 2005/06/29 |
Note to All Contract Holders and HSE Advisors - Lifting Operations | | 2005/06/29 |
Private Vehicles in the Interior | | 2005/06/29 |
Running Machine......... | | 2005/06/28 |
Make safety your Priority...Else(Unsafe) | | 2005/06/28 |
Hearts & Minds Video: Who is the Loser? | | 2005/06/22 |
Haz-ID: Hazard Identification Training Package by Well Engineering (2004) | | 2005/06/20 |
Plug Muff Fitting | | 2005/06/20 |
Haz-ID: Hazard Identification Training Package by Well Engineering (2004) | | 2005/06/20 |
Safe Journey Management | | 2005/06/17 |
Radiator Burns | | 2005/06/15 |
Poem: The Speedway to Death | | 2005/06/14 |
Hands & Finger Injury Video | | 2005/06/14 |
Hands and Fingers Campaign 2005 Package | | 2005/06/14 |
Summer Campaign 2005 | | 2005/06/14 |
Possible major accidents in drilling operations | | 2005/06/08 |
Stay Safe during the hot Summer | | 2005/06/06 |
Fatality on CGBS site (on May 29, 2005) | | 2005/06/05 |
Electrical Safety Alert - Safety Message for Manufacturing Personnel | | 2005/06/01 |
Flaring in the Petroleum Industry | | 2005/05/28 |
Global Warming Potential (GWP) | | 2005/05/28 |
Global Warming | | 2005/05/28 |
Ergonomics - Exercises for office workers | | 2005/05/25 |
Task Risk Assessment (TRA: Tools for toolbox talks) | | 2005/05/23 |
Snakes found around drilling rigs | | 2005/05/23 |
PDO Chemical Approval Process (SHOC) | | 2005/05/18 |
Near Miss - Painter hit by dropped object | | 2005/05/17 |
Near Miss - Painter hit by dropped object | | 2005/05/17 |
Defensive Driving Course (DDC3): Graded Roads | | 2005/05/17 |
Defensive Driving Course (DDC4): Bulk Tanker Driver | | 2005/05/17 |
Defensive Driving Course (DDC5): Bus Driver | | 2005/05/17 |
Defensive Driving Course (DDC6): Annual Assessment | | 2005/05/17 |
Defensive Driving Course (DDC7): One Day Light Vehicle Defensive Driving Course | | 2005/05/17 |
Camel Hit Incident | | 2005/05/14 |
BP Safety Communication (Fatality: Truck Driver crushed between fork truck load and truck trailer) | | 2005/05/11 |
VDU User Workstation Checklist | | 2005/05/04 |
Learning from Shell Significant Incident | | 2005/04/27 |
Winners of Safety Competetion (Unsafe Acts) | | 2005/04/20 |
UWD HSE Lateral Learnings | | 2005/04/20 |
Brent Bravo offshore platform incident (Fatality) | | 2005/04/12 |
Environmental Pollution | | 2005/04/10 |
Employee Communication (subsea 7 incident during mobilisation of ROV system) | | 2005/04/06 |
ROP Road Safety Statistics: Facts and Figures 2004 (PowerPoint version) | | 2005/04/05 |
ROP Road Safety Statistics: Comparison of Facts and Figures (Excel version) | | 2005/04/05 |
UWD HSE Lateral Learning 05/01/05 | | 2005/04/05 |
UWD HSE Lateral Learning 11/03/05 | | 2005/04/05 |
UWD HSE Lateral Learning 12/01/05 | | 2005/04/05 |
Bad Pen | | 2005/04/04 |
Paper Cut | | 2005/04/04 |
Rubber Band | | 2005/04/04 |
Dropped Object - Retaining Ring | | 2005/04/02 |
Dropped inspection plate from hammer | | 2005/04/02 |
Collision with Skid Deck Bunding results in Dropped Object (Southern Upper Staircase) | | 2005/04/02 |
Lap belts, windshield adhesives help reduce highway deaths | | 2005/03/22 |
Telephone Charger Explodes | | 2005/03/05 |
Back and Muscle Injury Prevention | | 2005/02/20 |
No GSM while driving | | 2005/02/14 |
Don't Let Poor Safety Habits Start a Fire | | 2005/02/13 |
Fire Stops with You! | | 2005/02/13 |
HSE-MS Audit Action for Contract Holders | | 2005/01/26 |
Fatality while reversing Truck (31 October 2004) | | 2005/01/17 |
FAQs on Dangerous Goods | | 2005/01/01 |
Ergonomic Desktop Equipment | | 2005/01/01 |
Assigning Hazard Ratings | | 2005/01/01 |
Ramadhan Health Reminder | | 2005/01/01 |
Health Risk Matrix | | 2005/01/01 |
Exposure Rating and Control Chart | | 2005/01/01 |
NORM designated area in PDO | | 2005/01/01 |
Rift Valley Fever | | 2005/01/01 |
Protective Measures for Prevention of SARS infection | | 2005/01/01 |
Health Risk Assessment - Controlling Health Risks at Work (Shell) | | 2005/01/01 |
Health Risk Assessment - Controlling Health Risks at Work (PDO) | | 2005/01/01 |
Chemical Handling/Hazards | | 2005/01/01 |
High Cholesterol | | 2005/01/01 |
Non-accidental death | | 2005/01/01 |
Diabetes mellitus | | 2005/01/01 |
Smoking and Health | | 2005/01/01 |
Working/Living Conditions | | 2005/01/01 |
MHMS - Human Factors Engineering in New Projects | | 2005/01/01 |
LSA/NORM Training /Awareness Package I | | 2005/01/01 |
NORM Training /Awareness Package II | | 2005/01/01 |
Occupational Illness | | 2005/01/01 |
Oman is beautiful... Protect the Environment | | 2005/01/01 |
Oman is beautiful... Protect the Wild Life | | 2005/01/01 |
Paper Shredder Safety | | 2005/01/01 |
Are your children strapped in | | 2005/01/01 |
Speed Leads to Dead End | | 2005/01/01 |
Your Driving reflects your behaviour | | 2005/01/01 |
No GSM While Driving | | 2005/01/01 |
Drive Safely...Your Family is waiting for you | | 2005/01/01 |
Road Safety News Clip (GSM) | | 2005/01/01 |
Road Safety News Clip (Speed) | | 2005/01/01 |
Seatbelts Save Lives (for rear Passengers also) | | 2005/01/01 |
Using GSM while driving causes road accidents | | 2005/01/01 |
Not Everyone DIES in workplace incidents | | 2005/01/01 |
Tips to Manage Stress | | 2005/01/01 |
These Tools Come with No Spare Parts | | 2005/01/01 |
We are Looking for Oil and Gas ...not Blood | | 2005/01/01 |
Summer Campaign 2005 (Personal Plan to Safe Summer Card) | | 2005/01/01 |
Summer Campaign 2005 - Don't Let this happen this summer!! | | 2005/01/01 |
Public Health Tips | | 2005/01/01 |
Public Health Tips (Food Hygiene) | | 2005/01/01 |
Dangerous Pests (Snakes, Flies, Ants) | | 2005/01/01 |
Dangerous Pests (Rats/Mice, Cockroaches, Mosquitoes, Scorpions) | | 2005/01/01 |
Public Health Tips (Refrigerator) | | 2005/01/01 |
Public Health Tips (Rats/Mice are Dangerous) | | 2005/01/01 |
Public Health Tips (Food Hygiene) | | 2005/01/01 |
Correct Mask | | 2005/01/01 |
Spiny-Tailed Lizard | | 2005/01/01 |
Recognise Fatigue | | 2005/01/01 |
Fatigued...? | | 2005/01/01 |
Are They Dangerous?...Sand Viper | | 2005/01/01 |
Popular Trees of Oman | | 2005/01/01 |
Copies of Crosby Shackles | | 2004/11/24 |
Hearts and Mind, Leadership and Commitment | | 2004/11/08 |
Cholesterol in PDO | | 2004/10/26 |
Process Safety Beacon | | 2004/10/20 |
Safety in Ramadan | | 2004/10/16 |
Ramadan | | 2004/10/16 |
Combined Stress | | 2004/10/12 |
2 Yearly Medical Examination & Importance of Medical Examination | | 2004/10/12 |
Food Poisoning | | 2004/10/12 |
Sledge Hammer LTI | | 2004/10/02 |
Grinder Injury | | 2004/09/27 |
Contractor killed by discharge of gas from pressurised bottle | | 2004/09/27 |
Review of Third Party Sub-Contractor Catastrophic Incident at Kattamia OFS Base On 24/12/03 | | 2004/09/27 |
Use of Seatbelts in Sultanate of Oman | | 2004/09/20 |
Natgas contractor employee killed during RTA | | 2004/09/19 |
Fatality due to dropped sliding door | | 2004/09/14 |
Lubricants Employee - Fatal Road Accident | | 2004/08/29 |
Speed Kills | | 2004/08/28 |
August 2004 Defensive Driving Training | | 2004/08/25 |
Contractor killed inside pipe spool piece that toppled | | 2004/08/25 |
Funny Pictures Collection 1 | | 2004/08/22 |
An Aircraft Incident | | 2004/08/22 |
Working Funny (Unsafe) | | 2004/08/22 |
Funny Pictures Collection 2 | | 2004/08/22 |
Overloaded Vehicles (Unsafe) | | 2004/08/22 |
Truck Incidents | | 2004/08/22 |
Funny Pictures Collection 3 | | 2004/08/22 |
HHI Shipyard - Flange Fatality | | 2004/08/21 |
HHI Shipyard Multiple Fatality - Falling from height | | 2004/08/21 |
Falls | | 2004/08/18 |
Hand and Finger Injuries | | 2004/08/18 |
Trencher cut off the 33 KV power live cable | | 2004/08/18 |
Near Miss Side boom lifted of the ground during lowering operation | | 2004/08/18 |
Revised validity period for Chemical Hazard Awareness Course (LXE/A/H440) | | 2004/08/02 |
2004 TWM Hands and Fingers Package | | 2004/07/25 |
Marmul HSE Alert: Third party driver found dead after vehicle breakdown | | 2004/07/21 |
Safety Alert: Machinery Guarding | | 2004/07/20 |
Multiple Fatality : 19th June 04 | | 2004/07/20 |
Speeding | | 2004/07/06 |
Safety Alert: Static Electricity in Petrol Stations | | 2004/06/26 |
Blindfolded In Dust | | 2004/06/19 |
Take the Heat Seriously | | 2004/06/15 |
Revised Validity Period for H2S and Escape Permit | | 2004/06/13 |
Summer Invaders - Snakes and Scorpions | | 2004/05/24 |
Road Traffic Accident Involving LPG Tanker and a Stationary Heavy Goods Vehicle in Portugal | | 2004/05/08 |
Private Car or Bus? | | 2004/04/21 |
OSD Finger Tips | | 2004/04/11 |
Driving in my car and suddenly.!!! What do I do??? | | 2004/03/31 |
Shell accident in Thailand: Crushed by a car at a service station | | 2004/03/29 |
Heaven can wait. Belt up | | 2004/03/23 |
GSM causes multiple fatality in RTA | | 2004/03/23 |
ROP Road Safety Statistics: Facts and Figures 2003 (Power Point version) | | 2004/03/23 |
Narcotic Effect of Hydrocarbon Vapour | | 2004/03/20 |
Falling Asleep While Driving | | 2004/03/15 |
BP Deckplate Incident | | 2004/03/13 |
Effective Supervision | | 2004/03/08 |
Static charge causing fire at filling station | | 2004/03/07 |
2004: LTI #4 - Crushed Finger | | 2004/03/03 |
Welder Fatality | | 2004/03/03 |
Driving in Reduced Visibility | | 2004/02/21 |
Refinery Explosion | | 2004/02/21 |
Fatal Fall from Scaffold | | 2004/02/14 |
BP Incident Investigation update MIA - Operator Fatal Fall | | 2004/02/06 |
Review of Third Party Sub-Contractor Catastrophic Incident at Kattamia OFS Base | | 2004/01/26 |
Know & follow the "Dust Code" | | 2004/01/24 |
What should we Do to STOP the killing on our roads? | | 2004/01/11 |
Achieving World-Class Safety Performance in a Multi-Cultural Environment | | 2004/01/11 |
Enhanced Site Supervision (ESS) Refresher 2004 | | 2004/01/11 |
You are Wrongly Parked | | 2004/01/01 |
Be Safe - Be Smart | | 2004/01/01 |
Dust Code Know it! - Obey It!! | | 2004/01/01 |
Road Safety is No Accident | | 2004/01/01 |
Check your Tyres Regularly | | 2004/01/01 |
Check your Tyres Regularly | | 2004/01/01 |
Check your Tyres Regularly | | 2004/01/01 |
Sustainable Development Statement | | 2004/01/01 |
Speed Kills | | 2004/01/01 |
No GSM! (Cartoons) | | 2004/01/01 |
Secure your child | | 2004/01/01 |
Keep Safe Distance | | 2004/01/01 |
Drive Safely | | 2004/01/01 |
No GSM While Driving | | 2004/01/01 |
Do Not Overspeed | | 2004/01/01 |
Stop and Rest | | 2004/01/01 |
Wear Your Seatbelt | | 2004/01/01 |
Corporate Responsibility & HSE Management System: PDO Case Study | | 2003/12/23 |
Equipment Damage | | 2003/12/23 |
Two charged with manslaughter in death on drilling rig | | 2003/12/23 |
World Diabetes Day | | 2003/12/22 |
Failure to Engage the Kenworth's Bonnet Locking Mechanism Causes Injury | | 2003/12/09 |
Incorrect Descent from the Truck's Cabin | | 2003/12/09 |
Rope for fall protection catches in rotating equipment | | 2003/12/01 |
Passive Smoker?? Better Quit!! | | 2003/11/17 |
Third Party Fatality RTA at Mukhaizna | | 2003/11/17 |
Traffic Accident are the biggest killers | | 2003/11/16 |
A Van Explodes | | 2003/11/12 |
Family Safety Alert (Electrical Equipment) | | 2003/10/26 |
Use of Forklifts near overhead powerlines | | 2003/10/26 |
Dangers in Living Accommodation | | 2003/10/26 |
Crane Incident - Crushed Chest | | 2003/10/20 |
Crane Incident - Crushed Chest | | 2003/10/20 |
Peace River Fatality Learning Package | | 2003/10/04 |
HSE Statistics RTA Trends - 2003 Road Safety Performance | | 2003/09/30 |
Beware: Aerosol Cans in the Sun! | | 2003/09/20 |
Electrical Flash Over 9/August/2003 | | 2003/09/13 |
Preventing Trips at Home (Toys) | | 2003/08/26 |
Preventing Trips at Home (Ladder) | | 2003/08/26 |
Dangers of Vehicle Remote Key Immobilisers | | 2003/08/25 |
Electrical Safety Alert | | 2003/08/19 |
Dangers in the Home | | 2003/08/02 |
Mirror Safety - The correct use of Mirrors | | 2003/07/30 |
The Hazards of Pressure Testing | | 2003/07/28 |
Vehicle Towing | | 2003/07/23 |
Tyre Safety Presentation No: 3 | | 2003/07/23 |
Tyre Safety Presentation No: 2 | | 2003/07/16 |
Fatal Electrocution 23/MAY/2003 | | 2003/07/13 |
Fall Protection | | 2003/07/12 |
LTI 5: Finger Injury | | 2003/07/12 |
The Potential Dangers of Remote Car Keys/Immobilisers | | 2003/07/08 |
Rope Caught in Agitator Nearly Severes Fingers | | 2003/06/30 |
Rollover (27/Jan/2003 at Mukhaizna) | | 2003/06/22 |
Trapped Fingers | | 2003/06/19 |
Tyres | | 2003/06/19 |
Heat | | 2003/06/19 |
How to Develop and Implement an Effective Proactive HSE Culture | | 2003/06/16 |
Al Sulokeyat Al Salema and Accountability for Safety | | 2003/06/08 |
Al Sulokeyat Al Salema - The Correct Bahaviours | | 2003/06/08 |
Coaching for Safety | | 2003/06/08 |
Unrestrained Load | | 2003/06/08 |
Severe injury with Hand Amputation and Skull Fracture | | 2003/06/07 |
Rig Fatality | | 2003/06/07 |
Work under Overhead Power Lines | | 2003/06/07 |
Chair (TL5102) Operating Instructions | | 2003/06/03 |
Helmets | | 2003/06/02 |
Driving School | | 2003/06/02 |
Use of Mobile phones while driving | | 2003/05/28 |
Remember your Bike-Helmet | | 2003/05/28 |
Overtaking | | 2003/05/28 |
Fatal Electrocution | | 2003/05/28 |
Scaffolding - Fatality as a result of fall from suspended work platform | | 2003/05/21 |
Not everyone that hits by a drunken driver dies | | 2003/05/20 |
Compliance is good attitude | | 2003/05/12 |
Health Compilation | | 2003/05/12 |
Hazard in loosening of Rig Floor Plates on SLINGSHOT RIGS | | 2003/05/12 |
How does PDO Manage the Road Safety (SQU Presentation) | | 2003/05/11 |
Short cuts - Never have good endings! | | 2003/04/15 |
Hand and Finger Injuries | | 2003/04/08 |
Working at Height | | 2003/04/08 |
GSM IS FIRE HAZARD - Protect yourself and others from it | | 2003/03/31 |
ROP Road Safety Statistics: Facts and Figures 2002 (Power Point version) | | 2003/03/26 |
Opening Manhole Covers on Clean Crude Tanks | | 2003/03/24 |
Endless Suffering: People are dying on our roads. Why? | | 2003/03/23 |
Toilet Hygiene | | 2003/03/22 |
Don't take rest inside pipes | | 2003/03/16 |
How does PDO Manage Road Safety | | 2003/03/16 |
Third-Party Triple Fatality RTA at Haima | | 2003/03/11 |
Glasses Safety Alert | | 2003/03/10 |
Third-Party Triple Fatality RTA at Haima | | 2003/03/01 |
Bullbars on Light Vehicles | | 2003/02/17 |
Seismic Cables | | 2003/02/08 |
Pinch Points | | 2003/02/08 |
Enhanced Site Supervision (ESS) Refresher 2003 | | 2003/01/20 |
LTI No. 40 | | 2003/01/19 |
Contractor Man Lost Incident | | 2003/01/19 |
Fatality While Inflating Logging Truck Tire | | 2003/01/18 |
King Pin Failure | | 2003/01/13 |
Crushed Between Stotler/Elevator | | 2003/01/12 |
Carrier Pot Incident | | 2003/01/12 |
Vehicle Battery Injury | | 2003/01/12 |
Marmul Yard - Personal Injury - MTC | | 2003/01/07 |
Tyre Change | | 2003/01/01 |
Ramadhan: Follow Driving Rules - Drive to Survive (Landscape) | | 2003/01/01 |
Ramadhan: Journey Managers and Drivers | | 2003/01/01 |
Maintain the Safe Distance Gap (2 Seconds Rule) | | 2003/01/01 |
Do not use GSM while Driving! | | 2003/01/01 |
Do not Overtake from Right | | 2003/01/01 |
Speed Kills | | 2003/01/01 |
Road Safety Tips | | 2003/01/01 |
Minimum Requirements for First Aid Box | | 2003/01/01 |
STOP | | 2003/01/01 |
Health Check | | 2003/01/01 |
Lifting Operations - Prevent Incidents | | 2003/01/01 |
Basic Steps Safe Rigging | | 2003/01/01 |
Lifting Gear Colour Code Biannual Cycle | | 2003/01/01 |
HIABS | | 2003/01/01 |
Hand Signs | | 2003/01/01 |
The Do's and Dont's of Forklift Operation | | 2003/01/01 |
Crane Operators Be Safe | | 2003/01/01 |
Rig Floor Safety - Manual Tongs | | 2003/01/01 |
Resusicard | | 2003/01/01 |
Driver's Daily Checklist | | 2003/01/01 |
Safe Journey Manager's Prompt Card | | 2003/01/01 |
STOP for Supervision | | 2003/01/01 |
STOP for Employees | | 2003/01/01 |
STOP for Supervision (Apply STOP to prevent Injuries) | | 2003/01/01 |
Turning Left | | 2003/01/01 |
STOP Observation Checklist | | 2003/01/01 |
122 Water is Life... Save Water | | 2003/01/01 |
122 Water is Life... Save Water | | 2003/01/01 |
122 Water is Life... Save Water | | 2003/01/01 |
122 Water is Life... Save Water | | 2003/01/01 |
122 Water is Life... Save Water | | 2003/01/01 |
STOP Card (English&Arabic, English&Hindi) | | 2003/01/01 |
Safe Journey Management Workshop | | 2002/12/17 |
Crane Incident | | 2002/12/16 |
Fog is Dangerous | | 2002/12/14 |
Cooking in the room: FIRE - 2 dead (Shell-OU) | | 2002/11/20 |
Hand Health and Safety Campaign - You Need Hands | | 2002/11/17 |
Worksite HSE Tools & Behaviour | | 2002/11/12 |
Worksite HSE Tools & Behaviour | | 2002/11/12 |
Well Engineering Zero Club | | 2002/11/12 |
Lost Time Injury: Man lift incident (Bucket Truck) | | 2002/11/04 |
High Potential RTA - Rollover | | 2002/11/04 |
Legionnaires disease | | 2002/10/28 |
Safely Secure Loads | | 2002/10/22 |
Seatbelts also in taxi and bus | | 2002/09/21 |
Electrical Safety Alert | | 2002/09/18 |
Flogging - An Alternative | | 2002/09/10 |
Hand Tools | | 2002/09/10 |
Hand and Finger Injuries | | 2002/09/10 |
Need for Defensive Driving Programme | | 2002/09/10 |
Dangers of Nitrogen | | 2002/08/27 |
Impact Safety Performance Management System | | 2002/08/21 |
Acute chemical exposure due to fault delivery of product | | 2002/08/19 |
Working Safely | | 2002/07/24 |
Lost balance and fell - Hip bone fracture | | 2002/07/21 |
High Potential Road Traffic Accident | | 2002/07/17 |
Helmet & Chinstrap - Clarification | | 2002/07/02 |
Half Year Review - 26 LTIs!!! | | 2002/06/30 |
A Load Restraint Guide for Drivers and their Supervisors | | 2002/06/30 |
Half Year Review - 26 LTIs!!! | | 2002/06/30 |
Driving: Fatigue the hidden KILLER | | 2002/06/26 |
Road Safety: It is not child's play (a guide for parents with children under five) | | 2002/06/26 |
A simple guide to Child Restraints (seatbelts for children) | | 2002/06/26 |
Getting out of a truck: the wrong way and the correct way | | 2002/06/26 |
Road Safety | | 2002/06/19 |
Cell Phone + Gasoline a Dangerous combo! | | 2002/06/17 |
ENDLESS SUFFERING | | 2002/06/15 |
Who should do what to STOP the killing on our roads?? | | 2002/06/12 |
H2S | | 2002/05/29 |
Enhanced Site Supervision (ESS) Refresher 2002 | | 2002/05/29 |
Staff working on a drill machine breaks arm | | 2002/05/18 |
Ladder Incident | | 2002/05/18 |
Finger Injury | | 2002/05/18 |
Restricting the Use of Private Vehicles in the Interior - Briefing | | 2002/05/15 |
2002: 16 LTIs in 4 months, What are WE going to learn?, What will WE do different? | | 2002/05/15 |
2002: 16 LTIs in 4 months, What are WE going to learn?, What will WE do different? | | 2002/05/15 |
Are you Dehydrated? | | 2002/05/14 |
Work Stoppage May 2002 | | 2002/05/12 |
Mobile crane falls into excavation | | 2002/04/24 |
Technician seriously injured during inspections to test for air pressure leaks inside a pressure test bay. | | 2002/04/13 |
Guidelines on completing the Well Engineering - 24 hr Incident Notification Form | | 2002/04/03 |
Guidelines on using Waste Consignment Notes | | 2002/04/03 |
Road Fatality: truck roll-over | | 2002/04/01 |
Tyre Safety Presentation No: 1 | | 2002/03/25 |
Banksman killed by shifting load in crane operation | | 2002/03/18 |
ROP Road Safety Statistics: Facts and Figures 1999-2001 (Power Point version) | | 2002/03/09 |
Night Driving - Truck tip over, double LTI | | 2002/03/01 |
PDO & Contractors, know and follow the Road Safety Rules | | 2002/02/19 |
Crushed Fingers | | 2002/01/13 |
That Extra Speed made the Difference | | 2002/01/01 |
Kill Your Speed Not a Child | | 2002/01/01 |
Seat Belts Save Lives | | 2002/01/01 |
Keep the Distance...Save your Life | | 2002/01/01 |
Drinking + Driving = Fatal | | 2002/01/01 |
Ramadhan: Follow Driving Rules (Portrait) | | 2002/01/01 |
Keep Distance - I did not. | | 2002/01/01 |
Seat Belt - I did not | | 2002/01/01 |
Extra Speed - Ruined my Life! | | 2002/01/01 |
Toolbox Prompt Talk | | 2002/01/01 |
Join Traffic Friends Club - Drive Defensively | | 2002/01/01 |
Environmental Knowledge | | 2002/01/01 |
ISO14001 | | 2002/01/01 |
Respect the Traffic Rules | | 2002/01/01 |
Road Transport Safety: PDO Managers, CH & Supervisors know and follow the rules and specifications | | 2001/12/12 |
Rollovers Again | | 2001/11/30 |
Rollovers Again: 1 Fatality & 4 LTI's | | 2001/11/30 |
Contractor Site Manager's Declaration of HSE Commitment & Accountability | | 2001/11/27 |
Declaration of commitment to HSE | | 2001/11/27 |
Time to STOP for Safety - Again!! | | 2001/11/16 |
Time to STOP for Safety - Again: 2 Fatalities & 6 LTI | | 2001/11/16 |
Drive Slow & Reach Safe | | 2001/10/16 |
BP Kamose Fatality: failed winch | | 2001/10/13 |
2WD in the Desert? | | 2001/10/12 |
Defensive Driving & Oman Traffic Law on Reckless Driving | | 2001/10/07 |
LTI while off-loading the cylinders | | 2001/10/06 |
Bacteria In Lathe Cutting Fluid - A Hidden Occupational Health Hazard | | 2001/09/30 |
Helmet? Chin-strap Always! | | 2001/09/23 |
Failure to Report an Incident! Leading to an LTI!!! | | 2001/09/23 |
Beware..!! Convoy Movements | | 2001/09/23 |
There is Safety in Safety Belt ! | | 2001/09/18 |
Mobile Radio and Emergencies | | 2001/09/04 |
Crane Out - Riggers | | 2001/09/04 |
Dangerous Driving : Muscat - Salalah Highway | | 2001/09/04 |
HSE Global Networks | | 2001/08/19 |
Pulling Tubing - falling object | | 2001/07/05 |
Rig floor safety awareness | | 2001/07/04 |
2001/May/13: Crushed Finger by Skip Handle | | 2001/07/03 |
2001/May/19: Crushed Hand at Koomey Unit | | 2001/07/03 |
2001/May/24: RTA MiniVan RollOver | | 2001/07/03 |
Hubara Safety Reminder | | 2001/07/03 |
Rollover | | 2001/07/03 |
Truck RTA | | 2001/07/02 |
Brake Bands | | 2001/07/01 |
Beat the Heat | | 2001/06/16 |
Fingers caught in manual winch | | 2001/06/12 |
Dropped 5" DP Stand | | 2001/06/03 |
Foot Injury | | 2001/06/02 |
Injury while Nippling Up Koomey Bottle | | 2001/06/01 |
2001/04/24: 3rd Party. Fire Truck | | 2001/05/26 |
Don't use GSM or other communication tools while driving | | 2001/05/16 |
2001/02/12: Joint Rolled off catwalk | | 2001/05/07 |
2001/04/4: Crushed Finger, Birds Nest | | 2001/05/06 |
2001/04/14: Crushed Finger, Rig Power Tongs | | 2001/05/06 |
Rig Tongs - Finger Injury | | 2001/05/03 |
Violation of Road Safety Rules by Rig Supervisor | | 2001/05/02 |
CTU - equipment damage | | 2001/05/01 |
Beat the Heat | | 2001/04/28 |
Al Fahal Newsletter August 2000 | | 2001/04/04 |
Al Fahal Newsletter September 2000 | | 2001/04/04 |
Al Fahal Newsletter October 2000 | | 2001/04/04 |
Al Fahal Newsletter March 2001 | | 2001/04/04 |
Corporate Safety Conference, 29th January 2001, MD's Corporate Message | | 2001/04/04 |
Fatality Review September 2000 | | 2001/04/03 |
Fatality Review November 2000 | | 2001/04/03 |
Follow Safety Rules, a safety Blitz of June 1998 | | 2001/04/03 |
Driving in Oman is Different, Presentation to new arrivals of September 1999 | | 2001/04/03 |
Failure of 4" Hammer Union Under Pressure | | 2001/04/01 |
BP Drilling Rig Fatality: pipe joint caught under travelling block | | 2001/03/27 |
2001/03/14: RTA double fatality, pick-up hit by oilfield truck | | 2001/03/27 |
2001/03/05: RTA double fatality, rollover during unauthorised journey | | 2001/03/27 |
Foot-and-Mouth Disease - No Danger for humans! | | 2001/03/11 |
Man-riding incident: hook released and man fell to death | | 2001/03/10 |
Failed scaffolding clip from CAPE Offshore Services | | 2001/03/10 |
Near Miss - Falling Object | | 2001/03/03 |
Road Traffic Near Miss | | 2001/03/02 |
4" Drill Pipe Slips Dies Cause Stuck Pipe | | 2001/03/01 |
Vacuum trucks | | 2001/02/24 |
2001/01/18: Driving Fatality in Dubai | | 2001/02/24 |
2001/02/16: Learn from a fatal error. Man falling off a canter truck. | | 2001/02/20 |
Drive to Survive | | 2001/02/13 |
13 Amp electric plugs | | 2001/02/06 |
FAC - Rig floor safety awareness V door | | 2001/02/06 |
2 7/8" PACDS Drill pipe Near Miss | | 2001/02/05 |
Handling Carrier Ramp Jack Supports | | 2001/02/04 |
Hydraulic Equipment - Trapped Hand | | 2001/02/03 |
Near Miss - falling object | | 2001/02/02 |
Pressure relief valves - pumping units | | 2001/02/01 |
2001/01/29: Twisted ankle | | 2001/01/29 |
Sing While you Drive | | 2001/01/01 |
13 June 2000 LTI No. 27 Finger crushed | | 2001/01/01 |
Drive to Survive Booklet | | 2001/01/01 |
2001/01/01: First rollover of 2001 | | 2001/01/01 |
Your Future is in Your Hands | | 2001/01/01 |
Visual Communications | | 2000/12/21 |
2000/12/17: RTA at MAF | | 2000/12/17 |
Overextending Arm - Dislocated Shoulder | | 2000/12/04 |
Fell from work platform | | 2000/12/03 |
Crane cabin struck by load | | 2000/12/02 |
Machine Shop Safety | | 2000/12/01 |
Pressure - Invisible Danger | | 2000/12/01 |
LTIs 2000 | | 2000/12/01 |
2000/11/28: Tanker rollover | | 2000/11/28 |
2000/11/12: Technician hit by mud-cell | | 2000/11/12 |
2000/11/06: Crane tipped over | | 2000/11/06 |
FAC (Falling Object) | | 2000/11/03 |
Lifting of MWD short monel by using crane | | 2000/11/01 |
Safe Operations of a Vacuum Tanker | | 2000/11/01 |
2000/10/27: Head on collision | | 2000/10/27 |
Spinner pinched Finger | | 2000/10/03 |
Finger Injuries | | 2000/09/29 |
Your Unsafe Act can Cost a Life | | 2000/09/29 |
Proper Supervision Right Tools | | 2000/09/29 |
ISUZU Trooper Challenge | | 2000/09/29 |
The Saif Story - PDO Safety Case - Handbook | | 2000/09/29 |
Information Security | | 2000/09/29 |
Safety Incentive Awards for Drivers and Operators on 2nd November 91 | | 2000/09/29 |
High Voltage Electrical Safety "Permits are more than just paper" | | 2000/09/29 |
Expect the Unexpected | | 2000/09/29 |
Because it's not a Perfect World | | 2000/09/29 |
Suckers A Film about Cigarettes | | 2000/09/29 |
The Limited - No Limits to Safety | | 2000/09/29 |
The New Shell | | 2000/09/29 |
Driving Safety - Royal Oman Police | | 2000/09/29 |
CSM CMFI-Fishbowl | | 2000/09/29 |
Shell Business Framework | | 2000/09/29 |
Driving in Dust | | 2000/09/29 |
AHCON - The Wheel Service Equipment | | 2000/09/29 |
Safety Conference 1999 | | 2000/09/29 |
PDO Introductions | | 2000/09/29 |
Health Education Series: Noise Induced Hearing Loss | | 2000/09/29 |
Accident / No Accident | | 2000/09/29 |
2000/9/14: Tightening bolt on AC | | 2000/09/14 |
PDO Screen Saver | | 2000/09/09 |
Using a HIAB | | 2000/09/09 |
The Invisible Killer H2S | | 2000/09/09 |
Journey Management and Dust Code | | 2000/09/09 |
Don't Take Chances with Your Life | | 2000/09/09 |
2000/9/06: Spinner crushes finger | | 2000/09/06 |
Drill Pipe Spinner LTI | | 2000/09/06 |
2000/9/02: Spool crushes finger | | 2000/09/02 |
2000/9/01: Pipe hits foot | | 2000/09/01 |
Forklift with Elevated Load | | 2000/09/01 |
Rehabilitation of GG Pipelines (Excavation, Grit Blasting, Coating/Painting and Back Filling) | | 2000/09/01 |
2000/8/18: Cook cuts off finger | | 2000/08/18 |
Stabbing Board Incident | | 2000/08/13 |
Workshop: Safe and Unsafe Acts | | 2000/08/01 |
Guide to Safe Driving | | 2000/08/01 |
Wireline Operations | | 2000/08/01 |
PDO Safety Films - Seatbelts | | 2000/07/08 |
Safe Working Practices | | 2000/07/08 |
The Empowerment to Stop Unsafe Work | | 2000/07/08 |
Safety Demo - "No Limits to Safety" | | 2000/07/08 |
Slips and Falls | | 2000/07/08 |
The Desert Agricultural Project | | 2000/07/08 |
The Safety Case Handbook | | 2000/07/08 |
Time to STOP for Safety | | 2000/07/03 |
Prevent those Incidents | | 2000/07/01 |
2000/6/25: Finger crushed | | 2000/06/25 |
Rollover It could happen to you!!! | | 2000/06/19 |
2000/6/13: Finger crushed | | 2000/06/13 |
Making STOP Work | | 2000/06/06 |
2000/5/6: Time To Stop for Safety (LTI's 22-26, 4 Fatalities) | | 2000/06/05 |
H S E The Attitude Focus and Success | | 2000/06/05 |
Journey Management | | 2000/06/05 |
Safe Distance Rule | | 2000/06/05 |
Rollover: It can happen to you | | 2000/06/01 |
Food Safety - The Basics | | 2000/06/01 |
Storage - Where and How | | 2000/06/01 |
Now Wash Your Hands | | 2000/06/01 |
2000/5/31: Man handling pipe | | 2000/05/31 |
2000/5/23: Oxygen cylinder hits man in the back | | 2000/05/23 |
Sumail Gap Hazard | | 2000/05/12 |
Lifting Dangers | | 2000/05/12 |
Personal Jewellery | | 2000/05/12 |
Working Near Overhead Power lines | | 2000/05/12 |
Manoeuvring Heavy Equipment in Close Quarters | | 2000/05/12 |
Welding Hazards | | 2000/05/12 |
Seatbelts | | 2000/05/12 |
A High Potential Near Miss: Methanol Tanker | | 2000/05/09 |
2000/5/01: Rollover at Fahud | | 2000/05/01 |
2000/4/27: Finger sqeezed by hose | | 2000/04/27 |
2000/4/24: Burned with petrol | | 2000/04/24 |
2000/4/23: Changing a tyre at the PDO Farm | | 2000/04/23 |
2000/4/14: Waiter slipped and hit his elbow through glass panel | | 2000/04/14 |
Concurrent operations | | 2000/04/03 |
Fingers and Hands - Hazards and Risks | | 2000/04/01 |
2000/3/28: Roll-over on Ibri/Fahud road | | 2000/03/28 |
2000/3/24: LTI in mechanical workshop whilst drilling | | 2000/03/24 |
Changing a Tire: Hazardous?? | | 2000/02/05 |
Is it Gas Free? | | 2000/01/24 |
Sports Injuries !!! | | 2000/01/17 |
GSM's... A Driving Hazard !!! | | 2000/01/13 |
Dad, Come back safely - we are waiting for you | | 2000/01/01 |
Driving Checklist | | 2000/01/01 |
Avoid Driving in the Dark | | 2000/01/01 |
Is your child safely strapped in? | | 2000/01/01 |
Dust? Do not overtake | | 2000/01/01 |
Alive - Wearing Seatbelt. Dead - Not Wearing Seatbelt | | 2000/01/01 |
Overtaking in Dust is like driving blindfolded | | 2000/01/01 |
Dust Pullover | | 2000/01/01 |
Your Family Loves You. Stay Alive - Wear Seatbelts | | 2000/01/01 |
Dust Kills - Follow the Dust Code | | 2000/01/01 |
Ramadan Karim - Tired? Stop & Rest | | 2000/01/01 |
Battery | | 2000/01/01 |
Speed leads to rollover | | 2000/01/01 |
Do you remember this? Do not Cross a Flowing Wadi | | 2000/01/01 |
The 2 second Rule | | 2000/01/01 |
Observe Safety | | 2000/01/01 |
Child Seat Belt | | 2000/01/01 |
Seat Belt - Your Family | | 2000/01/01 |
Rain Danger | | 2000/01/01 |
Ramadan Karim - Drive Safely - Stop and Have Rest if you feel tired | | 2000/01/01 |
The Last Call | | 2000/01/01 |
Speed takes your life | | 2000/01/01 |
Rollover - Don't let this happen to you | | 2000/01/01 |
STOP | | 2000/01/01 |
Stop accidents before they stop you | | 2000/01/01 |
Good Job | | 2000/01/01 |
RTA Free Club | | 2000/01/01 |
PDO Driving Rules | | 2000/01/01 |
Guidelines for the PC Workstation | | 2000/01/01 |
Because I Care | | 2000/01/01 |
Speed Kills | | 2000/01/01 |
The Last Call | | 2000/01/01 |
GSM | | 2000/01/01 |
Cooking in the Room can cause - No multiple sockets | | 2000/01/01 |
STOP - Driving is one of the most dangerous things you do today. Don't let it be your last | | 2000/01/01 |
Do not walk under hanging loads | | 2000/01/01 |
Prevent accidents: report all near misses | | 2000/01/01 |
Ramadhan Karim: Drive Safely - Your commitment to the family | | 2000/01/01 |
Safety Observation | | 2000/01/01 |
Coastal Road Safety Road Show | | 2000/01/01 |
It is your responsibility to work safely | | 2000/01/01 |
Watch Your Fingers | | 2000/01/01 |
Get it right - Fasten up tight | | 2000/01/01 |
The Ride Safe Four | | 2000/01/01 |
It could save your life | | 2000/01/01 |
13 June 2000 - LTI No. 27 - Finger Crushed | | 2000/01/01 |
Lift Safely | | 2000/01/01 |
Wellness - It's Your choice | | 2000/01/01 |
ISO 14001- Continuous improvement | | 2000/01/01 |
Target Zero | | 2000/01/01 |
Ramadhan Reminder | | 2000/01/01 |
The PDO way of working | | 2000/01/01 |
No GSM!!! | | 2000/01/01 |
To jump-start your vehicle safely | | 2000/01/01 |
Health Safety and Environmental Protection | | 2000/01/01 |
Come Home Healthy - Travellers Health Guide | | 2000/01/01 |
Defensive Driving | | 2000/01/01 |
Coastal Road Safety Road Show | | 2000/01/01 |
Safety Rules | | 2000/01/01 |
For your children's safety, always supervise them | | 2000/01/01 |
Carelessness in the kitchen can cause a fire | | 2000/01/01 |
Safety Observation | | 2000/01/01 |
Target Zero | | 2000/01/01 |
Answer Yourself | | 2000/01/01 |
GSM Hazard | | 2000/01/01 |
Empowerment to STOP Work | | 2000/01/01 |
Lift Safely | | 2000/01/01 |
Slow Down! Take care! Belt up! Be aware! It could save your life | | 2000/01/01 |
The Ride Safe Four | | 2000/01/01 |
To jump start your vehicle safely | | 2000/01/01 |
Get it right - fasten it tight! | | 2000/01/01 |
Watch your fingers | | 2000/01/01 |
Do not drink during work | | 2000/01/01 |
Any kind of drug has this influence in your body | | 2000/01/01 |
Kid Safety | | 2000/01/01 |
Drinking Too Much Alcohol! Get Counseling | | 2000/01/01 |
Hygiene and Safety | | 2000/01/01 |
Crane Safety | | 2000/01/01 |
Driving Safety | | 2000/01/01 |
Permit to Work | | 2000/01/01 |
Camp Safety | | 2000/01/01 |
Pre-journey Vehicle Checks | | 2000/01/01 |
Derrick Safety | | 2000/01/01 |
Handle with care !! | | 1999/10/26 |
Hands & Fingers | | 1999/09/26 |
GSM's . . . A source of ignition | | 1999/09/10 |
Working at heights !!! | | 1999/07/17 |
Camels hidden in the DARK !!!!! | | 1999/06/21 |
Driving blind | | 1999/05/15 |
Reaching high | | 1999/04/28 |
Loose objects in vehicle cabins | | 1999/01/29 |
Flowing Wadi | | 1999/01/27 |
Crane Lifting Hazards | | 1999/01/26 |
Offloading pipe Hazards | | 1999/01/25 |
Portacabin Fire | | 1998/12/18 |
Driving in the interior | | 1998/12/13 |
Nut tensioning Tool Faliure | | 1998/12/03 |
Road Traffic Fatality | | 1998/11/10 |
Hazards of protable electrically powered tools | | 1998/11/04 |
General Awareness of Handling & Disposing of Lithium Batteries | | 1998/10/05 |
Tank Cleaning | | 1998/10/03 |
Well Cellar Collapse | | 1998/07/06 |
Correct use of Anti-Fall devices | | 1998/07/04 |
Dangers of works underneath overhead power lines | | 1998/06/15 |
Camels | | 1998/06/14 |
Altering the fork spacing on Forklifts | | 1998/06/05 |
Dangers of parking cars on a sloping road or driveway | | 1998/06/02 |
Use of private vehicles to get to work in the interior | | 1998/05/26 |
Desert Line Projects Fatal Incident | | 1998/05/18 |
Fingers Caught in Doors | | 1998/03/02 |
Loose Grating | | 1998/02/15 |
N2 Cylinder Explosion | | 1998/02/05 |
Pulsation Dampner Explosion | | 1998/01/05 |
Portable Electric Heaters | | 1998/01/01 |
Flowing Wadis | | 1997/10/08 |
Scaffolding Hazards | | 1997/06/17 |
Driving During Eid & Ramadhan | | 1997/01/29 |
In Case of Emergency | | 1997/01/22 |
Dangers of High Winds | | 1996/10/20 |
Dangers of High Winds | | 1996/10/20 |
Dangers of Overhead Lines | | 1996/10/20 |
Journey Management | | 1996/03/11 |
Road Safety | | 1996/03/10 |
Underground Installations | | 1996/03/10 |
Toolbox Talks | | 1995/12/25 |
Loose objects in the vehicle cabin can kill | | 1995/12/02 |
Screwed Fittings | | 1995/10/12 |
Dangers of Hyddrofluoric Acid | | 1995/06/12 |
Lifting Dangers | | 1995/06/11 |
Personal Jewellery | | 1994/11/05 |
Facial Coverings | | 1994/10/15 |
Fall Protection | | 1994/10/01 |
Plastic Drums | | 1994/09/15 |
Welding Hazards | | 1994/08/15 |
Sumail Gap Hazard | | 1994/07/12 |
Heavy Goods Vehicles | | 1994/05/26 |
Electrical Safety | | 1994/05/05 |
Journey Management & Man Lost Procedure | | 1994/04/10 |
Materials Handling | | 1994/02/19 |
Seat Belts | | 1994/01/01 |
Working Near Overhead Power Lines | | 1993/11/06 |
Manoeuvring Heavy Equipment in Close Quarters | | 1993/10/25 |
Pedestrian Crossing Roads | | 1993/08/19 |
Worksite Hazards | | 1993/08/10 |
Dangers Of Unloading | | 1993/07/26 |
Residential Camp Fire Incident | | 1993/07/12 |
Well pulling Hoist Vehicle Failure | | 1993/02/04 |
Computer Safety Alert | | 1993/01/01 |
Avoid Shortcuts | | 1899/12/30 |
Back in Business | | 1899/12/30 |
Blind Eyes | | 1899/12/30 |
Cellphone when walking - pay attention | | 1899/12/30 |
Country People Die on Country Roads | | 1899/12/30 |
Defensive Driving In Oman Blacktop | | 1899/12/30 |
Detecting LSA Scale | | 1899/12/30 |
Family Safety | | 1899/12/30 |
Flying Baby | | 1899/12/30 |
Girl on Tricycle Hit by Speeding Car | | 1899/12/30 |
Hand Injuries In Drilling | | 1899/12/30 |
Hands and Fingers | | 1899/12/30 |
Dhofar Khawrs Reserves | | 1899/12/30 |
Kitchen Safety | | 1899/12/30 |
Learning from Incident Piper Alpha | | 1899/12/30 |
Man Hit At Zebra Crossing | | 1899/12/30 |
Man with Pizaa Hit By Car | | 1899/12/30 |
MB Safe Driving Practices | | 1899/12/30 |
Natural Reserves | | 1899/12/30 |
One Day for Safety | | 1899/12/30 |
One Step Forward | | 1899/12/30 |
Rollover | | 1899/12/30 |
Rollover It Could Happen To You | | 1899/12/30 |
Safety Is Teamwork | | 1899/12/30 |
Scotty Killed By Speeding Vehicle | | 1899/12/30 |
Seat Belt Save Lives-SEIC | | 1899/12/30 |
Slowdown Car Hitting Boy 35-50 mph | | 1899/12/30 |
Swimming Pool Safety | | 1899/12/30 |
Whose Turn Next | | 1899/12/30 |
Without Strain | | 1899/12/30 |
Come Home Safely | | 1899/12/30 |
Safety Rating Systems | | 1899/12/30 |
Road Accident in Croatia | | 1899/12/30 |
Tired? Stop and Take Rest | | 1899/12/30 |
Speed Kills | | 1899/12/30 |
Don't Drink & Drive | | 1899/12/30 |
HSE Expectations of a Manager on a Worksite visit | | 1899/12/30 |
Keep Safe Distance | | 1899/12/30 |
Kill your speed... Not a child | | 1899/12/30 |
No Overtaking from Wrong Side | | 1899/12/30 |
Traffic Rules... Know and Follow Them | | 1899/12/30 |
Front Seat... No Infants | | 1899/12/30 |
Speed Kills | | 1899/12/30 |
Rear Passengers also wear seatbelt (A collision could kill you...) | | 1899/12/30 |
Phone Drive & Die | | 1899/12/30 |
Secure your child - Seatbelt saves lives | | 1899/12/30 |
9247 Road Accidents in 2005 - 689 Fatalities...Don't be part of these statistics... Drive Safely! | | 1899/12/30 |
Share the Road with others | | 1899/12/30 |
Working Safely from Seeing to Doing | | 1899/12/30 |
Enhance Site Supervision (ESS)... Improving Supervision | | 1899/12/30 |
Driving for Excellence | | 1899/12/30 |
Together We can Overcome the Looming Crisis | | 1899/12/30 |
Do you know your fire extinguishers? | | 1899/12/30 |
Failure of chair back | | 1899/12/30 |
Seatbelts in buses | | 1899/12/30 |
Fall Injury ¿ Arm fracture, work on sloped wet surface | | 1899/12/30 |
Ten Rules to Save Your Ten Fingers | | 1899/12/30 |
Waste Water Treatment | | 1899/12/30 |
STPs operated with bypassed incoming flow meters | | 1899/12/30 |
Cholestrol | | 1899/12/30 |
Safety Alert: Falling Icicles | | 1899/12/30 |
Brisk Walk | | 1899/12/30 |
Brisk Walk | | 1899/12/30 |
Legislation & Voluntary Activity in OH Practice | | 1899/12/30 |
Developing OH Culture and Practice - PDO"s Experience | | 1899/12/30 |
Occupational Health in the Eastern Mediterranean Region Challenges & Opportunities | | 1899/12/30 |
The Role of Occupational Hygiene in OH Management | | 1899/12/30 |
The role of culture in the perception and expression of stress and distress: Experience from Oman | | 1899/12/30 |
Shift Work | | 1899/12/30 |
Management of Sickness Absence & Return to Work | | 1899/12/30 |
Compensation, Rehabilitation & Redeployment following Work Related Illness and Injury | | 1899/12/30 |
The Changing World of Work | | 1899/12/30 |
Occupational Health Practices in Developing Countries | | 1899/12/30 |
Pre-employment Examinations & Fitness Standards | | 1899/12/30 |
Pre-employment Examinations & Fitness Standards | | 1899/12/30 |
Emerging Infections and Health Care Workers | | 1899/12/30 |
Improving poor OSH by a Safety Management System | | 1899/12/30 |
Occupational Health Risk Assessment | | 1899/12/30 |
Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) | | 1899/12/30 |
Work related Heat Stress | | 1899/12/30 |
Radiological Protection from Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials | | 1899/12/30 |
Introduction to Occupational Hygiene | | 1899/12/30 |
Heart Disease | | 1899/12/30 |
Shell EPE HS&E Learning Bulletin | | 1899/12/30 |
Drive to Survive - Overtaking | | 1899/12/30 |
Dangerous overtaking in a highway | | 1899/12/30 |
Brief History of NORM in the Oil/Gas Industry | | 1899/12/30 |
E&P NORM Characteristics | | 1899/12/30 |
Future Directions for Guidance on NORM Waste Management: An IAEA Perspective | | 1899/12/30 |
NORM Regulatory Scene | | 1899/12/30 |
Oman & PDO NORM Regulation and Specifications | | 1899/12/30 |
Overview & Management of NORM in Saudi Aramco | | 1899/12/30 |
Al Furat Petroleum Co. Norm Management System | | 1899/12/30 |
NORM Management System | | 1899/12/30 |
PDO NORM Management System | | 1899/12/30 |
NORM in Scrap Metal... | | 1899/12/30 |
Handling NORM : Examples of work from uranium mining and other operations | | 1899/12/30 |
Risk Based Approach to NORM | | 1899/12/30 |
Risk Based Approach to NORM | | 1899/12/30 |
NORM: Radiation Surveys | | 1899/12/30 |
Streamlined Approaches to Characterizing NORM-Contaminated Sites Can Translate into Significant Cost Savings | | 1899/12/30 |
NORM: Measurement & Analysis | | 1899/12/30 |
Critical Pathway Analysis For Radiological Impact Control And Assessment | | 1899/12/30 |
Controlling Exposures | | 1899/12/30 |
NORM Training: Increasing Awareness, Reducing Exposure | | 1899/12/30 |
Transport of NORM Contaminated Materials | | 1899/12/30 |
PDO NORM Storage Facilities | | 1899/12/30 |
AFPC Norm Decontamination Facility Plant (NDF) | | 1899/12/30 |
NORM Workshop Presentation (PDO - Oman) | | 1899/12/30 |
Treatment of NORM-Contaminated Sludge & Soil
from the Petroleum Industry | | 1899/12/30 |
Managing NORM - Oman and Regional Issues | | 1899/12/30 |
The Design, Construction and Operation of NORM Descaling Plants | | 1899/12/30 |
Options for Disposal of Active Material | | 1899/12/30 |
Bapetco NORM Control Case Study | | 1899/12/30 |
Risk-Based Regulation of Oil and Gas NORM Waste Management Alternatives | | 1899/12/30 |
NORM Final Disposal Options | | 1899/12/30 |
AFPC NORM Policy | | 1899/12/30 |
Proposed Disposal Routes for NORM Contaminated Soil and Sludges | | 1899/12/30 |
Costs of Managing NORM | | 1899/12/30 |
Hazards of Low Pressure and Vacuum Systems | | 1899/12/30 |
Repetitive Strain Injuries | | 1899/12/30 |
Avoidance of danger from overhead electric power lines | | 1899/12/30 |
Falling object injury ¿ Newspaper report | | 1899/12/30 |
Accident in substation on 13th Feb 2007 at OPP | | 1899/12/30 |
Crane Toppling Fatality | | 1899/12/30 |
Crane Toppling Fatality | | 1899/12/30 |
Crane Toppling Fatality | | 1899/12/30 |
Crane Toppling Fatality | | 1899/12/30 |
A Safety Alert From A Tosco Facility | | 1899/12/30 |
Overspeeding & Overtaking in the Wrong Lane | | 1899/12/30 |
Kitchen Oil Fire | | 1899/12/30 |
The meaning of Safety | | 1899/12/30 |
Night Driving and un-authorized journey can kill | | 1899/12/30 |
Hydrogen Sulphide | | 1899/12/30 |
How will you be making your next trip home? | | 1899/12/30 |
Fire Extinguisher Explosion | | 1899/12/30 |
Martin¿s Story | | 1899/12/30 |
Seatbelt video | | 1899/12/30 |
Chain lever hoist failed during BOP maintenance | | 1899/12/30 |
How fragile we are? | | 1899/12/30 |
Safe & Hazard | | 1899/12/30 |