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Road Transport Safety: PDO Managers, CH & Supervisors know and follow the rules and specifications
A briefing pack entitled "Know & Follow the Road Safety rules and specifications" was produced and presented on 12/Dec/2001 to PDO managers and team-leaders. The purpose of this session was explained by Steve Ollerearnshaw PDO's MD as follows: "Driving is our biggest hazard in PDO, as evident by the spate of recent RTA's - some of them with tragic consequences. After this session and the short time required to cascade it down the organisation, I am not prepared to accept any more the explanation that PDO's Road Transport Safety and Journey Management rules have not been applied because PDO Managers, Department Heads or Contract Holders are not familiar with them." The package is targeted to supervisory staff (Managers to Supervisor). A separate presentation pack has been made targeting drivers and employees. See the HSE Online Library item P-021.

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