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Defensive Driving Circular - Private Light Driving Licenses Evidence
Defensive Driving Circular "Private Light Driving Licenses Evidence"

Download the attached document to see the Ministerial Decree relating to the law regarding expatriates driving pick-up trucks (i.e. Private Light licenses for expatriates).

This provides the evidence that the law only applies to expatriates driving pick-up trucks and hence not station wagons.

Employees with Private Light Licenses who are operating in areas where ROP officers are requesting evidence to support the PDO authorization to drive station wagons should print off the Ministerial Decree and keep it in the glove box.

PDO can confirm that the extent of the law has been confirmed with the Ministry of Manpower.

If stopped by the ROP and challenged then please show them this evidence to support the PDO authorization to drive.

The prohibition of expatriates driving pick-up trucks with a private light license remains.

Evans, Christopher MSE13, Senior Corporate Road Safety Adviser.

Category:General ItemsDocument Type:Road Safety