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Third Party Fatality RTA at Mukhaizna
A sub-contractor prime mover and trailer combination travelling at night was turning left across the Haima-Rima road to enter the Mukhaizna lay-by area. A third party pick-up, travelling in the opposite direction (Rima-Haima), crashed into the trailer. The driver of the pick-up was killed, and the passenger, severely injured. The driver of the prime mover and trailer combination was uninjured.
  • Strictly adhere to driving rules (SP-2000), including No Night Driving "policy"
  • Where night driving permission is required, carefully examine all possible risks - total driving hours, driver's medical condition/record, road condition, communication/GSM coverage, load on the truck, etc.
  • Safe Journey Managers (SJM) must clearly understand their responsibilities and strictly enforce the requirements of Safe Journey Management Plan. Only SJM who have been assessed competent are allowed to perform this role.
  • Ensure adequate medical examination for all drivers in accordance with SP 1230.
  • Ensure adequate controls are in place to manage sub-contracted activities; sub-contractor
  • Misjudgement of oncoming traffic - poor eyesight/ night vision by prime mover driver
  • Night driving without approval, and non-assessment of possible risks
  • Non-compliance with Journey Management Procedures - deficient Safe Journey Management Plan, night stop not observed, no arrangements for communication between Journey Manager and driver, etc.
  • Third party driver not following traffic rules - driving at excessive speed (160 - 170 kph)
  • Third party driver distracted by searching for dropped article on pickup floor (GSM?)
  • Ineffective management of sub-contracted activities

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Road Safety