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2018 Second Alert - SA025_LTI25
On 17th October 2018 at approximately 0915 Hrs a water tanker was proceeding to the water delivery point to deliver water. Upon arriving to location, as there was no access control, the driver drove through location and stopped at the office. The driver’s helper went to office to check where to offload the water. After the helper received instructions and was between the office and the truck, the driver began to move the truck. When the trailer wheels rolled over the cable protector pipe that has become dislodged, it struck the helper on the leg
Ensure you will assess your work environment for moving hazards. Understand that objects could move when driving over them. Be always alert, do not put yourself in “ Line Of Fire” Stop if in doubt or incase unsafe condition appears. Stay in the view of Driver (Avoid Blind-spot) Always assess your position and be away from “Line Of Fire

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety