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2023 2nd Alert Hipo#04 The shade frame of Accumulator unit got unbolted and dropped to the side of the road.
On 21st Jan 2023, Third party truck was transporting WC accumulator unit (Koomy) from SARA facility after recertification to Rig-38 to replace the existing accumulator unit on site. On the way near Rima area, the shade frame of Accumulator unit got unbolted and dropped to the side of the road, driver stopped the truck and reported the same to his management. No Injury.
Always ensure load is secured properly prior starting the journey by nut or web sling. Always ensure non-OEM equipment are designed to withstand the operational loads. Always ensure proper securing mechanism is used to secure the loads. Always ensure frequent check of the load during long journeys. Always ensure transfer materials secure as per SP 2001 Always ensure structural fabrications are adequately engineered to withstand applicable forces.
- The shade frame was fixed to the accumulator unit skid with 8 bolts, it was evident that the holes of the skid to put the bolts were gas cut and not in measure. Shade was not secured as per SP 2001 during transportation. Bolts of the shade attached to accumulator skid was not designed to withstand the wind. Accumulator skid was rebuilt by the OEM however the shade was not subjected to any periodical maintenance. Driver has experience however he did not ensure that the load is adequately secured for transportation. Type of bolts is MM Stainless steel Thread type, Size:1.5 mm, Length: 50 mm, Thickness: 10 mm.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety