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2020 2nd alert HVL 10 (MVI) Near miss vehicle stucked in sand
On 10th Jun 2020, three third party vehicles departed in convoy from rig-31 Raba to rig-43 in Wadi Musallam. Before reaching the rig site, one of the vacuum tanker driver took shortcut and stuck in sand at 11:35.
Always follow the agreed route in the JMP and don’t take any shortcuts Always respect the convoy procedures and keep appropriate distance to stay together Don’t hesitate to intervene if you saw a colleague driver taking shortcut from convoy, remember your intervention is for their safety Safe Journey Managers ensure engagement with the driver prior trip and agreement on the route of the trip Safe Journey Managers always ensure intervention if any deviations noted from identified route when monitoring journey live tracking Keep strong communication between drivers and journey managers Always report any unsafe condition on the roads Enhance safe journey management for all Contractors and Sub-Contractors.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety