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Revised - In-Vehicle Monitoring Systems (IVMS) Approval Process

Please be advised that from the 10th June 2012, PDO will withdraw its approval process for IVMS suppliers and the current PDO approved supplier listing on the web will be removed.

The current approval system is untenable due to the increasing number of new suppliers entering the Omani IVMS market and seeking PDO approval. PDO is not resourced to manage this ever increasing approval and ongoing assurance program and we further identified that the majority of PDO contractors conduct their own due diligence trials and assessments.

It is the responsibility of each PDO contractor to assure their chosen IVMS system complies with SP2000 requirements. PDO will replace the existing approval listing on the web with a simple minimum requirements checklist to aid contractors to assess potential IVMS products.

The Road Safety Standards Team (RSST) will be conducting audits of PDO contractors IVMS management systems and their IVMS products for SP2000 compliance on an ongoing basis and results of non compliant IVMS products will be placed on the web for information.

Category:General ItemsDocument Type:Road Safety
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