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Near Miss Side boom lifted of the ground during lowering operation
While lowering 48¿ gas export line, one side boom, lifted off the ground due to excessive load. The side boom operator realised that he was in danger of toppling; he panicked and he immediately released the pipe into the trench. This action caused the load to shift to the second side boom, which caused one side to lift off the ground as well. The second side boom operator did not panic and he slowly released the pipe into the trench.
  • Review of design for selection of Type and number of side Booms.
  • Lowering procedure to incorporate all site conditions for lowering.
  • Review of operators' qualifications & experience.
  • Update HEMP and conduct workshop for the lowering crew.
  • Prepare organogram with defined roles and responsibilities for Lowering of 48" pipeline.
  • Inadequate design considerations for selection of Type & number of side booms.
  • Inadequate procedure for lowering of 48" Pipeline.
  • Operator familiarization of Side Booms & 48" lowering skills not considered necessary.
  • HEMP not reviewed while planning the lowering operation.

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety