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Revised Lifting Standards PR-1708, PR-1709, SP-1251 and removal of CP-189

PDOs present Lifting Standards are in use from July 2008. Over time we have received a number of suggestions from our users. So it was decided to review the Lifting Standards to take into account their comments and our own experiences. An external audit was carried out by a lifting specialist from the USA. Although satisfactory, it gave also rise to some very useful remarks.

Changes are amongst others:

  • Incorporation of CP-189 as part 1 Framework in PR-1708.
  • Added requirements for man baskets and mobile elevating working platforms.
  • Brought in line with the latest international Standards.
  • Change in load test frequency for lifted equipment (containers, skids) from 2 yearly to 4 yearly.
  • Grease sampling of swing bearings of mobile cranes have been deleted.
  • Clarification of roles and responsibilities in maintenance / inspection process

This resulted in the following updated documents:

  • Procedure Lifting and Hoisting PR-1708 rev.1 Part 1 Framework, Part 2 Inspection, Testing and Certification
  • Procedure Lifting and Hoisting PR-1709 rev.1 Lift Planning/- Execution
  • Specification SP-1251 rev.4 Training Requirements for Lifting Operations Personnel

We kindly request you to pass this information on to your staff and your contractors.

The revised documents will take effect 1 January 2012 and are applicable to PDO and its contractors. A longer transition period is not foreseen as the changes are not major.

We do hope that the above contributes to a safer work environment.

Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the lifting engineers¿ team.

Hugo M.B. den Boogert, UEQ/3, ph 24676517
Khalifa Al Jamoudi, UEQ/3, ph 24672458

Category:General ItemsDocument Type:Safety
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