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Well pulling Hoist Vehicle Failure
Thursday 4th February 1993 a road traffic accident occurred involving a third party vehicle and a helper on a well pull hoist vehicle (WPH) resulting in fatal injuries to the WPH helper. The accident happened on the blacktop section of road between Marmul and Nimr at 2215 hrs. The WPH vehicle was part of a four vehicle authorised night convoy move to a location at Karim West. At 19 Km from Nimr a failure of the air system activated the fail safe brakes and rendered the vehicle immobile. The rest of the convoy pulled off the road vehicles were parked and some personnel went to the assistance of the WPH vehicle driver. Whilst three drivers and one helper were gathered around the WPH vehicle a third party vehicle approached them from the direction of Nimr; the driver of the vehicle failed to see the people on the road and consequently struck the WPH helper narrowly avoiding the three drivers who took evasive action.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Road Safety