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2021 2nd Alert HiPo54 Driver overtake in the wrong side and led to hit another vehicle and rusulted to a rollover
On 19-09-2021 Field specialist was driving Pickup heading to Nimr camp. At approximately 15:49 hrs., there was a trailer moving in front of Pick up. Both Vehicles were headed same direction. Pickup driver was behind attempted to overtake the trailer whilst the trailer was taking a turn on the left side. The pickup driver tried to avoid trailer but eventually that leaded to a collision between both, the pickup flipped on its left side resulted total damage . There was slight damage to the trailer. Pickup Driver and Passenger reported immediately to the Clinic for medical check and released with no injuries sustained. Findings Overtaking in the wrong position Failure to follow (SP 2000) & defensive driving procedures (by overtaking near a T-junction) Wrong decision taken by Pickup driver to overtake as he assumed that the trailer was trying to give a way for overtaking by slowing down the speed without making signal to indicate turn left.
Always ensure it is allowed to overtake before taking the decision. Always follow Sp2000 procedure and apply defensive driving skills. Always stop the driver if you observe any poor driving behavior.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety