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2018 Second Alert - SA017_LTI17
On the 8th of July at 07:05 the diver was instructed to proceed to conduct the morning inspection for all the offshore assets. Whilst inspecting the offshore loading buoy # 3 the diver attempted to lock the turntable as this would be needed for other work later the same day. He tried to lock the loading buoy with the locking pin, which is lowered by a small lever hoist into a securing pot. The locking pin did not drop home. The diver then, with the right hand on the locking pin pad eye and hook, and with the left hand on the pin body, attempted to rotate the locking pin. As the locking pin dropped home the tip of the diver's right hand, middle finger was caught in the pinch point between the lever hoist hook and the pad eye.
Always ensure you keep your hands and fingers away from pinch points. Always ensure you identify all hazards before starting a task. Always ensure you have considered the use of a tool instead of using your hands. Always ensure you understand the instruction given before starting any job

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety