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GSM causes multiple fatality in RTA
A graphic and sad reminder that driving while on a GSM or cell phone can be very dangerous.

A traffic control camera of Rio de Janeiro City - Brazil, captured images of an accident with three fatalities: the driver, his wife and their daughter. A small vehicle with mechanical problems was being removed by a tow truck when another car hit the back of the truck, killing all passengers immediately. The investigators concluded that the driver of the car was using a cellular phone at the moment of the accident. Driver's historical file registered a recent fine for the use of a cellular phone while driving.

There are several safety mistakes associated with this accident, including the deficient precautions to control the traffic during the tow operation. However, the root cause was the absolute distraction of the driver. You can see that the driver initiated the breaking only a few meters of the truck, when the situation was out of control.

Category:VideosDocument Type:Road Safety