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2019 Second Alert HiPo#14 MVI RO
On 25th March 2019 at around 8:20am while the crew was travelling in a Land Cruiser from Camp to Site on the graded road they saw a truck travelling in the front. When they reached close to the truck, they noticed that the truck is reducing its speed. The Operator (driver) of Land Cruiser decided to overtake the truck assuming that the truck was going to stop. While overtaking suddenly the truck head moved to the left as the driver of the truck intended to turn left at the junction. To avoid colliding with the truck head the driver of land cruiser took a sharp turn to the left. When he turned left he saw the pipelines so he took another sharp turn to the right, he was able to avoid colliding with the truck head and pipelines the land cruiser lost control and rollover (360 degree).
Do not overtake in sharp bends or any road junctions. Maintain appropriate speed while overtaking. Be aware of road hazards including reaction of other road users. Use your empowerment to stop any unsafe driving behavior. Apply 4 second techniques to maintain safe distance. Stay away from dust cloud Do not overtake if unsafe.

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety