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High Voltage Electrical Safety "Permits are more than just paper"
Video talks about HV switchboards and lines as well as the safety precautions required of such systems and the extreme hazards involved. Covers the following:
  1. Describes what a switchboard is and how is it constructed describing bus bars and bus switches. As well as the feed incomers.
  2. Discusses methods of isolation for maintenance.
  3. Provides a re-enactment of an incident where there was a fatality showing all mistakes and errors that could have prevented the incident.
  4. Objective is to bring attention of all staff who work on the electrical equipment the importance of working to procedure and paying attention to the details of safety.
  5. Discusses errors of judgement and understanding and failure to follow procedures.
  6. Highlights that safe working limits must be explained and understood.
  7. Highlights the importance for understanding the configuration of the installation.
  8. Highlights the importance of a clear hand-over.
  9. Highlights importance of studying the permit and understanding it.
  10. Highlights importance of verification of all isolations and earthing.
  11. Stresses that everyone concerned has a duty to understand.
  12. Points out that work may not begin without a valid permit.
  13. Stresses that the procedure for safety notices screens and keys must be followed.
  14. Points out that conductors must be correctly proved dead.
  15. Stresses that work-site supervisor must be onsite at all times.
  16. Stresses that on HV equipment accompaniment is obligatory.

Category:VideosDocument Type:Safety