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2018 Second Alert - SA020_HiPo20
Forman Roustabout (Driver) and Roustabout (Passenger) were traveling back from camp to Rig site using Toyota Pickup. Approximately 2.5 km from Rig site, driver approached a S- curve and lost vehicle control which resulted the vehicle to skid out side the road and hit a sand ramp which was in road shoulder and resulted the vehicle to rollover half a turn and rested on its roof. Driver escaped the vehicle without injury and the Passenger escaped with bruise on his left hand.
Always ensure to comply with Night Driving Limit of 50 Km/h. Always ensure vehicles IVMS devices are working. Always ensure to monitor the vehicle movements between Rig and Camp at Night Always ensure to comply with emergency response procedure Always ensure to use approved roads Always ensure to drive defensively

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety