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2018 Second Alert - SA035_HiPo35
During RIH 9 5/8” casing, Roustabout-2 wrapped the webbing sling on the casing joint from V door side to the casing which was rested on the two pipe racks. The Crane Operator moved the crane boom in order to give adequate slackness to the sling, for proper wrapping of the casing in the catwalk side. This move caused the casing to slide towards to the end of the catwalk. Roustabout-1 was standing next to the landed point between catwalk & pipe rack.
Always ensure the crane operator is establishing signal communication with only one dedicated banksman for the lifting activities Always intervene, if you observe any unsafe practice involved in the task. Always ensure the boom is centered and the hook is lowered as low as possible before installing the sling. Always implement and follow No go zone management protocol while working with crane near catwalk.

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety