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Seismic Cables

PDO operate seismic crews throughout the concession area.

To acquire seismic data requires a large number of small seismic signal receivers called geophones to be positioned on the ground. These geophones are connected via small cables to a cable which continues for several kilometres. At any one time in a survey area, there will be a number of these cables on the ground all connected to a recording truck.

Where the cables cross the roads, mats are placed to protect the cable from vehicles passing over them, and signs are posted.

If you see these signs on the roads in the interior, please

  • Slow down
  • Drive only on the mats not the cable
  • Be more observant as there may be other equipment or labour nearby.

While these help prevent damage, a speeding vehicle can sometimes pick up the cable causing damage to equipment and possible the vehicle.

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety