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2023 LTI#01 Field Operator suffered burn injury..
While field operator was inside the boundary of Sulphur blocking area to remove the build-up Sulphur using his right foot, he stepped on a thin crust of solid Sulphur which was not completely solidified underneath and his foots exposed to hot liquid Sulphur resulted in burn injuries on both ankles. He was initially treated at PDO Yibal clinic before being referred to Nizwa Hospital where revealed 2nd degree burn in the ankle.
How do you ensure the work is effectively supervised ? How do you ensure correct PPE is worn? What process do you have in place to ensure the operators are aware of hazard associated with the task ? How do you effectively manage risk associated with Sulphur block access? Adhere to Safe Operating Procedure (SOP)
Sulphur was hot and not completely solidified. Field Operator was trying to drag the solid portion of Sulphur using his right foot. Field Operator was using the normal PPE which are not suitable for the liquid /molten Sulphur. Lack of supervision and intervention. Non availability of Safety Signages/Cautions for hazards (Hot Sulphur Hazards/Mandatory PPE

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety