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Time to STOP for Safety - Again: 2 Fatalities & 6 LTI
Between 10/Oct and 9/Nov/2001, in just 30 days PDO, Contractors and our families suffered 2 Fatalities and 6 Lost Time Injuries (LTI"s) one of which could be a Permanent Total Disability.
These incidents are not acceptable. We have to STOP this trend. We owe it to our families and to our self. We will therefore have a "work stoppage" on Monday 19th November. We will stand still and think about how we must all do our work safely, without further injuries to our selves, our colleagues or others. Yes, there is a lot of pressure on all of us to produce more oil faster and cheaper. These pressures will not go away! However this does NOT allow any of us to take shortcuts on safety. Safety is and will always be our number 1 priority. It is to us all to understand and implement this priority.
A "briefing pack" has been prepared which consist of 19 VU-Graph slides. Most of the sides are pictures of the incidents. Questions are asked in each case. The idea is that someone leads the discussion around these questions. The answers and often simple solutions will come from the team. There are no wrong answers! Decide amongst your team what you will do differently to make your work safer. The briefing pack is in English only. The pictures speak for themselves. The questions can be easily translated by the supervisor. The answers will be in their own language. Note: slides 4 & 6 have "notes" attached to them which the presenter can use for guidance. In "POWERPOINT" click "View" and then "Notes Page" to see the notes.

Category:LTI PacksDocument Type:Safety