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New Initiative - Driving Forum for MAF employees

In 2009 PDO has been providing its employees and contractors with safe driving forums in its interior operations. This initiative has now been extended to PDO and contractor staff working in the MAF complex.

The first driving forum for MAF employees will be held in meeting room T001 on the 18th August starting at 1030am. All employees and contractors working in MAF are welcomed to attend, it will conclude at midday with a light buffet being provided.

The forum will be opened by Eamon Gorman, Well Engineering Director and will focus on the issue of wearing seatbelts, something which we can often forget to do.

The forum will also include an open debate so staff can air their voices and express their concerns or ideas on road safety and will finish with a demonstration of an innovative new device to help people change wheels if they suffer a flat tyre.

The operations look to the workforce based in MAF to set the example to the rest of the business and road safety is something which we can strongly influence by setting the standards which we expect our colleagues to adhere to.

All staff attending will receive a PDO T shirt relating to road safety and seatbelts.

Take the time, come along and participate in safety.

Please contact Chris Evans for any further information.

Category:General ItemsDocument Type:Road Safety
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