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2019 Second Alert HiPo#57 MVI RO
On the 26th September a subcontractor driver was travelling alone by a company pick up - from Ibri to Lekhwair,  while he continued to drive at around 14:02pm the driver did not concentrate on the road which made the vehicle to move to the side of the road. As the driver noticed the vehicle veering to the side of the road the driver panicked and over steered to the right causing the driver to lose control of the vehicle that caused the vehicle to roll on its left side. No injuries to the driver and minor damage to the vehicle
Always comply with journey plan and driving rules. Always use approved route only. Always conduct Pre-use inspection Prior to use any vehicle. Always use your personal IVMS key only. Always call emergency in case of incident without fail. Always follow the speed limit at all times Keep eyes on the road at all times

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety