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Updated PDO HSE document PR1418 & GU612

HSE and AI-PS Incident Investigations - HSE Investigations made simple

We are pleased to announce that the PDO HSE procedure PR1418, "Incident Notification and Investigation" has been re-launched and is now available on the PDO web. It is now much simpler and in a step by step manner logically takes you through the entire process of managing an incident investigation from the initial notification to PDO management right through to the final presentation to the MDIRC.

Importantly, it is accompanied by a new revamped guidance document GU612, the Incident Notification and Investigation Guideline and the two documents are designed to complement each other in supporting any incident investigation.

The PR1418 tells the reader what needs to take place and in each chapter it references the relevant part of GU612 providing guidance on how to do it and the material or format to use.

It is packed full of guides, forms, examples, definitions, clarifications and templates for the investigator to use and should remove the confusion which has dogged investigations in the past.

A new dedicated "HSE Incident Investigation" website will also soon be launched which will provide quick access guides for anyone investigating HSE incidents.

Please take a look at the new documents and relay any queries to MSE54, Chris Evans who will be happy to clarify on a one to one basis.

The Guideline can be accessed from the CMF Business Control Portal

Chris Evans
Lead HSE Incident Investigator

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