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2020 2nd alert HiPo#57 (Released Energy) Travelling Block hit the HWDP top causing the monkey board to hit Derrickman
At approximately 18:33 hrs on 16th of Aug 2020, while pulling out of hole 4 “ heavy weight drill pipe, travelling block touched on the drill pipe stand when the Driller lowered the traveling block before the Derrick man move the drill pipe stand from the travel path of the travelling block. Drill pipe stand bounced towards the monkey board and Derrick man injured when he tripped whilst moving away.
Always ensure adequate communication is maintained between Drilling crew whilst RIH/POOH activities. Always give signal to Driller to stop the movement of the travelling block if any potential issues are suspected. Always move the stands out of the vicinity of the traveling block after unlatching from elevator.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety