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2021 2nd Alert LTI37 Helper moving into barricaded area to relocate the drain hose, his leg got tripped and lost balance resulting in injury
On 16th Dec 2021 at around 13:35 Hrs in the RMS-06 location, the crew was engaged for draining the water from the drain pit. A helper (IP) of the crew was moving into the barricaded area to support his team member to relocate the flexible drain hose (3” dia), during the movement the helper leg tripped on a hard barrier support pipe which resulted in loss of balance, and he fell on the ground planting his left hand to the ground and onto the wooden runner. This fall caused severe pain and swelling on the wrist of the left arm. Further medical examination revealed colle's fracture of the left radius. Why it happened/Finding : As the helper was standing close to the barricade, the helper did not notice the barricade's support pipe, so while moving forward he tripped on the barricade's pipe and fell on the ground. Not focused on the surrounding obstruction
Watch your steps while moving inside the workplace. Projected obstructions are to be highlighted appropriately for better visibility. Don’t allow people to stand very close to the barricading. Ensure that the barricades are not posing a trip hazard.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety