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2022 Awareness Alert LTI 17 MVI Fatality
On 15th May 2022 @ 09:22 hrs while WPH70 moved from Al-Ghubar to Raba area in Qarn Alam field, on graded road, a coaster bus with 1 driver and 5 passengers collided with a stationary water tanker which was parked on the right side of the road. This resulted in the driver’s fatality. Three passengers were injured, two passengers unharmed. All passengers were sent to the PDO Qarn Alam clinic for medical consultation.
Always ensure the authorized drivers are following Defensive Driving techniques: Drive Defensively and always prepare to anticipate mistakes. Always be vigilant & aware of potential road hazards; Do not be distracted and keep eyes on the road. Always ensure that you park your vehicles (in case of emergency) completely outside of the road Always ensure all drivers use the safety triangle and flashing the hazard lights during emergency stoppage

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety