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2019 Second Alert LTI#16 Floorman suffer finger injury while working on IBOP
On 14th Oct, 2019 at 19:52 hrs, while floor man was rotating the IBOP (Internal Blow out Preventer) actuator by holding the cover from side opening to install the anti-rotating kit, driller operated the IBOP which caused floor-man left hand’s fingers to be caught in between the cover & actuator resulting crush injuries on his fingers. Medic administered first aid and patient transferred to Muscat Private Hospital for further management.
Always plan the job adequately and ensure good communication among the workers. Always stay away from line of fire and highlight the pinch point hazards prior to perform any task. Always make sure no one is in red zone before operating the equipment. Always ensure proper isolation (lock out/Tag out) is in place for energized system. Always ensure complete task discussed and understood by the workers Always ensure task completed before de-isolation

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety