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2020 2nd Alert HiPo#61 (S,T&F) Rostabout fell from height while hammering to remove the shade in shale shaker
On 27th August, 2020 @ 07:35 hours, Roustabout to gain height for hammering a above head height job, positioned his right leg on the top trail (Handrail @1m height from mud tank floor) and left leg placed on the still suspended pipe just above the access way of the shale shaker area. The Roustabout was hammering only on the direction of purlins (horizontal to access way) on to the small pipe diameter. On the 4th attempt, the Roustabout lost balance and fell on the right side over the handrail (@ 3.5 m) to the ground, sustaining minor pain in the Hip. First aid administered at the location and transferred to PAC clinic, and further referred for X-ray, the report was clear and RA resumed duty.
Always do not climb out of protected work platform. Always use stable platform /ladder to gain height. Always secure with safety harness while working at unprotected height. All crew members need to comply with “Empowerment to Stop” program.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety