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Telephone Charger Explodes
While plugging in a Sony Ericsson mobile phone charger to a wall socket it exploded. The explosion did not cause injury to the person holding the charger (apart from soot on his fingers) however it had sufficient force to strip out wires and part the casing.
  1. Short Term: Several offices in MAF have been affected by the recent rain. Check your office for moisture ingress, could your charger have been affected? If so get it checked by telecoms department
  2. Long term: the telecoms department are looking at withdrawing all Non original chargers
  3. Be aware when you buy non original parts that they may put you in danger. Always look for quality constructed equipment Certified to an international standard
The charger involved was for a T68i and came from the original box. However there are no markings on the charger to indicate that it was an original part. It was probably a 3 pin replacement as the original phone came with a 2 pin charger, not approved by PDO After the event BEC (HXM) office electrical maintenance were called, they looked at the wall socket and remains of the charger they concluded that moisture inside the charger could have caused a short circuit, although no evidence of water was seen on the remains of the charger. Poor construction is another possible cause

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety