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Cooking in the room: FIRE - 2 dead (Shell-OU)
Early in the morning of 27th Oct 2002, a Contractor staff and a friend lost their lives when a fire burned down the room in which they were sleeping. The fire was extinguished when some people detected smoke coming from that area. Two dead bodies were found in the burned-out room.
  1. 1. Cooking inside the living room is dangerous: don¿t do it!
  2. Electric ring boilers are prohibited. Use an electric kettle with automatic thermostat to boil water. They are safe.
  3. Ensure smoke detectors are installed in all accommodation rooms in the interior. Smoke detectors must be tested every month.
  • The victims were the only person left in the accommodation building.
  • They had been cooking in the room using an electric ring boiler.
  • The building has smoke detectors with a local alarm in each room.
  • One mattress in the room was completely burnt while other items in the room were burnt in varying degrees. The mattresses developed a lot of smoke.
  • There was evidence of alcohol consumption (probably, reason why victims did not notice fire in time, nor heard the fire alarm).
  • ¿Emergency response procedure¿ was in place, but not fully followed.

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Road Safety