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2022 2nd Alert Hipo#25 Tanker carrying OBM rolled over.
On 18th Mar 2022 @ 14:31 hours, the driver left from Lekhwair from rig heading to Fahud, before reaching Fahud by around 50 Km the 8th gears shifted to neutral the driver trying to get back to its positions but not able to interlock, he used both hands to do it again the vehicle start to turn away from the track and the driver could not return it back then the truck turn over on the left of the road..
Ensure all drivers apply STOP Work Authority in case defective equipment are encountered Maintenance workshop to ensure that all trucks in the road are fully maintained as per OEM Ensure all drivers to comply with safe driving practice/technique Never drive any defective truck/vehicle and never hesitate to stop driving it.
Diver failed to stop driving the defective truck Gear box failure has been reported during the first quarter over 10 times hence maintenance report was lacking the detailed work order of the gear box Halliburton subcontractor driver with more than 7 years of experiences (3 years with Oxy as water tanker – 2 years PDO was water tanker – 2 years non-oil field areas). No violations recorded within rag reports. Failure to properly maintain the truck in good conditions Third party company failed to ensure defective truck is being put in the road.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety