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2018 Second Alert - SA023_LTI23
Cellar crew while aligning the mousehole pipe manually in the pit, one of the crew member was standing on an unstable platform (ladder used as working platform) holding the pipe which was placed on wet PCC. While aligning the pipe, it tilted and fell down near the mason who was wedging the pipe. The left leg of mason got entrapped between the pipe and cellar wall resulting in fracture to his tibia bone.
Make sure that the crew is well aware about the procedure and a well defined procedure is in place. Use the right tools and equipment for the job. Lifting belt should not be removed from the pipe until proper support provided for the pipe. Always stand away from line of fire. Provide proper working platform for the activity. Carryout a DRR when there is a change in planned activity and address the additional hazards prior to start the work. • Conduct a TBT for workers to communicate the change in work plan and ensure controls are in place.

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety