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2023 2nd Alert Hipo#14 Crane fell over during the process of transferring a submersible pump from cutting pit to water pit.
At 3:10am, the mobile crane was in the process of transferring a submersible pump from cutting pit to water pit. The pump was lifted from the water pit, transferred to the cutting pit and began to hoist down. Once the pump touched the bottom, the crane fell over and the boom landed in the pit. The crane outriggers were not extended during this job .
Always ensure to follow the 7 steps Musta”ed technique prior starting any task. 10 question for safe lifting operation should be in place before any lifting task. Always ensure effective TBT is conducted prior to the activity, and make sure all controls in place. Always ensure PTW is issued for the lifting operation to verify the controls are in place. Ensure that approve lifting plan to be used only. Always ensure outriggers are fully extended and engaged prior to lifting.
Team did not use JSA ,TRIC and routine lifting plan prior to task. The 10 questions for safe lifting operation & 7 steps technique from the team was not applied. There was no TBT conducted prior the lift is being conducted No PTW Was issued for the job There was no lifting supervisor along with the lift. Crane operator did not extend the crane outriggers. The crane was spot on narrow place and close to the pits.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety