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Fractured Finger - LTI # 13
Incident: Two operators were sitting on top of a blow out preventer (BOP) at a height of 2.4 m. They had finished unscrewing the lubricator from the top of BOP and remained there after authorising instructing the field assistant to lift the lubricator. As it was raised it swung and struck one of the operators on his hand fracturing his finger.
Key Learning:Remember to obey lifting rules and stay away from loads being lifted
Learnings: Never remain in the danger area during any lifting operation; Never work at height unless you have a safety harness or are working from a platform. If no procedure is available to advise how to complete the task, always use a TRIC card and list the steps to complete the job; For each step identify the hazards, put sufficient controls in place and identify who is responsible.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety