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2023 2nd Alert Hipo#12 Acoustic panel dropped from 12.5m to the ground in MAF.
An enhancement was undertaken in the BMF atrium and part of this work was to install acoustic ceiling panels. On the 05.03.23 one of the acoustic panels, weighing approximately 4.5 Kg fell from its installed position (approximately 12. 5 meters height) to the ground at BMF Atrium. No people were injured. The fixing wire end cap / stopper failed at the point of connection to the ceiling fixing point due to poor quality of materials, causing the panel to fall to the ground.
Only use the OEM supplied parts. QA/QC checks to ensure correct materials are delivered and used. QA/QC resource to be re-evaluated Do not improvise to get the work completed. Designer to be appointed to coordinate the design. Quality - Do it right the first time.
OEM supplied wire hangers were not used. Inappropriate QA/ QC checks carried out.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety