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IVMS : Last chance to get your IVMS key

Last call to register yourself as needing an IVMS key to enable you to drive a PDO vehicle after November

After November 2010 nobody will be able to drive a PDO vehicle unless they have their own PDO IVMS key as none of the PDO vehicle engines will start without it. The only exception is the occasional users (once per quarter) of PDO coastal pool cars who will be provided with an IVMS key for the specific use of that vehicle when they are handed the normal ignition keys by the pool car management.

The MSE team previously sent out requests for driver details which failed to gain any great response so the MDC directors in October cascaded a spreadsheet through the directorate management chains for each manager to ensure completion by all staff with a PDO driving permit. These returns will form the PDO driver database. If your name is not on the database you will not be eligible for an IVMS key.

It is therefore extremely important to note. If you have a current PDO defensive driving permit and you have not been asked to fill out the IVMS key spreadsheet then you need to urgently talk to your boss and get your name registered to provide the necessary details.

If you need any further information then please do not hesitate to contact Chris Evans MSE13 or Narjis Mohammed UWLC32. Deadline for your returns to be received by Chris Evans MSE13 is 27th October 2010.

As the information has been cascaded, ignorance of this requirement will not be a valid excuse.

Category:General ItemsDocument Type:Road Safety
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