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Copies of Crosby Shackles

It has come to light while inpecting shackles in West Africa that several copies of Crosby Shackles have been introduced to the marketplace. These shackles are NOT up to the quality standards of RRC-271D and it is recommended they be immediately removed from service.

The points to look for in deciding whether you have a Crosby Shackle or a copy are:

  • On the face, (a) the Crosby Name should be embossed as per the Crosby Logo, (b) The CE mark should appear along with (c) markings of the 45 degree angles.
  • On the rear of the shackle should appear 2 different groupings of IDs (3 for Belgium manufacture) providing full traceability of the shackle.
  • The pin should also be stamped (d) on the head with a traceable ID number.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:General