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Dangers of Vehicle Remote Key Immobilisers
There have been recent cases in Oman when children have lost their lives when they were accidentallylocked in cars. In several cases, the driver used the remote (wireless) key to lock the vehicle and walked away without checking the contents of the car. Tragically,the occupants were trapped inside ¿with certain systems the door locks and windows are immobilized and cannot be opened from the inside. HEAT quickly built up inside the car .. causing the trapped occupant (s) to suffocate to death.
  • Make sure that your vehicle is empty of occupants before locking it up
  • Never leave children alone or unsupervised -not even for a minute inside your vehicle
  • Never leave your car keys where children can find them
  • Always keep your vehicle locked so children cannot get in
  • Teach children about the dangers of a vehicle ¿a car is NOT a toy!
  • If in doubt about your car¿s remote key, contact your vehicle dealer to discuss

Category:General ItemsDocument Type:Road Safety