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2021 2nd Alert HiPo32A Hoist passed under OHL powerline with out kicker Board and rout survey available
Date 07-06-2021 @ 13:44hours, Rig move was carried out from MM-674 to the next location in the day light condition (13:44 Hrs). Rig carrier and hoist trailers crossed underneath 33 KV Overhead powerline to its close proximity of 0.5 Mtr. clearance. No electrocution or asset damage occurred during this activity
Always ensure to perform adequate hoist move route survey and capture all necessary elements. Discuss with crew during TBT Always ensure to execute the work as per SOP. Always maintain the minimum safety clearance of OHL corresponding to its KV (132/66/33) Always obtain clearance certificate from concern dept. when max load height exceeds 5M or OHL height is unknown Always ensure to strip down the extended loads prior rig move.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety