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Cholesterol in PDO
  • Cholesterol is a type of FAT (LIPID), found in the blood and body cells. It is carried in the blood attached to a protein in the form of : LDL , HDL & Triglycerides.
  • It is Essential for many VITAL body functions:
    • Formation & Maintenance of cell membranes.
    • Formation of several Hormones.
    • Production of bile salts which help digest food.
    • Conversion into Vitamin D in the skin when exposed to sunlight.
    • 85% of cholesterol is ENDOGENOUS (Liver), 15% from DIET (Dietary Cholesterol).
  • It is ONE of the MAJOR RISK FACTORS for Heart Disease.
  • High Cholesterol & other fats in the blood can lead to heart disease & Stroke.
  • It causes a condition Called ¿Atherosclerosis¿ i.e. Narrowing & Hardening of the arteries that supply the: ¿ Heart , Brain, & Other organs.

Category:PresentationsDocument Type:Health