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2023 First Alert LTI#11 Crushed Finger
What happened: During installation of a torque valve and while the Roustabout was attempting to maintain the position of the low torque valve, at approximately 30cm from the ground, it suddenly disconnected and dropped trapping the Roustabout’s right-hand finger between the torque valve and the ground and resulting in crush injury to his right-hand ring finger. Initial Findings: -Failure to identify the hazard related to disconnection of the low torque valve from its position. -Failure to remove hands from line of fire. -Failure to ensure all tools required are available prior starting the task.
-Do you ensure proper planning before starting the task? -Do you ensure to follow the correct manual handling practices during the task? -Do you ensure to conduct a dynamic risk assessment of potential hazards when conditions change? -How do you ensure active intervention during unsafe acts?

Category:Incident First AlertDocument Type:Safety