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Derrick Safety
This video is a re-enactment of unsafe acts or conditions whilst working in the Derrick. The re-enactment of the incidents will show you some of the more common unsafe act and conditions which with just a little observation and corrective action will stop a possible severe or even fatal injury.
Incident re-enacted were:
  1. PTW / Derrick Climbing With Safety
  2. Tools Equipment Falling From Derrick
  3. Monkey Board Safety / Extensions
  4. DP Racking Fingers / DC Pull Back Lines
  5. Rope / Belts On The Monkey Board
  6. Lights / Safety Hobbles / High Pressure Hose ¿ Falling From Derrick
  7. Casing Stabbing Board
  8. Working From Work Basket

Category:VideosDocument Type:Safety
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