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2 7/8" PACDS Drill pipe Near Miss
While POOH with the 2 7/8¿ PACDS Drill pipe fishing string, the slips where set and a drill pipe single was broken out and layed down without incident. The roughnecks latched the 2 7/8¿ MYT insert elevators around the joint suspended in the rotary table. The driller picked up and the elevator setting plate failed to interact with the nominal 3 1/8¿ upset on the tool joint
Hold pre job Toolbox Talk to ensure all crewmembers understand that running flush or near flush tubulars requires special attention and they should consider and treat this operation as abnormal. During prolonged runs especially in open hole crews should be requested to continually monitor the general condition of the tool joints, reporting any anomalies. Encourage rig crews to STOP the operation if there is any doubt regarding the equipment.
Eccentric wear and reduction in O.D. of tool joints. Rapid reduction in drillpipe tool joint O.D. caused by tong die slippage during make up and break out operations. Tapered wearing of tool joints (NO box tool joint hard banding on PACDS work string) The MYT setting plate and drill pipe tool joints have minimal allowable wear before they will fail to interact with each other. Worn MYT setting plate as a result of incorrect fit with worn drill pipe tool joints.

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety