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Pinch Points

An LTI has occurred recentlywhen a seismic drill crew were preparing a rig to drill shallow wells as part of a seismic low velocity layer survey.

The driller noticed that the kelly was not fully seated in its cup as it should be. He switched off the rig, put the brake on and checked for any tangled cables at the top of the derrick. This was clear so, after moving his helpers to a safe distance as per procedures, he went underneath the rig to check the cables and sprockets.

Before you operate or do maintenance on machinery, ask yourself what could go wrong.

As he pulled lightly on the pull down chain, it suddenly came loose and slid backwards trapping and fracturing three of his fingers between the chain and a sprocket. The chain had to be cut to free him.The employee was fortunate not to loose his fingers. Pinch points where bits of machinery rub against each other are common points where this type of injury can occur.

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety