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Training and Certification for Lifting and Hoisting operations personnel

The purpose of this note is to notify all concerned contractors and personnel who are engaged on lifting operations that the enforcement of the new training, assessment and certification of personnel who operates lifting and Hoisting equipment (in accordance with SP-1251/1157) will begin on 1st of April 2013. In view of this and in order to allow the necessary preparations, the following phased approach is agreed:

  • Lifting & Hoisting Permits that expire between 1/10/2012 and 31/3/2013 will be regarded by PDO as remaining valid-no need for separate step-outs approvals.
  • Any new plant operator that trains before 31/03/2013 on the limited period reintroduced `old¿ style courses, will not have to retrain for the duration of his new permit.
  • Effective (01/04/2013), all plant operators must attend newly introduced course & assessments before expiry of their existing permits.

In the meantime we would like to advice all Contractors who are involved in lifting operations to familiarize with the new requirements in order to determine fitness of their existing lifting operators and start to manage necessary gaps to avoid any disappointments.

Any query call Boogert Den, Hugo UEQ31

Category:General ItemsDocument Type:Safety
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