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Learning from Shell Significant Incident
On April 4th 2005 at the Thayani production station in Syria , an operator was on his way to or from checking the clean-up pit pumps, which are adjacent to the pit. In taking a short cut he passed the pit corner and either tripped or slipped into the clean-up pit, which contained oil, and ¿drowned¿.
  • Segregate the clean-up pit from the pump (operating) area
  • Review operating philosophy of station manning (single operators).
  • Provide vacuum truck remote connection (outside fence) for load/unload facilities and remove need for operators to approach the pit.
  • Discuss the incident in your toolbox meeting
  • Taking a short-cut
  • No barriers or segregation between the pit and pump area.
  • Lack of awareness of the hazard presented by passing close to oil filled pits.

Category:Safety AlertsDocument Type:Safety