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Beware: Aerosol Cans in the Sun!
Do you keep WD-40, hair spray, Off, Fix-A-Flat, etc. in your vehicle? If so, you might want to reconsider. This picture is of a pressurized can that exploded in a vehicle and imbedded itself in the back seat of the car. The temperature outside of the closed up vehicle was about 38 Deg C. Inside in direct sunlight?: much warmer! What if you or a loved one had been sitting in that seat? Do any of your family members keep aerosol cans in their vehicles? Make sure they are aware of the hazard and stop them doing it!
The incident pictured on the right happened at a refinery. A deodorant spray can was left in the back of the vehicle that was parked in an open space in the middle of a hot, sunny day. Without warning, the can exploded inside the car. Fortunately, no one was inside or near the car when it happened.

Lesson to learn:

  • Do NOT leave pressurized containers (of any kind) in your vehicle where they can be exposed to sunlight!
  • Always read and follow the manufacturer¿s safety recommendations that come with the can.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety