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2024 LTI#19 Released energy Finger injury LOF
On 25th September 2024 around 03:35pm, a senior carpenter from camp maintenance team was trying to enlarge the hole of an earth cable's lug (8 mm), as it was not matching the earth boss stud bolt (10 mm). The carpenter used a cordless hand drill machine with a 11.5 mm HSS drill bit and started the machine holding the cable by left hand and keeping the cable lug on the ground under his foot. When the drill machine started, immediately the cable slipped from under his foot and got pulled along with the rotation of drill bit. This resulted cut injuries to his index finger and middle finger as it got tangled between the cable and rotating bit. The employee was taken to PDO Harweel clinic immediately and was subsequently referred to Badr Al Samaa Hospital, Salalah for further management.
Ensure that employees are not performing the job which is not assigned to them. Ensure checking the size of the cable lug for its correct match prior to leaving the stores. Ensure that all activities are performed with proper supervision and with proper Control of Work. Enlarging the cable lug hole is prohibited as it would reduce the material integrity, potentially compromise on the strength and electrical conductivity; it was not known to the carpenter. If a lug doesn't fit properly, crew should stop the work and seek to obtain the one with correct size rather than trying to modify the existing one. All electrical work must only be carried out by competent electrician who must be available at site during the execution of the work. All grounding cables must be properly checked using industry standard connectors, terminals, distribution boxes etc. before installation.
The Carpenter took a personal decision to carry out the task, which was not assigned to him. Using the drill to expand the cable lug hole is not an authorized activity. Electrician brought incorrect cable lug not matching the size of earth boss stud bolt from the stores to worksite. Materials of different sizes are stored together without adequate segregation and labelling.

Category:Second AlertsDocument Type:Safety