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2022 Fat04 LTI32 Awareness Alert Jackhammer operator trapped under lump of soil
On September 3rd, 2022, at approximately 15:40 hrs, after lowering the flowline in the road crossing trench which was excavated Near Fahud D station black top, prior to the holiday test activity the jackhammer operator together with 3 other civil helpers went inside the trench to clean the trench from few small stones. The 3 civil helpers exit the trench, the operator continued cleaning, the trench wall collapsed trapping the operator with the collapsed lump of soil. The operator was freed by the crew members, emergency number was initiand and transferred to PDO clinic. He was later transferred to Nizwa for further treatment, but unfortunately on the way to Nizwa, the operator condition deteriorated and resulted in an unfortunate death. Why it happened/Finding : Poor emergency preparedness and implementation No shoring in place and no dynamic risk assessment done Poor planning for the task and poor Risk assessment controls implementation Lack of single focal point to manage and control interface activities. Lack of supervisor and assurance by the site management Poor PTW implementation and poor quality of TBT
Ensure emergency response is followed as per procedure Ensure to carryout dynamic risk assessments when new hazards appeared Ensure Learning from incidents are effectively implemented to avoid similar incident Ensure single focal point to manage the interface and adequate supervision Ensure not to accept jobs and task that will compromise HSE controls due to time constraints Ensure compliance with SP requirements and risk assessments

Category:LFI Awareness AlertsDocument Type:Safety